Narukami Baelzebub: The Great Purification of the God Sakura? Wasn't that hosted by Yae God?

Monster Spider-Girl: What kind of ceremony is the Great Purification of the God Sakura?

Goddess of Wisdom of Water: I know about this. It is a ceremony to remove filth and purify all things. It is obvious that someone from the Kitsusai Palace is waiting for me to return to normal.

Group leader Su Siyu: Aqua is finally useful, but it is not completely correct. The Great Purification of the God Sakura is a ceremony held by the Narukami Grand Shrine to purify the filth under the roots of the God Sakura tree. However, due to the loss of the classics and the talismans, the specific situation has been cut off, so the filth has accumulated underground in Inazuma for five hundred years.

Monster Spider-Girl: Doesn't that mean that the roots of the God Sakura tree are almost overwhelmed, and then some disaster will befall Inazuma again.

Narukami Baelzebub: Group leader, is it true?

Group leader Su Siyu: It is said to be the plot of the game. You can verify it yourself. However, once the purification of the divine cherry blossoms is completed, the memory, emotions and filth of Kitsusai Palace will all go to death together. This is why I don’t like this branch line very much.

Group leader Su Siyu: Who would watch a beautiful and mysterious miko resolutely embark on a road called death and salvation without any complaints? I really like her!

Lei Dianying closed the chat group interface, with countless thoughts flashing in her eyes. She couldn’t stand all this, watching someone she was familiar with go to death, even if that person was Kitsusai Palace’s shadow.

"Is it true that I can't do anything?"

At this moment, Lei Dianying seemed to have returned to the time when he received the news that his sister was going to Kanreya to fight. With the encouraging words of his friends, he went to Kanreya to support his sister Lei Dianzhen. But when she arrived in Kanreya, her sister was on the verge of death. After exchanging her last words and burial place, she left him.

When she held her sister's body and returned to Inazuma with her dream in her arms, Inazuma's defense line was riddled with holes because of her departure. A large number of monsters died, Miyu Chiyo was possessed by a demon, and Kitsusai Palace used magic to resist the final counterattack of the disaster and disappeared in the black tide.

Lei Dianying wanted to save them, but in the end, because of his departure, everything became a bubble illusion. Relatives, friends, soldiers, and acquaintances also became places that they did not want to recall in that disaster.


Lei Dianying loosened her unconsciously clenched hands after hearing a familiar shout. Her eyes returned to normal and she had no intention of continuing shopping. She wanted to return to the Pure Land and discuss with the group members how to save the tragedy.

"Sara, let's end this inspection here! The civilians live and work in peace and contentment as recorded, and their attitude towards the shogunate is also very friendly. You have managed it very well."

Upon hearing Lei Yingdian's praise, Kujo Sara no longer wanted to tangle with Arotaki Ichito. He straightened his chest and said humbly:"It is because the general's orders are clear that we, as his subjects, can accomplish such an outstanding job."

"I heard that Haigi Island is raising a rebellion and fighting against the shogunate. I wonder what the situation is."

Lei Yingying stared at Kujo Sara with burning eyes. After all, the defense line of Yayu Island and Tadashi Sand is under the charge of the eldest son of the Kujo family and Kujo Sara.

"General, we are in the rest period with the rebels of Haigi Island who are fighting against the hunting order. These few days are the time for Bayun City to transport supplies to Qinglai Island. After all, Haigi Island does not want to fight with the regular shogunate army."

"Regular shogunate army?"

"Report to the general, this is a habit. The army fighting against Kaigi Island is composed of new recruits in the past two years. The rebels are being used to hone the military qualities of the soldiers and generals. After all, the casualties in the battles with monsters are high."

After hearing Kujo Sara's report, Lei Dianying understood why Kujo Takayuki did not use thunder and lightning to deal with this matter, but used a tug-of-war, because this war only needs to consume more supplies to train new recruits well and give the shogunate more veterans.

Hearing this, Lei Dianying also knew the general policy ideas of Kanjo Bugyo and Tenryo Bugyo, which were not as unbearable as described in the plot of"Genshin Impact", so this short journey could be declared over.

"Sara, I think this inspection can be ended. Call the current head of the community to the castle tower. I want to ask him something."

Kujo Sara saw that Lei Dian had returned to his cold expression and knew the urgency of the matter. He quickly agreed, glared at Ara Taki Ikto, and then spread his tengu wings from behind and flew to Kamisato's house.

Lei Dian wanted to say something to General Raiden, but seeing the face that was 70% similar to his own and the temperament that appeared in his sister, the words in his mouth were difficult to say anyway.

""General, I still have things to deal with, so I will leave for now."

General Raiden naturally saw that Lei Dian was struggling with her inner struggle, but her main goal had been achieved, and it was time to leave here and go to Hayase Shrine to meet up with her friends.

"Well, retreat!"

Lei Yingdian looked at the figure of General Lei Dian turning around and leaving, and suddenly felt that he had no mood to stay here any longer. His body turned into lightning and went to the castle tower.

Ara Taki Ichito widened his eyes. He didn't expect that everyone would run away in just two minutes. He was very angry, but the three followers behind him breathed a sigh of relief.

"Big guy, are you the legendary Arataki Ichito?"

Arataki Ichito heard the other party addressing him, raised his hand to smooth his hair which was a little messy because of Kujo Sara flying with wings, turned around and saw a blonde girl dressed in Mond noble style, with an unknown species of humanoid creature asking him

"Wow, hahaha! Yes, it's me! It seems my reputation has spread to other countries!"

(•́⍛•̀; ≡ •́⍛•̀;)



Ayato stood quietly behind her father and told him about her conversation with General Raiden. She also told him about what was wrong with Naruto in the past two years, hoping that her father would make a decision.

"Ayato, our position as a chaplain has always been awkward.

Although we are nominally in charge of Inazuma's cultural celebrations, the Narukami Taisha has taken away most of our rights.

If it weren't for the restrictions imposed on Narukami Taisha by General Raiden, our position as a chaplain would be even lower.

"Ayato Kamisato has a deep understanding of this.

To outsiders, the Kamisato family is extremely powerful, but the power they can exert is limited.

If the other two chaplains are willing, they can intervene in all aspects of the chaplaincy.

"Ayato, look at this sky, it has suddenly changed from sunny to stormy. Who can protect us from the wind and rain?"

Kamisato Ayato listened to his father's hint and remained silent as he watched the rapidly changing weather.

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