Five hundred years ago, in a dark forest.

Lei Dianying held a naginata in her hand, staring coldly at the surroundings that exuded an ominous atmosphere. Ever since she lost her sister, she would definitely protect Inazuma.

A faint sound of a knife was heard, and a dark figure crossed a distance of dozens of meters and hit Lei Dianying's chest directly. The huge speed caused a huge sonic boom.

But the speed of the sword was obviously faster than the speed of sound propagation. Lei Dianying also relied on his intuition to block this sneak attack, and instead used his combat intuition to counterattack the opponent. The powerful slash not only repelled the opponent, but also reflected the opponent's beautiful face.

"Miyu Chiyo, how could it be~"

But when Lei Yingying saw the attacker's appearance clearly, he found that the monster that was causing trouble was actually his long-missing friend Miyu Chiyo, but at this moment, her fair and beautiful face was eroded by several dark lines, and her body also exuded an ominous black aura.

"Kill~ Kill~ Kill~"

Miyu Chiyo stared at Lei Dianying with blood-red eyes, and the evil aura on his body mixed with endless murderous intent rushed towards Lei Dianying.

At the end of the battle, General Lei Dian cut off one of Miyu Chiyo's horns and one of his arms. Miyu Chiyo also recovered some of his consciousness at that time, and fled in a hurry with tears and blood. Since then, there has been no news about"Tora Chiyo", and then there was news that the Kitsuzai Palace on the front line was swallowed up in the dark disaster.

"Extremely pure blood of the ghost clan?"

Lei Dianying muttered again, his eyes slightly sad, but he still knew where the venue was, so he pretended to be calm and said:"It should be a good trip with friends, Hojo, accompany me to patrol the streets!"

"Yes, General!"

General Lei Dian already knew about the chat group system that existed deep in Lei Dianying's consciousness, but the longer she was exposed to it, the clearer her control over the system's capabilities became, and the more she could hack into it without anyone noticing.

Lei Dianying suddenly had new ideas about the execution of the Eye Hunting Order and a new concept about eternity, but her body suddenly felt sluggish, as if the puppet general was warning her that there was something wrong with her mental thoughts.

Lei Dianying comforted the puppet general slightly, and her body returned to normal. They walked out of the store together and continued to walk forward, but before they had walked for long, a huge shout came from behind them.

"Nine Tengu! You coward, I finally found you!"

Lei Yingdian turned around and found that it was the young ghost who was passing by. He was staring at the nine-legged Saro with his three younger brothers, and the nine-legged Saro was also showing disgust and annoyance.

"Hey, isn't this Mei Kitano? You are taking your relative to the street for fun today. But why is your relative wearing the clothes of General Raiden and having the hairstyle of General Raiden? Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed by the Kujo Tengu next to him?"

Arataki Ichito said carelessly, not noticing the panicked looks of his three brothers behind him, which was very careless.

Kujo Sara was also furious when he heard the disrespectful words of Arataki Ichito, and stepped forward and scolded:"Arataki Ichito, you street urchin, instead of working properly, you just know how to make trouble. There is still a place for you in the prison of Tenryo Bugyo!"

"Look carefully with your eyes, this is Inazuma's Go-no-Take-no-Miyazane, the Shogun of Raiden, not a relative of Mei Kitano. Why don't you apologize quickly!"

Upon hearing Kujo Sara's"well-intentioned" reminder, Ichito Aratake did not back down as he had imagined. Instead, he laughed and said,"General Raiden, look at the general Kujo selected by the shogunate. He doesn't even have the courage to accept my challenge. He is truly a coward, and is not at the same level as Mei Kitano next to you."

Lei Dianying felt a little favorable when he heard the heroic and brainless speech of Aratake Ichito. He looked at Kujo Sara and General Raiden with confusion. According to what the young demon in front of him said,"Mei Kitanoshita" convinced him.

Kujo Sara also said to General Raiden with an ugly look on his face:"This young demon is called Aratake Ichito. He is a well-known street urchin in Inazuma Castle. Last time, when he was confiscating the Eye of God, he had a conflict with the soldiers and was defeated by me. I took the Eye of God away. After that, he has been harassing his subordinates. Because he likes to make trouble, he is often imprisoned in the prison of Tenryo Bugyo."

Lei Dianying had some nostalgia and thought, thinking of the scene when Sasayuri and Miyu Chiyo just met, the situation was so similar, so he said:"Aratake Ichito, if you join the Tenryo Bugyo, you can take back the Eye of God from the Thousand-armed and Hundred-eyed statue, and the fight with Sara will be a natural thing."

"No, General!"

"I don't want any position as a celestial official."

Lei Dianying heard the two people's unanimous objection and asked curiously,"Why is that?"

"General, this Arata Ichito has a childlike mind and likes to do things that are not presentable. When he challenges me to a duel, he either fights me in a formal duel or plays a game similar to sumo or a game of ghost beetle fighting. He is not doing anything serious."

"Humph, is it good for you to be the guardian of the heavens? You just want to make trouble for me all day long. You are like a machine every day, without any freedom at all. For me, it is only slightly better than prison!"

"Arawaki Ichito!"

"Kujo Sara!"

The two men's eyes were full of dissatisfaction with each other at this moment, but they both had bottom lines, so they could only stare at each other at this moment.

General Raiden said:"General, Arata and General Kujo are a pair of happy enemies. One yearns for freedom and a happy life with friends, and the other pursues meticulous work and can successfully complete all tasks."

Lei Dianying is not good at the ways of the world, but she can also hear General Raiden reminding herself that Aratake Ichito is a ronin-style ghost who is very repulsive to the strict rules. This reminds her of the big monster Gohyukura who went to the castle tower to make trouble.

It is said that Gohyukura was sealed in the Guardian Forest by Harunosuke because he was too disruptive. I don't know what the situation is now.

When Lei Dianying thought of this, she opened the chat group and sent a message asking about Gohyukura's situation.

Group leader Su Siyu: Gohyukura was sealed into stone in the Guardian Forest, but he has been waiting for the one who is looking for him and taking back the town. Mingshen

Baerzebu: Group leader, do you have any news about Gohyukura?

Group leader Su Siyu: Sorry, all the points have been used up, and there is no way to send videos and large files, but the side story of the game shows that Gohyukura is dead, but there is still the idea of filth formation in Konda Village, which can also be regarded as the continuation of Gohyukura. She is waiting for the destined person to complete the Shenying Great Purification.

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