"Let's not hide it. Jianshan Huangquan's incident is obviously not an accident. Someone is secretly pushing it."

The gray-haired old man operated on the computer for a while, and pulled up the satellite image of Santu River and the recent distribution and outbreak of evil spirits in Honghe.

"We will use our trump card to force the culprit to your countermeasures room headquarters, but how to fight and solve them is up to you."

Jinguji Ayame looked at the other party meaningfully, knowing that this was the rhythm of a battle of trump cards. If he did not use his trump card, he would completely break with the special warfare department. They also estimated that they would use the military relationship to clear themselves of this matter.

"We still have five sets of Mingwu armor in the Ministry of the Environment, and we will ask the head of the Tsuchimiya family, Tsuchimiya Masagaku, to help deal with them."

The senior officials of the special forces did not expect that the Ministry of the Environment actually had such a good thing as a complete set of Mingwu armor. That was the armor worn by senior generals when the Inazuma shogunate was just established. It could improve various functions of the body and defend against attacks from high-level monsters.

This was also one of the most important supports for the Inazuma army to sweep across various foreign countries and shrines and temples at the time. As long as they were equipped with a powerful weapon, they could be comparable to the combat power of high-level monsters.

However, since the mysterious disappearance of General Raiden and Ying Xiangshan's disappearance, the maintenance of the Mingwu armor has become a problem. It can only be repaired by the mysterious material Mora, which has led to it becoming a flashy consumable in modern times.

"Then let's do it this way! The people above won't give us too much time."

Jinguji Ayame heard their hurried words and looked at the secretary who had just finished everything. There was a firm belief in her eyes. She had nothing to fear.


""Thank you so much, young man. You helped me find orthopedics in such a cold weather!"

An old lady looked at the thinly dressed man in front of her with gratitude, and said with gratitude in her eyes.

Yato always wore the same sportswear jacket for a long time, and a white scarf around his neck. He did not get elated because of the old lady's thanks. Instead, he said,"It looks like it's going to snow. Remember to close the doors and windows, don't let the pet cats at home run out. If you need help with anything else, remember to ask our Gogo Shrine for help."

After that, Yato left carelessly. The old lady sighed slightly. This young man named Yato would charge fifty yen every time he helped, and he wanted to use this money to build his own shrine in Tokyo, but she knew very well that the growth rate of land and housing prices was faster than the speed at which you made money.

"It's great to be young!"

Yato didn't hear the old woman's mumbling, but walked towards a half-abandoned warehouse, where he stayed.

"There is a new order. The goal is to help retrieve a stolen sword within half an hour. The goal has been sent to us. Do you want to take it?"

Yato had not yet approached the warehouse marked with the Gokujinja logo when he heard a man's hesitant question.

"Ha~, Kenshin, you actually started to ask me, this order may have some problems, but what's the danger of just taking back a katana? You know my strength, just take the order first."

Kenshin Himura didn't say anything after hearing the tone of his boss, but just silently accepted the order, and then said tiredly:"Recently, the electronics street in Akihabara seems to have started something called ACG culture, which has caused the land price in Tokyo to rise a lot again."

"Nani! The money we have accumulated hasn't even reached one million yen, and the prices have gone up again. It feels like the future is still bleak and dim!"

After complaining, Yato took the mobile phone from Kenshin Himura to look at the contents inside. He just felt that the katana was somewhat familiar, but the target location was two districts away.

Yato suddenly felt a chill, raised his head and used the vision of a god to cross a distance of several kilometers to watch the aura that permeated the sky.

But just such an inadvertent glance made Yato's face change drastically. He looked up at the sky in shock, and then looked solemnly at the place where the murderous aura and demonic aura gathered and said,"Inazuma's sky~has~changed~!"

Kenshin Himura heard Yato's barely perceptible murmurs, and he didn't quite understand what had happened. He was just the Battousai when the new government was established a hundred years ago. Later, due to a series of changes and his girlfriend, who he had just decided to spend his life with, he was killed by the government without martial ethics.

Afterwards, he was worshipped by some people and became a weak god after his death. He was taken away from his own shrine by Yato. In addition, there was also a weapon, the Shintachi Reverse Blade, which was attached to the soul of his girlfriend.

So he had only a vague understanding of the extremely secret things between the gods, but he also saw the bloody smell several kilometers away.

"It looks like a lot of people died there!"

Yato put away his usual cheerful look and said solemnly,"This operation will probably be very dangerous. If you don't want to be strangled by the government like you did back then, you'd better put all your energy into it!"

Upon hearing what his senior Yato said, Kenshin Himura's gentle smile faded a lot. He clenched the reverse-blade sword in his hand, recalling how he was abandoned after helping a senior official of the new government.

""Let's go! Time is very tight!"

Yato said, and then he walked a few steps slowly towards the destination, thinking about the possible situation, but suddenly felt that Kenshin Himura did not seem to keep up with his pace, and immediately looked back. Kenshin Himura was facing a great enemy at this moment, his whole body was trembling, his hand was on his own artifact, making a posture of drawing the sword and slashing, obviously guarding against something.

Yato followed Kenshin Himura's line of sight and found that a few dozen meters away, a beautiful and cold shrine maiden was staying there, with gradient purple long hair moving slowly in the cold night sky, holding an exquisitely shaped katana in her hand.

The shrine maiden seemed to be integrated with the world.

The two girls were one, and there was no aura emanating from them.

If it weren't for Kenshin Himura's eyes, he probably wouldn't have noticed the girl's existence.

What weapon was that?

The Ame-kage tachi!

The sword of General Raiden!

Yato once again looked at the shrine maiden's appearance, and compared it with the majestic being with teardrops in the corners of his eyes in his memory. He found that the two were 60% similar. He also remembered the disappearance of the will of the Sky-no-Murakami in the sky, and an idea flashed through his mind.

Yato hurriedly stepped forward, stood in front of Kenshin Himura, and said loudly:"The shrine maiden of the Narukami Taisha, I wonder what you want to see us two Noragami for!"

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