General Raiden and Yakumo Yukari also recovered a lot of their relationship because they explained the matter thoroughly. Looking at Hotarusa who was sleeping on the table because of being drunk,

Yakumo Yukari pointed at Hotarusa and said provocatively:"Look, Hotarusa is useless. She fell down after drinking a few bottles of wine."

General Raiden raised his eyebrows and looked at Hotarusa who looked only about 12 or 13 years old. He said with some displeasure:"It seems that you are very brave, even more powerful than Ibuki Suika"

"Of course, I am a good drinker, even Bal may not be able to beat me."

General Raiden looked at Yakumo Yukari's provocative tone, hugged the cat-like Kikyo on his body, and showed a disdainful smile.

But the next moment, General Raiden and Yakumo Yukari stopped fighting, and Kikyo seemed to have noticed something, looking towards the door.

There were several crisp knocks on the wooden door, followed by the sound of the wooden door being opened, and a snow-white fox with only large golden patches on its limbs and head appeared in their eyes, riding a fat fox with black fur.

The demonic power in Yakumo Yukari's body rolled, and the smell of alcohol on her body disappeared instantly. She looked at the fox exuding a noble aura with clear eyes and said,"Hey, why are you riding a fox? Don't you love riding your stupid donkey the most!"

When Yuzhongjin heard Yakumo Yukari's teasing, he ignored her and just jumped off the fox. A flash of light appeared on his body, and a noble white-haired priestess wearing gold and silver appeared here.

"I'm so sorry for trespassing into the territory of Ame-no-Miracle God without permission. I'm Uga's Soul God, or you can understand me as Inari God Ooten."

General Raiden looked at the Inari God in front of him, whose aura was disordered but whose appearance was still sacred and noble. He hugged Kikyo, who was just about to get up, into his arms again and said,"What a rare guest. I remember that I mentioned you to Yakumo Yukari more than four months ago, but now it seems that you are quite surprised!"

Ooten's eyebrows paused, and she looked at Yakumo Yukari with unfriendly eyes and said,"I thought the monster sage had been killed by Tsukiyomi-sama in the Moon City. I didn't expect that I would see you again one day."

"Ha~ With those guys, we are not weaklings. If we risk our lives on the moon, Tsukiyomizu's plan will be ruined. Their top brass are not fools."

Yakumo Yukari took out a fan to cover half of her face, revealing a meaningful look. After all, she, Yakumo Yukari, was a strong person who once stood at the top of the world, and her reputation was earned from countless battles.

"It's you, Yuzhongjin, whose clone has been seriously injured. Could it be that you were injured by Baal on the way without paying attention?"

When Yuzhongjin heard Yakumo Yukari's words that exposed her past, a look of dejection appeared on her face.

She had just walked out of her own divine domain when she met Yuyuko who was recruiting soldiers.

She fought a fierce battle with her and both sides were seriously injured.

She finally rested in a cave for more than two months.

Not long after she came out, she encountered a war between the daimyo near Kyoto.

With the advantage of her petite stature, she crossed to the territory of the Narukami Army and met the gods and their troops who were evacuating to the west of Japan, and another fierce battle broke out.

She had bad luck all the way.

When she arrived at the place occupied by the Narukami Army, she found out that General Raiden had issued an order for unified management of religion, and the belief in Inari God was also classified as a subsidiary god of Narukami.

This is why the gods attacked her.

""Oh, how could that be? I was injured by Yuyuko, the Lord of Demons and Monsters, near Kyoto. I heard that Ame-no-Murakami also possesses the status of the Lord of Demons and Monsters, so I came here to cooperate."

Yuzuo said without hesitation. The hundreds of years of recuperation have made her understand more things. She is no longer as naive as she was in the Heian-kyo era and is easily led by the outside world.

As soon as General Raiden opened his mouth, he looked at Yakumo Yukari. There was an idea in each other's eyes to pull her into the sea. After all, Gensokyo also needs a god like Yuzuo who has great power over plants, and Inazuma also needs a powerful guide. They hit it off!

"Yuyuko is really abominable. He has committed countless evil deeds in Japan. I will seek justice for you, Yuzhongjin, but I am somewhat interested in your cooperation."

General Raiden said angrily. Yakumo Yukari also slapped the table. The powerful aura emanating from her body made Yuzhongjin and the fat fox next to her speechless. She said:

"Yu Zhuanjin should have come to cooperate with Bal to repair her own injury. She must need a lot of spiritual energy and incense power, as well as some natural treasures. It just so happens that I know a celestial being named Ju Tianzi, who has items that can easily help her with her injuries."

"Zi's interpersonal relationships are really extensive, so I'll pay for it. It just so happens that Yu Zhuanjin and I hit it off right away, so let's hold a banquet tonight to welcome Yu Zhuanjin!"

"It seems like I'm in for a treat today and can enjoy the delicious food at Narukami Taisha Shrine. Let's go and tell the servants to prepare some!"

"Yuzhongjin, you take a rest here first, after all, you are a guest."

General Raiden let go of Kikyo in his arms. Kikyo had also used her spiritual power to recover most of her consciousness at this time. She understood what General Raiden meant and hurriedly walked towards Yuzhongjin enthusiastically.


The door closed~

General Raiden and Yakumo Yukari walked out of the guest room with smiles on their faces. The air was full of joy. They were very satisfied with the close cooperation this time. As long as the news that Yuzhongjin was a guest at Narukami Taisha spread, a huge crack would appear in the pantheon of Takama-ga-hara.


At night, all the monsters on Yingxiang Mountain knew that the Inari God Yuzhongjin would attend the welcoming banquet prepared by the God of Ame-no-Miracle on Huasheng Street. For a time, countless rumors were spread by people with ulterior motives and swept across the entire East.

Yuzhongjin sat in the magnificent hall. The table was full of dazzling dishes with charming aromas. In front of him were tempting and intoxicating drinks. There was a human-shaped monster sitting on the table, looking at him with expectant eyes.

In this enthusiastic atmosphere, Yuzhongjin was confused and teased by General Raiden and Yakumo Yukari, and became one with the monsters present, making her associate the beautiful scene hundreds of years ago with this moment.

As the saying goes, wine does not intoxicate people, but people themselves!

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