The rainstorm outside the Asase Shrine has passed, but the sky is still drizzling.

Miyu Chiyo sat calmly on the floor of the shrine, listening quietly to General Raiden telling what happened to the Miyu family after Miyu Chiyo was cut off by Raiden.

Although adventurers and shogunate soldiers come to the Asase Shrine from time to time to worship the"Cat God", it is obvious that they have only a vague understanding of what happened in the Miyu family five hundred years ago. They even argue about whether"Tora Chiyo" is a man or a woman, not to mention the inside story.

General Raiden gently tasted a cup of hot tea after dinner, looked at the drizzle outside the shrine, and told the story of his son Miyu Michiki, who suffered huge public pressure because of his mother's"betrayal" of General Raiden. With a cowardly character, he abandoned the honor of his family and the ghost clan and ran to the countryside to avoid everything.

After that, Miyu Michiki, who lived in seclusion in Gantian Village, met the genius girl Mitsuyo of the Tengu clan, and under her encouragement and training, he gradually grew up and changed his surname to Iwakura.

In the thirteen years since then, Iwakura Michiki and Mitsuyo would fight each other until Iwakura Michiki's sword caught up with Mitsuyo flying in the sky. His swordsmanship had fully matured and he could be called a master from then on.

But for some reason, Iwakura Michiki returned to Inazuma Castle and created a huge reputation in the name of Iwakura, making the sword school"Iwakura-ryu" and Iwakura's surname take root in Inazuma Castle.

Miyu Chiyo also sighed slightly when she heard this. She was not only sighing for her son's disappointment, but also for the unsuccessful relationship between Michiki and Mitsuyo, and she was reminded of her family's political marriage. Although General Raiden only said a few words, she could also feel the meaning.

General Raiden seemed to have noticed nothing, and continued,"It is said that when Iwakura Doki was summarizing his swordsmanship in the mountains and forests, he encountered a hideous and terrifying black beast. He killed it in the mountains and forests, and gained great fame."

Miyu Chiyo heard General Raiden's ridicule and remained silent. As the person involved, she naturally knew the truth that Doki could not bear to kill his mother, whom he once admired and brought him infinite affection, and decades later he created a magic sword ghost with his swordsmanship to complete what he had not completed. However, things did not go as planned, and this wish had a chance to come true only a hundred years later.

"Of course, this is also a popular story. It is said that after Michiki fled his family and betrayed his honor, his adopted son Michimasa was a strong-willed man and joined the shogunate army to fight for the family's honor."

"After dozens of wars, Yu-Yi Changzheng proved the glory and reputation of the Yu-Yi family, making the Yu-Yi family name a loyal family again and has been passed down to the present day."

"But the family that was once regarded as an honor by the ghost clan has since become a purely human family."

When Yu Chiyo heard the last words of General Lei Dian, she also heard the sigh of the impermanence of the world, but still asked:"Ying, what were you doing at that time?"

General Lei Dian could naturally hear the temptation of Yu Chiyo, but still replied:"After most of the important people left, she obtained a mysterious puppet technology by chance.

As long as she can successfully practice this technology on herself, she will not have to go through those painful things again.

" Yu Chiyo's eyes flashed with confusion, and then a look of sudden enlightenment.

She finally understood the true identity of General Lei Dian, and knew why the two said such strange words when they met for the first time.

He asked in a painful tone:"What about the experience of the ghost clan?"

General Lei Dian knew very well that this was what Yu Chiyo had always wanted to ask, because the other party was the patriarch in the hearts of all the ghosts at that time, and the pride of the ghost clan.

"The ghost tribe suffered heavy losses in the fight against the disaster, and because of the cowardly behavior of Yumi Doki, the ghost tribe completely lost its voice in Inazuma. The red ghost lineage could only move to remote small villages or forests, and the blue ghost lineage could only lick their wounds in the mountains without any help, and their lives were difficult."

"It was not until two hundred years ago that General Raiden reorganized the shogunate and re-issued laws against monsters. Since then, the ghost tribe has received assistance from the shogunate and has had exchanges with the shogunate in various aspects. Since then, the ghost tribe has once again become a major tribe in the monster world."

"Thank you!"

After hearing what General Raiden said, Miyu Chiyo realized that it was General Raiden who helped her. She stood up and walked into the misty drizzle. Raindrops fell from the corners of her eyes. She didn't know whether it was raindrops or tears.

General Raiden understood very well that the values more than 500 years ago were completely different from those now. Miyu Chiyo grew up in the concept and environment that put the ghost clan first. Miyu Chiyo carried too many expectations of the ghost clan.

But there is no doubt that Miyu Chiyo pushed the ghost clan to a peak, but then she went to the abyss. Her biological son did not help the ghost clan at that time to recover and cheer up, but instead cut off the ghost clan's thoughts.

At that time, when the Inazuma nobles and samurai respected Iwazo Doki's unparalleled swordsmanship, the red ghost and The blue demons hated Michiki Michiki very much and thought that he had betrayed the demon clan.

Neko was extremely confused by the strange conversation between General Raiden and Michiyo Michiyo. She didn't know why Michiyo Michiyo walked into the rain like a fool. Couldn't she just stay in the shrine like herself?

After wiping some objects in the shrine, Kikyo had no intention of eavesdropping. For her, this was the most private moment for the two of them, a moment for two people who had been separated for a long time to reveal their thoughts.

She remembered the joy, bitterness, and relief on Yakumo Yukari's face when she found General Raiden on the street, and her extremely close attitude when she saw her. She understood that she and Yakumo Yukari had a very good relationship five hundred years later, and that Yakumo Yukari felt guilty about General Raiden.


Miyu Chiyo's cough suddenly came from the rain, and the ground wet by the rain was also stained with black and red.

Qinzi heard Miyu Chiyo's cough and didn't pay attention to it, but suddenly smelled a bloody smell in her nose. She looked in the direction of the smell and found that there was black blood spreading under Miyu Chiyo's feet.

"Stupid ghost, what's wrong with you? Hurry up and let Kikyo Miko heal you!"

Neko immediately got up from the cat climbing frame and quickly came to Mikochiyo's side, saying anxiously. Although she often quarreled with Mikochiyo, she felt a sense of sympathy from her.

"It's okay, it's just an old problem!"

Miyuchiyo's eyes were bright, she didn't care at all, instead she picked up the quilt, used her sleeves to shield it from the rain, and walked into the shrine. She was very clear about her physical condition.

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