There were laughter and joy on the Kagemukai Mountain, but the daimyo nobles in Kyoto and the gods in Takama-ga-hara were like ants on a hot pot, suffering.

No one had expected that Narukami would have the idea of unifying the pantheon and religious management, and at the same time, he adopted a unified system in the rule of mankind, abolishing the feudal system and the emperor, and establishing a power structure with the Raiden Shogun as the fundamental ruler.

This undoubtedly poured cold water on the daimyo who were fighting each other, and under the mediation of the emperor, the anti-Nurukami alliance was in full swing.

The Kansai region entered a strange time of peace in this season that had just entered spring.

It was three days later that Yuzu realized that he had been forced to go to Kagemukai Mountain by the Raiden Shogun.

The news that Inari God had completely become the main god of Yuzukami Narukami was also spread by the monsters and flowed into the ears of the gods.

Some factions among the gods who had a good relationship with Yuzukami and were involved with her also had different thoughts, and their resistance to Narukami's rule was also indifferent.

At this moment, General Raiden dealt with the things left over from this period of time, reorganized the power of the Narukami Group, and determined the members who would join the One Hundred Demons Night Parade.

Then he recorded the practice method he brought back from modern society into the origin of the God of Justice. The original appearance, which was as cold as metal, suddenly exuded vitality and continued to transform into the appearance of General Raiden.

Yakumo Yukari looked at the huge object of hundreds of meters in front of her. Under the tempering of thunder, it slowly shrank, but the power contained in it made her feel that she had to use some real strength to destroy it.

"Zi, do you know the Penglai Island that only appears in the sea every fifty years?"

"Penglai Island……"

Yakumo Yukari, who is known as the encyclopedia of the monster world, also fell into deep thought. Penglai Island has an extremely special status in the East. It was once a place coveted by powerful forces.

"Of course I know. Bal, you should be asking about Penglai Island during and after Xu Fu's voyage to the East!"

General Lei Dian nodded. Although her strength has reached what this world can achieve, Penglai Island has a very close relationship with many powerful people, and there is very little information that can be obtained from the secrets of heaven.

Yakumo Yukari was relieved when she saw General Lei Dian nod. If it was Penglai Island during this period, she would still know it very well.

"Xu Fu sailed to Japan and obtained the exact location of Penglai Island from the Saga region of Kyushu Island. Unfortunately, at that time, Penglai Island had been divided up by various powers, leaving only a relatively large piece of land."

"When Xu Fu arrived at Penglai Island, the immortals, gods, celestial beings, and monsters had already taken away all the valuable items on Penglai Island, leaving only ruins, with only a few scattered places still having alchemy sites."

"However, Xu Fu was also gifted. He got inspiration from the residue of the Penglai medicine made by Bayi Yonglin and made the so-called elixir of immortality and presented it to Qin Shihuang."

"However, due to the insufficient amount of Penglai medicine, Qin Shihuang could only live for a few decades longer. In anger, he sent Taoists to divine, and found that Xu Fu had eaten a lot of Penglai medicine residue and gained the ability to live forever. So he sent an army to capture Xu Fu who had fled to Japan.……"

Yakumo Yukari explained the events of a thousand years ago clearly, and let General Raiden understand that the current Penglai Island was just the remaining island after Susanoo led the Takamagahara gods to fight against the Qin army. It was just that a powerful priestess combined the power of the earth veins to create a powerful barrier.

"That is to say, Susanoo went to the outer space because of this incident, and Xu Fu was cursed to move only on Kyushu Island because he deceived the gods of Takama-ga-hara."Yakumo Yukari clapped her hands with her fan, her eyes full of reminiscence, she thought of the broken cauldron left on Penglai Island, and asked,"Are you going there to refine weapons?"

"With this plan, the cauldron was an item used by the powerful in ancient times to refine magic weapons with materials from monsters. Although it consumes a lot of spiritual energy, it is undoubtedly a good treasure for me."

Yakumo Yukari didn't know what to say when she heard the ostentatious speech of General Raiden. It was a fact that although the ancient practice method was powerful, it pursued strong combat power and realm, and the demand for spiritual energy was extremely huge. However, in the modern times when spiritual energy is gradually becoming thinner, the new practice method of intensive cultivation is the mainstream of the times. Yakumo

Yukari couldn't help but think of the four-in-one monsters, the Four Fighting Gods, who used the cauldron on Penglai Island as an alchemy tool a few decades ago and fought with Douya King in the hope of obtaining materials for alchemy.

"We still remember that a hundred years ago, Penglai Island was a place where humans and monsters lived in harmony. There were more half-monsters than in other places, and the witches protected them all equally."

"But unfortunately, it has been proven that such a place cannot be treated with the slightest tenderness in this era. It is said that it was occupied by the Four Fighting Gods, who used the lives of the half-demons on the island to destroy the barrier set up by the witch on Penglai Island before her death."

Thunder General's eyes looked through countless distances and saw an island surrounded by a huge barrier, and saw the graceful body wrapped in a special vegetation.

""Yakumo Yukari, tomorrow we will go to Penglai Island to take away the cauldron, wake up my two companions, and then go to Gensokyo!"

Yakumo Yukari did not reject General Raiden's idea, because one of the purposes of her coming to the Narukami Taisha was to let General Raiden go to Gensokyo and make the final plan with the monsters and perfect the Gensokyo barrier. The next day, General Raiden took Kikyo and Hotaruka and made a space jump directly to a somewhat desolate seaside shrine, which was marked with Yamai, the God of Hurricanes.

Yakumo Yukari opened her gap and walked out of it. She could see at a glance that there was a small space contained in the shrine that was less than a large jar, and one or two alternating figures exuded a powerful breath.

"Ha, this power feels similar to the Seven Sins and Hoshimiya Rokuko in Narukami Taisha."

"They belong to the same force."

General Lei Dian said, and pointed his finger at the shrine, which shattered directly. A girl with an impressive figure and long orange hair like a big cow appeared in the same place, but soon split into two girls who were dressed revealingly but exceptionally symmetrically.

"It's been a long time since we last met, Yamai Yuzuru and Yamai Yakuya!"

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