The dense barrage flashed with colorful colors, and the frequency of the attacks was rich in layers, bringing everyone an unprecedented visual shock.

Under the seemingly insignificant energy bombs, the countless evil spirits that emerged from the Yellow Springs Crack were even more powerless than ants, and were destroyed on the spot without any resistance.

"If you really like her, give her the dignity that an exorcist deserves!"

"After all, being able to die under your sword is a kind of happiness for her!"

General Raiden said softly. Tsuchimiya Kagura looked at the cold and sacred shrine maiden in disbelief, but she also saw the pleading and angry eyes of Isayama Yomi just standing up.

Tsuchimiya Kagura also noticed the tenderness in Isayama Yomi's heart towards her, the pain of ruthless killing caused by the dark side of her heart magnified by the Killing Stone, and the guilt for killing her friends and relatives.

"Goodbye, Sister Huang Quan!"

Tsuchimiya Kagura pulled out the sword Lion King from the ground, her eyes full of determination, and inserted the sword into Isayama Huang Quan's brow, forcing the fragments of the Killing Stone out of her body. The body that had lost its breath was about to fall down. Tsuchimiya Kagura hurriedly ran to her side, hugged Isayama Huang Quan in her arms, and cried painfully. In just one day, Tsuchimiya Kagura lost the two most important people in her life.

General Lei Dian was extremely relieved.

She felt that at this moment, Isayama Huang Quan's soul was completely integrated with the power of rules contained in the Killing Stone.

This was a power that only immortals, gods, and demons could touch.

General Lei Dian also had a heart of love for talent, and grabbed the one who was about to...

On the way to Mikawa, Jianshan Huangquan's soul merged into a drop of blood.

The blood immediately expanded and split rapidly with the blessing of General Lei Dian's power.

In everyone's horrified eyes, in a few breaths, it grew into a girl wearing a shrine maiden's costume, who looked exactly like Jianshan Huangquan, and the aura she exuded was exactly the same as hers.

It's just that the newborn girl's wisteria-like eyes were full of purity, as if she was a newborn baby.

What kind of evil magic is this!

This method of rebirth by a drop of blood made them feel unbelievable. They could clearly feel the majestic and youthful breath of life on the girl, and the spiritual power on her body was also incomparably pure.

"Your name will be Zero for now! Just be my sword-carrying priestess temporarily!"

The girl took the Ame-mokage katana from General Raiden's hand in a daze, staring blankly at the huge fox claw in the sky that seemed to cover the sky.

Countless energy bombs were also affected by General Raiden's will and quickly gathered into an energy bomb that emitted huge spiritual power fluctuations, and collided with the giant claw condensed by the demonic energy.

The powerful energy collision set off a huge energy aftermath.

The purification barrier covering several kilometers could not withstand the collision of the power of this big monster level and shattered.

The detectors of several energy detection departments lit up red lights one after another.

When everyone opened their eyes, they found that the building had disappeared and only a huge Yellow Spring crack was hovering in the void. A woman with a gloomy face but extraordinary elegance appeared next to it, staring coldly at the priestess who had just appeared.

"I didn't expect that there is still a great shrine maiden in this era, and she is actually the shrine maiden of the Narugami Taisha Shrine. I really want to torture you to death!"

General Raiden was also well aware of the hatred for Yuyuko. After all, according to the records in the unofficial history, he killed Yuyuko and cut off her chance to revive her filial child at that time. Naturally, the Narugami Taisha under his command was hated.

"If you really have this kind of means, you wouldn't just hide in the underworld and use such tricks to plan these things to enhance your strength."

"In the end, you will not be taught a lesson by me behind your back, and you can only leave this fragment of your soul in the world."

General Lei Dian directly told Yuyi Fox's current state. She also wanted to get rid of it once and for all, but Yuyi Fox was at least one of the fragments of Qingqiu Daji's nine-tailed fox. Its essence was also a celestial being that had touched the threshold of the golden immortal.

Its soul had long been integrated with the rules of heaven and earth. This is why Yuyi Fox dared to say that she was not afraid of being killed, because after death, her soul would be reborn somewhere in the world, and it could absorb a lot of negative energy and increase its strength significantly.

"Stop bragging, you are just a human being, let me show you the true strength of us ancient monsters!"

A deep and pleasant female voice sounded, followed by a soul-stirring demonic pressure, sweeping across the scene like a whirlwind, making everyone suddenly terrified, as if they had lost all their will to fight.

"Claw of Defeat!"

Yuyuko drew the power of the Yellow Springs Crack and added it to her body. Her delicate hands formed claws, and from a distance of a hundred meters, she left a dark claw mark.

If the aura of death and decay contained in it were to burst out directly, everyone present would probably be finished. After all, this was a powerful attack at the level of a great monster, and the energy was the combined power of the three elements of spirit, energy, and soul.

""The Dark Road Full Moon is Broken!"

General Raiden drew out the Ame-me-kage katana and used the Douguishen's special skill. A huge black hole was split out from the blade by General Raiden, swallowing up the extremely powerful move and killing the feathered fox.

"Damn it! How can you use Douya's special move!"

The black hole expanded rapidly and attracted all the evil spirits that just emerged from the Yellow Springs crack, making Yuyuko embarrassed.

Yuyuko suddenly had a flash of inspiration and carefully observed General Raiden. The horror in her eyes was indescribable, because she found that the priestess in front of her was 60% similar to Tianming Shen, and the sword in her hand was the Tianmu Kage katana that killed her.

"Mingshen Baal~"

Yuyuko roared loudly, and only then did he feel a sense of being calculated. The opponent was so hesitant to fight with him, it must be for some deeper purpose. Suddenly, he found that a triple Ba of thunder appeared on his body.

"Hey~ I was discovered, but it's too late!"

General Lei Dian smiled cunningly, and suddenly thunder filled the sky, the space was broken, and a huge knife light fell from the sky. As long as the knife light passed through the space, it was shattered. Thunder sounded, and the world seemed to become a black and white photo.

This knife carried a grand momentum, calming everyone's thoughts, as if it was going to cut everything in front of them, but if you feel it carefully, you can feel the thought of purifying all things and saving all living beings.


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