Tokyo Special Operations Command Center.

Several senior commanding officers looked at the bloody images transmitted from the satellite, their faces livid. In less than ten minutes, they had lost two special operations teams and more than two hundred outstanding combat members. This was a huge blow to the entire Tokyo defense force, and it also showed that the ability of their non-natural disaster special operations unit was not as good as expected.

""Ah, what's wrong with you guys? You are helpless just because of Jianshan Huangquan. Why don't you ask the Yin Yang Masters of Yin Yang Bureau for help, or our Ministry of Environment!"

A beautiful young woman in a wheelchair was pushed in by her assistant and said jokingly, which made the senior officials present look unhappy.

"What do you mean by the Ministry of Environment? Are you accusing us of not doing our job well? Isayama Yomizu is a genius of your Ministry of Environment. We did not hold your Ministry of Environment responsible for the negligence, which led to Isayama Yomizu's entry into the devil's way and slaughtering ordinary humans."

A senior official angrily scolded Jinguji Ayame. Because of their Isayama Yomizu, the special forces, the military and the police suffered heavy losses. She was an ordinary person who could easily manipulate high-tech equipment to exorcise spirits and had enough psychological quality to deal with supernatural events.

"We are very sorry about this. Isayama Yomizumi has withdrawn from the Ministry of Environment because of what happened two days ago. He was controlled by the Killing Stone without our knowledge. Jinguji Ayame could only avoid the main point. She couldn't say that Isayama Yomizumi was suspected of slaughtering the entire Isayama family.

"Killing stone!"

"You just said it was the Killing Stone!"

The high-ranking officials inside all looked even uglier when they heard the Killing Stone mentioned by Jinguji Ayame. The Killing Stone was the thing left behind by the legendary demon king, the white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox Tamamonomae, after his death, but it had long been broken into pieces.

From this, several powerful beings with S-level strength and dozens of A-level beings can be led to, especially the feathered fox who has been making trouble in Inazuma in recent years and the little devil named Sanzugawa Kazuhiro.

As long as the existence of the Killing Stone is involved, the Onmyoji of the Onmyoji Ryo must come together to assist, otherwise the demonic power and murderous aura emanating from the Killing Stone will unknowingly seduce others.

"It is good that there is the Killing Stone. The two families of Hanakaiin and Tsuchimikado who work in the Onmyoji Ryo do not have to confront each other because of the inheritance of the great Onmyoji Harumi. They can solve this problem for us."

A gray-haired senior official of the Special Operations Department spoke up and made a judgment on the matter. Because of the Killing Stone, they all have a reason to blame each other, and they don't have to use their own forces to kill each other.

Jinguji Ayame was relieved to hear the words of the gray-haired old man, because in this way both sides can reduce unnecessary losses, and at the same time avoid reprimands and punishments from the upper level.




Suddenly, the mobile phones of all the people in the room rang with the sound of text messages. They took out their mobile phones and looked at them with solemn faces. This was a secret alarm from the highest government agency. They opened their mailboxes to check the contents, which made them look even more pale.

Because just now, the sacred artifact Meng Mengzhen in the Tokyo Castle suddenly disappeared in full view of the public. Neither the guards nor the surveillance cameras found any abnormalities. It was immediately raised to the highest national investigation target.

""Oh no! All the powerful mages of the Onmyoji Ryo have been transferred to the Tokyo Castle to investigate the truth. We have also been ordered to dispatch some of our elite troops to provide assistance!"

A middle-aged man with a resolute face suddenly spoke up. The action that his side had just discussed with Jinguji Ayame of the Natural Province had not yet been implemented, and it was declared over.

Jinguji Ayame's grip on the wheelchair armrest also increased a lot. She felt very guilty about why Isayama Yomi became possessed by the devil. If she had been able to give him some encouragement at the time, perhaps it would not have come to this.

"Jinguji, you should have seen the order issued by the superiors. We must resolve the threat of Isayama Yomi within half an hour, and then mobilize enough forces to support Tokyo Castle."

Jinguji Ayame heard their words and let reason prevail. He quickly thought of those who could deal with Isayama Yomi, who was about to reach the A+ (AA) level of destructive power.

"Can we quickly check Isayama Yomi's current movements and use high-powered destructive equipment to attack?"

The senior officers of the Special Operations Department were not indifferent. They analyzed the situation on the computer and communicated with the analysis team outside. Then they turned on the dark screen and projected Isayama Yomi's route. His virtual target was the headquarters of the Ministry of the Environment in Tokyo.

Jinguji Ayame's face changed drastically. Thinking of something bad, he immediately shouted to the secretary:"Tell all members of the Countermeasures Office to leave the headquarters and evacuate according to the S-level threat."

"Yes, Minister!"

The secretary also knew that Jianshan Huangquan's next target was obviously their Ministry of Environment, so the people who stayed at the headquarters were extremely dangerous, so he quickly turned on his mobile phone and made an urgent call.

Everyone's face became ugly again. For that kind of building, there were safe shelters, and technological weapons such as missiles and rocket launchers that posed a huge threat to A-level strongmen would hardly be used.

"It's not that we don't want to help you, Changpu. After all, most of us are ordinary people. We can only help you maintain order in the surrounding area. From now on, it's up to you."

"Thank you for your help. Our Ministry of Environment will handle it well. However, there are some things that we need your help to guide the people above."


The commanders of the special operations department were a little confused. They didn't know what Jinguji Ayame was trying to say, but in the 23rd district of Tokyo, there were very few people who could deal with A-level beings. It was obvious that the other party was trying to use crooked tactics.

"I wonder if you still remember the Noragami Fifty Gen?"

The officers of the Special Operations Division thought for a while, and finally the gray-haired old man said,"Is it the War God Yato, one of the remaining gods of the Naruto system?" As the name suggests, the War God is a powerful and warlike god, and Yato is the one who was suppressed by the ancient eight million gods and the government after the establishment of the new government.

It can be said that the relationship between Yato and the government departments and the gods of various shrines is not very good, but the use of Yato will undoubtedly create some gaps with the big shrines in the Tokyo circle.

"Otherwise, the big shrines are not in the 23 districts of Tokyo, but are scattered throughout the surrounding counties. Can they reach them within a limited time, or should they mobilize the offerings of the chaebols?"

The scene fell silent for a while. As two newly established organizations with only more than 60 years of history, their foundation is simply not enough to produce powerful weapons and top-notch strongmen.

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