After Kujo Sara approached the Ogura store, she heard the bargaining between the owner and the customer inside. She felt the voice that was exactly the same as Lei Dianying's but much gentler, and seemed to understand who the person inside was.

Lei Dianying nodded to the clerk who bowed and greeted her, and quickened her pace a bit, because the voice coming from the store was exactly the same as her sister's tone.

As soon as she stepped into the store, she saw two girls who were talking. One of them was tall, with purple-black hair hanging behind her. She looked at her with a gentle and cold look, and with the close-fitting kimono, she had the illusion of seeing the figure that she was obsessed with again.


"Miss Beichen, are you buying clothes? It seems that you have been living well in Inazuma City these days!"


Ogura Mio said nervously, making the words that Lei Dianying had not said disappear completely. Her eyes regained clarity and she looked at General Lei Dian with a scrutinizing gaze.

General Lei Dian would naturally not be frightened by Lei Dianying's eyes. He took a step forward, saluted Lei Dianying with aristocratic etiquette and said,"General, I haven't seen you for more than half a month. Your mood seems to be as good as today's warm spring weather."

"General Kujo, are you here to accompany the general to inspect the people's livelihood?"

Lei Dianying kept communicating with the puppet general and got a lot of information about"Mei Beichen" from her, but most of it was vague, so he asked Kujo Sara in confusion:"Sarah, do you know the specific situation of Mei Beichen?" When Kujo

Sara heard Lei Dianying's question, he immediately had countless interpretations of this sentence in his mind, and his admiration for General Lei Dian increased a lot. He guessed that this was his idea to let Mei Beichen work with him.

"Yes, General!"

"Beichen Mei is the eldest daughter of the head of the Beichen family.

Her mother is unknown.

She has shown strong learning ability and fighting talent since she was born.

At the age of 12, she had already obtained the Beichen Ittoryu.

At the age of 14, she defeated a large number of Inazuma's gyms and schools.

At the age of 15, she adventured alone in the wild.

At the age of 16, she went to Qinglai Island, reinforced the seal, and killed the remaining soul of the demon god Leiyin Gongxian, becoming famous.


"At the age of 17, he left Inazuma to go to other countries for training. At the age of 23, he returned to Inazuma to participate in the shogun competition, but was defeated by his subordinates with a slight advantage."

"At the age of 24, he wrote a light novel about his experiences in Teyvat, which became popular among Inazuma. At the same time, he traveled to other countries again to improve his light novel collections in various countries. At the same time, he became widely known for his outstanding performance in the Adventurer's Guild."

"At the age of 26, he killed the demon dragon Ursa in Mondstadt.

At the age of 27, he killed the clone of the Fatui fighter and the accompanying centurion advance team.

At the age of 28, he ventured in the Layered Chasm and provided a lot of internal information to the Seven Stars of Liyue.

At the age of 29, he returned to Inazuma and was sent by the General to investigate the monster rampage on Qinglai Island.

At the age of 30, his subordinates confiscated the Eye of God and he lived in the city outside Inazuma Castle.


Kujo Sara narrated most of what he knew, which made Lei Dianying feel that his puppet general was a retard. Such a powerful person had so few records.

General Raiden smiled slightly and said in a teasing tone:"General Kujo, I am also a legendary adventurer of the Adventurer's Guild in the continent of Teyvat."

Kujo Sara smiled and said nothing. After all, he was the younger brother of the younger brothers in the Inazuma Adventurer's Guild. When the people had problems, they would go to the shogunate for help, then to the various branches of Inazuma's Narukami Taisha, and finally to the Adventurer's Guild. Therefore, the so-called legendary adventurer had no weight in Inazuma at all, and only had great prestige in the outside world.

However, Lei Yingying made a video of what Kujo Sara said and the scene just now and sent it to the chat group, and asked his own question.

Narukami Baalzebub: Group owner, do you have any information about the identity of Beichen Meiyi?

Group owner Su Si Yu: Mei Beichen? There is no information about this person in"Genshin Impact". This person looks like Mei Beichen from Sanbengzi next door! How come she got mixed up?

Naruto Ba'zeb: Sanbengzi?

Group leader Su Siyu: Uh, it's a world with the same worldview in the Mihoyo universe. Our"Genshin Impact" has to be updated to the Xumi chapter, and this character has never appeared. Is Mei Beichen from your world a time traveler? How did she solve the problem of Qinglai Island?

Naruto Ba'zeb: There have always been visitors from outside the world, but their numbers are rare. I had contact with them before Inazuma was established, and I didn't feel any sense of outsiders from her. Breath.

Group leader Su Siyu: That is most likely a character that does not appear in the main or side quests. After all, how can the game include everything in the world?

Group leader Su Siyu: You can ask her about her next arrangements. She may not get involved in the traveler's events. She is your hidden helper.

Monster Spider-Girl: She looks like Shadow. Could she be her relative's child? Or maybe she is a soul traveler like me.

Wise Water Goddess: This is impossible. You are definitely a spider. If it is a traveler like you, the soul and body must match each other, otherwise the utilization rate of the hands and feet will be very low. Just like a three-year-old child.

The wise goddess of water was silenced for ten minutes by the group leader.

Group leader Su Siyu: Spider-girl, it is better not to know the secret of you too early, but when you are strong enough, you will be able to know the truth about why you can travel to another world, otherwise the evil god D may not let you live.

Monster Spider-girl: Ah~ There is actually an inside story about my travel~

A slight smile appeared on Lei Dianying's face, and his mind shifted from the chat group to General Lei Dian, and he said:"Shopkeeper, the money for her to buy clothes will be paid by the shogunate. I wonder what your plans are recently, Beichen."

General Lei Dian looked at Lei Dianying's somewhat embarrassed inquiry, and his face was still gentle with a cold smile and said:"I want to move to Asase Shrine to settle down for a while recently. When the restrictions of the lockdown are relaxed, I will go to Liyue Harbor with my friends."

Lei Dianying listened to General Lei Dian's story, and watched her take the three kimonos and put them into a space storage bag. When she could use elemental power without the Eye of God, the breath emanating from her blood made her feel familiar again.

"Demon bloodline? So familiar, so nostalgic!"

It was not until Lei Dianying saw a scoundrel with two horns passing by on the street that she suddenly looked directly at General Lei Dian and muttered,"Miya Chiyo!"

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