The past was like a collapsed river bank, and memories poured down like a torrent.

Miyu Chiyo remembered that when she regained her sight again, a huge and mournful bird cry resounded throughout the fields, and the cave that sealed her also revealed a dim light.

In the following ten years, her mind wandered between madness and calmness from time to time, until the shrine maiden named Kikyo, wearing a red and white shrine maiden costume and holding a famous bow handed down from generation to generation, rescued her from under the tree roots and used an unknown power to remove most of the filth in her body.

The aroma of food wafted out from the simple shrine kitchen, which made Miyu Chiyo come back to her senses, but suddenly she found that there was a beautiful figure approaching quickly not far away.

When the distance was only a hundred meters, Miyu Chiyo widened her eyes, because the person in front of her was 70% similar to the person she didn't want to face in her memory, and the momentum exuded by her body was extremely familiar.

General Raiden came to a few meters away from Yu Chiyo in just a few breaths. The sharp aura on his face melted like ice and snow, turning into a gentle temperament, and he said:"I should say it's been a long time since we last met! Or is it our first meeting, please take care of me!"

Yu Chiyo also found from a close distance that the person in front of her was not the General Raiden whom she was most familiar with, but she had the common characteristics of Raiden Zhen and Lei Dianying, and their appearance was also extremely similar, which made her have some daydreaming.

"Meow, isn't this the great hero Beichen Meiyi who reestablished the seal and killed that stupid bird? Why did you come to our Asase Shrine?"

Neizi jumped out of the kitchen and said a little bit contemptuously when she saw General Raiden for the first time. It was obvious that there was some entanglement between the two.

"Mei Kitano?"

Miyu Chiyo kept muttering the name, but she felt the throbbing of her blood in General Raiden's body, and there was also a slight sense of being suppressed. It was obvious that the other party had a stronger ghost blood than her own.

Based on General Raiden's speech just now, Miyu Chiyo immediately made up a series of stories in her mind. She looked at General Raiden with the eyes of an elder, obviously seeing her as the descendant of his son.

General Raiden naturally saw the weirdness in Miyu Chiyo's eyes, and guessed something, and said:"Qinzi, you are really stingy. Didn't I just help you repair the shrine building? Besides, I haven't applied for assistance from the Adventurer's Guild for you!"

"Humph, I feel bad when I talk about this. In the past few years, those adventurers would often come here to adventure and deal with the affairs of the shrine casually, but after the shogunate army set up the post station, they stopped coming to worship the shrine."

After hearing this, Beichen Mei also understood why. Before, Qinglai Island was covered by the power and thunder of Raiin Gongen, and it was difficult for monsters to use it as a springboard to invade Inazuma. But at this moment, because of the seal of General Raiden, the shogunate stationed 30,000 troops here.

As a result, Yayun Island was vigorously developed by the shogunate, and Yayun City was built on the seashore next to the heart of the Mikage furnace as a transit point for materials. Then the transportation routes of merchants and the army were naturally set up in the opposite position of Asase Shrine.

"There is no other way. People always seek convenience and hassle-free. Asagi Shrine was built based on a village not far away, but now everyone in the village has gone to work on Yamyou Island, so naturally the reputation of the shrine cannot spread."

Neizi patted the stone under him in anger. He originally thought that after Qinglai Island returned to normal, Asagi Shrine would be able to shine again, but he did not expect that after a short period of prosperity, it would fall into a state of no one caring about it again.

"This is life, please accept this souvenir!" General Lei Dian took out the favorite toy of Qinzi from the storage bag he made casually and handed it to him. Qinzi could not maintain his calm but bitter and resentful appearance, so he took the bag of toys and ran away.

"This unfinished sword is given to you as a gift."

Miko Chiyo looked at the sword in front of her, which was about 70% similar to her memory. She remembered the scene of the sword being cut into two parts during the battle with Lei. She took the sword very solemnly, and stroked the blade with her red palm with some black lines, just like a rare treasure.

Although she had not played with swords for hundreds of years, her experience of fighting in the south and the north had not diminished her appreciation of weapons. Just by weighing the weight, stroking the blade, the vibration of the sword sound and the ability to conduct elemental force, she knew that this sword was stronger than her own sword.

"Mei, you're back. Have you dealt with Inazuma's affairs?"

Kikyo came out of the kitchen carrying a few dishes, put them on the table, and said with a smile.

"Well, based on my understanding of Inazuma, are you still not assured? This is a gift for you."

General Raiden said, handing two sets of kimonos to Kikyo, with a branch emitting a mysterious aura on them.

Kikyo took it with a smile, integrated the branch into her body constructed by the ritual, put the kimono into the storage ring and said:"I like the gift very much, come and try the food I made!"

Miyu Chiyo also came back to her senses from the joy and the kindness of the elders, and found that the truth of the matter was not what she imagined.

She, Miyu Chiyo, had just spent hundreds of years in a daze, but she was not a fool like Lei Dianying. The more she came into contact with him, the more she found that the"Mei Beichen" in front of her was not just a hybrid of the ghost and human race, but was actually...……

"My dear, it’s time to eat. Don’t hide and play. Remember to wash your hands!"

"Don't treat me as an ordinary wild cat. I am currently studying the art of mechanisms!"

Kikyo smiled slightly and did not embarrass Qinzi. After all, she was not a human body now, but a body constructed by countless ingenious techniques. The core of the body was a soul split from the body, which was placed in a sachet made of hair.

Her powerful insight could easily see through the wooden boards of the shrine and see Qinzi who was building a cat climbing frame.

Miyu Chiyo had a lot to say in her heart, but she also knew that this was not the time to ask. She walked into the house and said,"It's going to rain heavily outside, so let's go inside and eat!" General

Lei Dian looked up at the sky gradually covered by dark clouds, and said with a slightly teasing tone,"It seems that someone is very sad now." Kikyo also nodded in response. As a body composed of techniques, she was very sensitive to the qi between heaven and earth and could naturally sense that this sudden rainstorm was caused by the interaction between someone's qi and heaven and earth.

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