This moment seemed like eternity!

When Tsuchimiya Kagura came back to her senses, she found that the entire area was in a special space, surrounded by desolate land, and countless figures were slowly moving forward in the distance.

Yuyuko was twitching all over at this moment, her eyes full of anger. She did not expect that General Raiden would use her God of Justice in the underworld (Hujin Mitake Ming Shenming) to attack her concept of existence.

The pain was more severe than the cutting of the soul and the cutting of the body, making it difficult for her to mobilize her own strength. In Chinese terms, it is a wound of the Tao, and in the West, it is a broken law.

"Ming Shen Baer, don't think I will fail. This small injury will take me decades to repair!"

Even though Yuyuko was calculated by General Raiden, she was unwilling to give up her dignity. This clone gradually transformed into the half-spiritual body of Sanzuhe Kazuhiro because of the annihilation of consciousness. Unfortunately, it involved the power at the level of rules. His consciousness and body quickly turned into ashes, leaving only a large fragment of the killing stone.

General Raiden admired Yuyuko. This terrifying endurance was really terrifying. The Wuxiang sword swung by this clone had already slashed along the clone of Yuyuko on all her back hands.

Yuyuko also had only two choices. One was to end her life and spend hundreds of years to restore and condense her original body. The other was to endure the feeling that was more painful than the shattered soul, give up all the souls, and focus on healing her original body.

Yuyuko obviously chose the latter. She would rather endure the pain of declining strength and shattered soul, and repair her own law injuries to fulfill her wish to resurrect her son.

""The Great Palace of the Lord of the Gods, Takenaki!"

Jinguji Ayame, who had just joined the battlefield but was pulled into a strange place, looked at the huge figure more than ten meters high in the sky in awe. She learned from Yuyuko that it was General Raiden who injured her. General

Raiden withdrew his gaze from his clone, Takenaki God of the Gods, and the aura on his body became incomparably pure, just like the original rules of the world. She had obtained the method she would mainly practice in the future from her clone, which was the Golden Light Mantra, one of the eight great magic spells of Taoism, or it had been completely modified to perfectly fit General Raiden's Hengyu Mantra. The

Golden Light Mantra is called the first of the eight great magic spells by Taoism. It has countless branches and functions, including sealing, defense, exorcism, demon suppression, self-cultivation and hundreds of other uses. Its versatility and diversity are simply terrifying, and General Raiden chose to practice hard and bless himself with the ancient method.

Ordinary people can only achieve the strength of refining essence into qi until they die using this Golden Light Mantra, but for General Raiden, who is gifted and deeply influenced by... It is most applicable to people who are influenced by the blacksmithing ideas of Lei Dian. Only five hundred years of hard training can crush the thousand years of polishing of Lei Dian.

Who said that the history of cultivation in Teyvat is only two or three thousand years, and it was suddenly interrupted. Compared with the cultivation methods that can stand after the collision of different cultivation systems in this world for tens of thousands of years, it is much behind.

Huo Jinyu Jianming Shenming felt the will of General Lei Dian, and a long sword emitting the energy of life and Huangquan appeared in his hand, slashing at the people on the earth. The huge gap in strength made them only watch the thousands of meters of sword energy cutting through them, but they did not feel pain, but refreshed, as if the shackles were removed from their bodies.

The vision was restored, and what came into view was the dark sky and the brightly lit city in the distance, as if the scene just now was just a dream. When thinking carefully about the appearance of the huge figure, he only felt confused.

""Seibei, Masaki, how did you come back to life!"

This sudden scream suddenly awakened everyone's quick brains, and they suddenly discovered that their dead companions had come back to life again. They couldn't help but check, and found that only a dozen fighters who were torn into pieces were truly dead, and the dead who had preserved most of their bodies were resurrected.

Jinguji Ayame immediately reacted, and when she saw that General Raiden was about to take Isayama Yomi away, she turned her wheelchair and came to her and said,"Miss the shrine maiden of Narugami Taisha, I am Jinguji Ayame, the director of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office, Natural Environment Bureau, Kanto Ministry of the Environment. Thank you very much for helping to stop Tamamonomae's conspiracy"

"We don't know the name of the shrine maiden yet. We will notify the government to reward your shrine later."

General Raiden didn't care about what the beautiful minister said, and he didn't want to help her solve the mystery of her mistaking the feathered fox for Tamamonomae. After all, in the impression of the world, Tamamonomae is the real owner of the Killing Stone, and is the one who wants to destroy the world.

But in General Raiden's investigation, Tamamonomae is one of the residual souls of Daji, the nine-tailed fox in Qingqiu, China.

After the Battle of Conferred Gods, she fled to India and transformed into Lady Huayang, the concubine of Prince Banzu of Magadha to recover from her injuries.

Later, she returned to China during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties and collected her other soul fragments.

It was not until the Tang Dynasty that she crossed to Japan and became Tamamonomae, the favorite concubine of Emperor Toba.

From this, it can be seen that Tamamonomae is a resourceful and powerful nine-tailed fox, who likes to pursue pleasure and is not interested in power. He has a strong desire for control, and often causes chaos in the world because of his hobbies. In the end, he was overturned in Japan, but he doesn’t look like a monster who wants to destroy the world.

What’s more important is that General Raiden did not feel the mark of Tamamonomae in the Killing Stone, but instead felt an aura similar to that of the Lord of Demons and Goblins himself. Therefore, General Raiden knew from the beginning that the guy who manipulated the Killing Stone to influence others and brought chaos to the world was not Tamamonomae’s will at all, but the feathered fox that he killed in unofficial history and legends.

General Raiden thought for a moment and said,"Forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mei Kitano, and I’m a shrine maiden of Narukami Taisha. I just helped you in the final stage. Even without my help, it won’t take long for the government to solve it."

"If it weren't for your Countermeasures Office helping to contain that guy, I wouldn't have been able to resolve the disaster at the critical moment.……"

Jinguji Ayame and several officials who had just approached nearby heard the humble words of General Raiden. How could they not know that the other party clearly did not want to be too involved with the government? But when they thought about the bad relationship between the Narukami Taisha Shrine in Kyoto and the government, they seemed to understand a little.

Jinguji Ayame was not interested in this, but she was very skeptical about General Raiden's ability to summon the power of Narukami to destroy the enemy and resurrect the dead.

Because not long ago, a sacred artifact left by Narukami disappeared.

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