The shrine maiden of Narukami Taisha?

When Kenshin Himura heard Yato's question, he checked the shrine maiden's clothes. They were indeed the same as those of the shrine maidens of Narukami Taisha in Kyoto, but with a few differences.

General Raiden saw Yato's determined eyes, which kept looking at the Ame-me-kage katana in her hand. It was obvious that he had guessed his identity, but he didn't say it.

"This is our first meeting, please don’t mind. I am Mei Hokusatsu, the shrine maiden of Narukami Taisha. I was just passing by here, but after hearing your conversation, I wanted to go with you two."

Yato didn’t pay attention to Kenshin Himura’s vigilant eyes, but said with a smile:"My name is Yato, and the one behind me is Kenshin Himura. It’s naturally a good thing to have a partner join us, but our mission reward is only 50 yen, and we can’t give part of it to the shrine maiden!"

General Raiden walked slowly towards Yato calmly and said:"It’s just a little money, but I don’t need it. I just hope to get some information from the God of War." Yato also suddenly understood why General Raiden, who had disappeared for five hundred years, reappeared in the world. It turned out to be for some things that happened after she disappeared, but he still said:"Well, there’s no time to lose, let’s talk while walking!"

Yato said as he leaped lightly, moving continuously on the tall building. General Raiden followed closely beside Yato like floating catkins. The fierce cold wind did not blow the miko costume on her body. It was obvious that she had used some kind of power. Kenshin Himura followed closely behind, but lagged behind by several steps, because he knew that the two had something to discuss.

"Where did the swordsman Yang Lei go?"

Ye Dou heard General Lei Dian's straight ball, thought for a moment, and then said,"I don't know. I only know that more than 20 years after Inazuma was established, he received a thousand-mile message from a thousand households of the Jinyiwei, and hurried back to Daming."

"Immediately afterwards, a three-year war broke out in the cultivation world of the Ming Dynasty, and the cultivation forces suffered heavy casualties. It is said that the Heavenly Court also intervened to end the turmoil, but the Heavenly Court was closed for hundreds of years because of this incident. It was also because of the closure of the Heavenly Court that the contact between that guy and Inazuma was completely severed."

After hearing the general description of Ye Dou, General Lei Dian seemed to understand that in the plot of A Chinese Ghost Story, Yang Lei went to help Zuo Qianhu and killed the centipede monster that wanted to turn into a dragon. He touched the cake designed by those big guys and was finally surrounded and killed by various forces.

After all, the cultivation world of the Ming Dynasty was at its peak during the Jiajing period. How could they sit back and watch the centipede monster swallow up the national destiny and turn into a dragon? This was probably a joint plan of the royal family, practitioners, and heaven. As a troublemaker, Yang Lei would definitely be targeted and the good things he got would be taken away.

After more than 20 years of development, Yang Lei, a time traveler, should have reached the ceiling of this world in terms of strength. Naturally, he would not indulge those people, so that the heavenly court of heaven ended up washing the ground, but it was obvious that there were heavy casualties.

General Lei Dian seemed to understand where the plane coordinates left in the dream truth five hundred years ago led to. Obviously, they were the coordinates of the world of Teyvat. It is also possible that Yang Lei went to other worlds or other planes of this world at the critical moment of life and death.

"So that's why the Ming Dynasty has lasted until now!"

Ye Dou heard General Lei Dian's muttering to himself, and it seemed that he had touched upon a shocking secret. He suddenly remembered that more than 300 years after the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the capital was lost due to a violent attack by the Later Jin Dynasty. In the end, a military genius of the Zhu family seized the throne and rebuilt the country.

"So what secrets does that sword have that made you personally come to the rescue?"

Yato changed the subject. He didn't want to know those secrets that only the top leaders knew. The more he knew, the closer he would be to danger.

"I don't have much interest in the spiritual sword that possesses the weapon spirit. I am rather interested in the fragment of the killing stone between the eyebrows of its owner!"

"The killing stone? Could it be that Tamamonomae is about to be resurrected again?"

"Tamamonomae has been resurrected a long time ago, and I am targeting another fox!"

When Yato heard General Raiden's answer, he suddenly remembered another demon lord, Yuyuko, who tried to kill General Raiden five hundred years ago. According to the time calculation, she should have been resurrected a long time ago.

"I remember that magic sword. It was the Lion King, the ancestral magic sword of the Isayama family! Could the person who was tempted by the killing stone be the girl named Isayama Yomizumi?"

Yato suddenly remembered why he felt familiar with that magic sword. He remembered that three years ago, he had saved the life of Isayama Yomizumi, who was holding the Lion King, and beat up the little brat who was good at driving poisonous insects.

"Oh, Yato-kun is really well-informed. The person controlled by the Killing Stone is Isayama Yomi. When I just arrived at the battlefield, more than 300 people had died there. The scene was really spectacular, with blood and broken limbs all over the ground."

Kenshin Himura heard the teasing tone of General Raiden and said with some reluctance in his heart:"Why didn't Miss Miko stop the killing, but came over to join us on the journey?""

"Stop it? Why should we stop it? I remember that Battousai Kenshin Himura was surrounded and killed by the government with guns along with a group of friends and relatives!"

General Raiden did not feel any guilt. All these casualties were necessary. The government departments had to pay the price for making the wrong choice. She was not a saint. Why should she pay for their mistakes?

Kenshin Himura remained silent. Although he promised his lover not to take the initiative to kill, he still remembered the ruthless choice made by the government when facing his benefactor. After all, his group of samurai were the main cause of social unrest.

Yato also turned his head and saw Kenshin Himura's silence. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Back then, he was unwilling to use the sword in his hand to kill. Eventually, the artifact Fei, which had accompanied him for hundreds of years, left him, and his strength also fell from the level of a great monster to that of a high-level monster.

Yato also knew a lot about the little girl Isayama Yomi because she was a person with outstanding talent and a firm heart, but now she was controlled by the Killing Stone. There must have been something that she could not accept and was very shocking, so that she would rather go to the darkness and take revenge.

Moreover, General Raiden was not a cold-blooded and ruthless existence, otherwise there would not be so many people, monsters, and gods willing to submit to her and fight for her.

But what exactly happened?

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