
At this time, the video continued to play.

』:"So you are an actor... No wonder your clothes are so beautiful."

After learning that Sand Gold was about to perform on stage, little Kakavasa thought of Sand Gold as an actor on stage.

Then he looked at the gorgeous clothes on Sand Gold with some envy and said.

Sand Gold:"Actually, I am a... businessman. But I do have a performance."

Sand Gold explained gently.

Little Kakavasa』:"Are you the same as the man in black in the sky? But you are not wearing black clothes."

After hearing what Sha Jin said, little Kakavasa asked with some confusion.

In the past, he had also seen a group of men in black who called themselves"merchants" like Sha Jin.

They once promised to bring precious rain to the Evikin people and protect them from the butcher knives of the Katika people.

However... the gentleman in front of him gave little Kakavasa a feeling that was completely different from them.

Sha Jin:"Only ordinary employees need to wear that kind of clothes. My position... is much higher than theirs."

Little Kakavasa』:"Ah! So amazing! I hope I can become a beautiful adult like you!"

Little Kakavasa said enviously.

Upon hearing this, Shajin smiled slightly and said gently:"You can do it!""

"You will definitely be better than me...more powerful"


【Ganyu】:"Woohoo, I can’t take it anymore… This is too cruel! I’m so broken!┭┮﹏┭┮(Broken Defense.jpg)"

【Qiliangliang】:"Help me... Why do I have to watch this... You might as well just kill me with one blow!┭┮﹏┭┮(Broken Defense.jpg)"

【Night Palace】:"Who understands, my family members...Shajin is so gentle...Why do you have to let him die!┭┮﹏┭┮"793"(Broken Defense.jpg)"

【Navia】:"Stop talking about it. The scene where Shajin says goodbye to his past self... is really unbearable... wuwuwu┭┮﹏┭┮(Broken Defense.jpg)"

【Barbara】:"Help... When Gold Dust said to Kakavasia,"You will definitely be better and more powerful than me," I burst into tears!┭┮﹏┭┮(Broken Defense.jpg)"

【Skirmishers】:"No way, no way... Is the defense broken already? (sneer.jpg)"

【Skirmishers】:"I have said long ago that this gambler will not survive. You have only realized this now? It is really ridiculous. (sneer.jpg)"

【Paimon】:"Damn it! It's you, the Fatui executives again! (Angry.jpg)"

【walnut】:"You guys are still haunting me! (Angry.jpg)"

【Wendy】:"I advise you not to be sarcastic at this time! Otherwise I will really get angry! (Warning.jpg)"

【Rosalyn】:"Oh? So what if he's sarcastic? This gold dust is a complete loser from beginning to end... Are we wrong? (sneer.jpg)"

【Rosalyn】:"He had said something nice before, saying he would overturn Pinocchio's dream, but what happened? In the end, he just found a place to bury himself... Hahahaha... Too funny. (Laugh.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"Shut up! I don't believe that Shajin will die so easily! (Angry.jpg)"

【Funina】:"That's right! Shajin...Shajin will definitely keep his word! He has never lost before! This time is no exception!"

【Dottore】:"Hahahahaha…interesting…really interesting. (laughing.jpg)"

【Dottore】:"Are you so stupid as to expect that this gambler, who only has a few systems left in his life, can overthrow Pinocchio?"

【Dottore】:"Just relying on the pile of broken foundation stones in his hand and his completely crazy brain? Hahahahaha…then just watch and see how that gambler loses miserably! (laughing.jpg)"


In the video, as the gold dust and the young Kakavasa returned to the stage, the little Kakavasa looked up at the gold dust.

』:"Behind this curtain is the big stage……"

Kakahuaxia』:"It's almost time to go on stage, are you ready? I wish you a great success in your performance!"

Hearing this,

Gold Dust smiled, looked at little Kakavasa and said gently,"Thank you."

However, although Gold Dust said this

, his slightly trembling fingers betrayed his heart.

Seeing this, little Kakavasa couldn't help but say,"Hey, you still look very nervous."

At this time, little Kakavasa suddenly walked towards Gold Dust and said,"Well... let's do a palm-to-palm fight."

Little Kakavasa』:"If you have the Mother Goddess' blessing, you can be more relaxed!"

At this point, little Kakavasa tilted his head and explained carefully:"'Palming' is a small ceremony. We put our palms together and recite the prayer to Mother Fingal, and she will bless us." Seeing that the gold in front of him seemed a little stunned, little Kakavasa smiled and said,"If you don't know how, I can teach you."

Hearing this, the gold smiled and said,"It doesn't matter, I can do it."

"Of course I will……"

At this moment, as Shajin said this, the live broadcast room suddenly dimmed.


"We have to say goodbye here, Kakavasa. The Kartikas are coming."

In the darkness, a gentle voice sounded.

The picture appeared on the screen again.

In the picture, it was still raining heavily in the sky.

And in the heavy rain, it was the scene of young Kakavasa saying goodbye to his sister.


Kakavasa:"The Kartikas took away all our money and food, and killed our parents.……"

Kakavasa:"What else do they want?"

Kakavasa asked her sister with tears in her eyes.

She seemed unable to understand why the Katika people wanted to kill all of them, the Evikin people.

Obviously... obviously they just wanted to survive.

Hearing this, Kakavasa's sister took a deep breath, and then looked in the direction of the Katika people in the distance with hatred.

Kakavasa's sister:"The Katika people are bloodthirsty, cruel and greedy."

Kakavasa's sister:"They want everything, so they get nothing."

Kakavasa's sister:"This is a trick, a revenge.……"

Kakavasa's sister:"Remember? Today is the day of [Kakavasa], and it is also your birthday."

Kakavasa's sister:"They know that the Evikin people will definitely hold a festival on this day."

Kakavasa's sister:"With this rain, they will come to destroy our caravan and take away everything they want."

At this point, Kakavasa's sister's originally gentle tone suddenly became cold:"But the Katika people don't know that we will resist this time."

Kakavasa's sister:"The black men from the sky will also stand on our side. The Katika people have no chance of winning in front of them, and they will definitely pay the price for their arrogance."

Kakavasa's sister:"If it weren't for this rain, the Katika people would not act, and we would have no chance to deal with them."

Kakavasa's sister:"This is all the gift of the Mother Goddess, and you... are [Kakavasa] (a child blessed by the Mother Goddess), your good luck will bless your sister to success."

The sister stroked Kakavasa's head and comforted the young Kakavasa.

Kakavasia:"But... but someone will die! You will also be in danger... How can this be considered good luck!? Why are you doing this?……?"

However, the young Kakavasya still couldn't understand... why, his good luck always brought death?

"The Ewekins will take revenge."

Kakavasa's sister said coldly.

Immediately, she stretched out her hand and gently stroked Kakavasa's forehead:"The Mother Goddess is calling me, my father and mother are waiting for me, I must respond."

Kakavasa's sister:"But she gave you good luck and asked you to live."

Kakavasa's sister:"As long as you are alive, the blood of the Ewekins will not dry up."

Kakavasa's sister:"So run, Kakavasa, don't be afraid, don't look back."

Kakavasa's sister:"Go to the other side of the mountain. The rain will always be with you and the rain will bless you……"

Kakavasa's sister:"And we will meet again under the next aurora of Kakavasa (the beginning of the reincarnation of the Mother Goddess)……"

After that,

Kakavasa's sister reached out her hand again.

When Kakavasa saw this, he understood what his sister wanted to do.

So he also reached out his hand and put his palm against his sister's palm.

This was the last time they touched each other's palms.

【May the Mother Goddess close her eyes for you three times……】

【Make your blood beat forever……】

【The journey is always peaceful……】

【……The trick never fails】

"Goodbye, Kakahuaxia……"


【Interstellar Peace News:】

【A spokesperson for the company's marketing department confirmed that a small-scale rebellion broke out in the Unknown Star Region, Tsaganya】

【The situation is now under effective control——】

【The rebels came from a local clan called"Kartika"】

【The clan has long been dissatisfied with the company, which has had a serious negative impact on the local work of the market development department.——】

【The clan launched a large-scale attack on the"Evikin" clan under the protection of the company.】

【6,728 people died and 3,452 were missing. The injured are currently being treated by medical rescue organizations.——『Trauma Front……】

【Spokesperson expresses deep condolences over this"deep humanitarian disaster"... 】

【At the same time, he made an important speech to all interstellar citizens on this matter——】

【Finally, he said:"The hammer of protection must fall for all life, regardless of life or death, regardless of race, regardless of thought, to defend the fundamental rights that we are born with.』……】


At this moment.

When this scene in the video ended, everyone in the live broadcast room... was shocked at this moment.

【Ningguang】:"So... the Evikin clan was exterminated by the Kartikas in this way! ? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Keqing】:"How detestable! These Kartikas are really detestable! They are just as detestable as those fools! (Angry.jpg)"

【Qin】:"Greedy, cruel, ugly... Even though I haven't seen the Kartika clan with my own eyes, I can feel that they are definitely not a group of good people!"

【Paimon】:"Woo woo woo┭┮﹏┭┮So, did Jin Jin's sister... die in this last rain?! I'm really... broken!┭┮﹏┭┮(Broken Defense.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"Not only Shajin's sister...but also the entire Avigin clan, were wiped out in that riot...only Shajin was left. (sigh.jpg)"

【Navia】:"Stop talking, stop talking, the child is almost stabbed to death┭┮﹏┭┮……When Kakavasya's sister said that prayer...I really burst into tears!┭┮﹏┭┮(Broken Defense.jpg)"

【Funina】:"Woo woo woo┭┮﹏┭┮This scene between Kakavasya and his sister is so cool!┭┮﹏┭┮(Broken Defense.jpg)"

【Funina】:"Especially the last fight between him and his sister! I was really broken! Woohoo!┭┮﹏┭┮Why is the fate of gold dust so tragic? This is not luck at all... This is clearly misfortune!┭┮﹏┭┮(Stormy Sobbing.jpg)"

【Barbara】:"Please! I really beg you...Shajin's past has been so miserable, please give him a better ending! Fate should stop playing tricks on him! Woohoo┭┮﹏┭┮(Stormy Sobbing.jpg)"



"Interesting... Really interesting……"

"The guys in the live broadcast room actually thought that it was the Kartika people who caused the extinction of the Evikin clan."

"I'm afraid they will never realize that the real culprit for the extinction of the Evikin people... is actually the company! Hahahahaha……"

At this time,

Doctor Dotore, the second executive officer of the Fatui, looked at the video and couldn't help laughing.


Hearing this, the young master Tartaglia at the side couldn't help but ask:"What do you mean by this?"

"Humph, can't you see that?"

Dotore sneered and said,"From the beginning, the Interstellar Peace Company had no intention of really protecting the Evikins. They just wanted to use them as a sacrifice. 3.1"

"This is almost the same as the company's method of regaining Pinocchio this time. If the company wants to regain Pinocchio, it must first have an excuse."

"At that time, the company wanted to acquire Tsigonia, and it also needed an excuse.】"

Dottore said coldly.

"And this excuse... is [Evijin】?"

At this time, Tartaglia was shocked when he heard this.

"Haha... Have you forgotten what the gambler's sister said?"

Dotole sneered.

"That day was the Kakawa Day, and the Ewekin people would hold a festival on that day. Coincidentally, it rained that day."

"Without this rain, the Katikas would not have taken action, and the Evikins would not have had a chance to... fight them."

At this point, Dotore suddenly sneered sarcastically:"Haha... it's really ridiculous!……"

"Those Evikins believed until their death that... the company would help them deal with the Kartikas……"


Hearing this, Rosalin, a lady at the side, couldn't help but laugh:"What's even more ridiculous is... the only Evikin who survived the attack actually joined the company's faction in the end!"

Rosalin:"Now it seems that the life of that gambler is simply a joke! Hahahahahaha……"

Rosalin:"And the funniest thing is that this last Evikin is now going to the same fate as his family and clan~"

Rosalin:"Tsk tsk tsk, how can there be such a ridiculous person in this world? No wonder the gambler felt that death was a relief for him, because his existence itself was a tragedy!"


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