"It seems that everyone's life is not easy!"

General Lei Dian suddenly sighed, and Ye Lan also heard the hidden meaning and echoed:"I will start the fight against lawlessness."

Kikyo suddenly understood the meaning, and only the silent Qizi was full of questions. Kikyo also answered that the supply of the Treasure Stealing Group was not as reliable as that of the official Liyue. Letting the Treasure Stealing Group be responsible for part of the supply can barely maintain it, but after the official attack of Liyue, the logistics of the Fatui have long been destitute.

It's a pity that the members of the Fatui advance team are determined and refuse to give up their weapons and surrender. They can only fight monsters and relic machines on an empty stomach without supplies, resulting in heavy casualties.

"This is the map and token we drew, with the supply points marked on it. As long as they confirm the authenticity of your token, they will provide enough supplies."

A general of the Qianyan Army wearing the Eye of God on his waist walked up to General Lei Dian, handed the items to her, and pointed to several packed items not far away. It was obvious that they were going to hold on to this place.

"The rest of the journey is up to us. If we don't come back within half a month, we will ask powerful immortals or adventurers who are not afraid of the influence and pollution of the abyss to explore this place on the map."

General Lei Dian asked Kikyo to collect supplies, and he pointed to a place occupied by a rock on the map. Ye Lan and the generals immediately recorded the location.

General Lei Dian took Kikyo and quickly walked into the depths of the layered rock abyss. Everything around in the passage was terribly depressing. There were always meaningless murmurs coming from the deep darkness, like the whispers of ancient gods, which made Qinzi tremble and hide in Kikyo's mountain.

On the way, General Lei Dian could occasionally see the black mud that polluted the veins here. For people without the Eye of God, it is a deadly chronic poison that can distort people's consciousness, make the body die in pain, and even turn them into monsters.

For those who hold the Eye of God, For the black mud from the abyss, it has a strong repulsive force on the elemental force, which makes each other feel very uncomfortable and has a strong special attack effect on itself.

This is the real reason why Liyue is at a loss for what to do in the Layered Abyss, because no matter whether it is the strong ones with the Eye of God or the ordinary soldiers, they are all treated equally in front of the power of the abyss, but the former can have higher resistance.

General Lei Dian is very familiar with this place. After passing through several passages, the black mud on the road is becoming more and more dense. The monsters soaked in the black mud are also emitting a more powerful breath and launching crazy attacks on General Lei Dian and Kikyo again and again.

Kikyo drew his bow and arrow, transformed into a mobile turret, with the bowstring in his hand���Arrows emitting light pierced their heads, and a faint light burst out in their bodies, causing them to fall on the road of charge.

Because Kikyo found that these abyssal forces had a strong polluting effect on spiritual power. If they were allowed to get close to her body and attack and hurt her, she didn't know how much energy she would have to spend to expel this influence.

"We have arrived."

Kikyo carefully crossed the black mud and walked out of the passage. In front of her was a flat and open depression, but it was surrounded by purple-black stones and countless black mud.

Kikyo was slightly surprised because she found an inverted relic above her head. The traces left by the years could be clearly seen on the broken buildings. Countless broken stones were bound by a strange stand, making people feel the shock of an inverted city.

"Bal, what on earth is wrong with this world?"

Kikyo has seen many grand scenes, but she can feel the magnificent power from this inverted city, just like the glimpse she once had of the original body of General Raiden.

"What happened to the world? It is about to be destroyed. If it were not for the decision made ten thousand years ago, there would be no Teyvat continent today."

General Lei Dian said with a slight sigh. She came here on purpose because this is one of the transit stations close to the ground for the operation of the power of the abyss. It helps her to reach the secret place in the sky more easily.

"Isn't the world still thriving? Is it just that the Kingdom of Winter wants to start a war?"

"This is a country ruled by gods. If they want to start a war, they must have permission from gods. So what is the reason that the Ice God of the Winter Kingdom is even crazier than the Fire God and wants to start a full-scale war?"

"This war is a continuation of the previous war. A certain god saw some truths about the world from that war and realized that he had unknowingly embarked on the path of Shura, so he would naturally raise the banner of resistance."

General Lei Dian said carelessly, but the space in front of his body suddenly exploded. A huge finger stretched out from it and turned into an ancient dead tree, taking root here again. Countless abyssal powers were absorbed and spit out. It seemed that nothing had changed, but mysterious changes had occurred.

This weird scene made the already scared Qinzi dare not even show his head to check.

"The God of Shura Road? The Ice God who loves everyone!"

Kikyo's past memories were impacting her heart. She seemed to understand why the Ice God recorded in the broken ancient books left behind in the Asase Shrine was so different from the current style of the Fatui. She also had a period of time when

"Kikyo: For you, what is more important, the continuation of the world, the continuation of civilization, the continuation of the species, or your own existence?"

Kikyo heard General Raiden's question and combined it with the truth that the world was about to be destroyed. It seemed that she had grasped some key points, but she also thought about the significance of these choices.

"I think the continuation of the species is more important, because I don't want to lose my friends and relatives around me."

After Kikyo said this, I also understood why General Lei Dian said that this was a continuation of the previous war, or that this was a war that continued after countless collisions of ideas.

"This is very consistent with your personality, Kikyo!"

"But for other people, it is a different choice. For example, I understand the big principles of saving the world, but you are more important than this world."

"I don’t care if there’s a flood after I die!"

"As long as a small number of lives are saved, we can protect the continuation of most lives. Isn't this a very cost-effective deal?"

"This is our home, and we must protect it at all costs!"


General Raiden spoke one sentence after another, containing different emotions and thoughts, like a big knife that can cut through confusion, revealing the truth of the world.

The purpose of heaven is simple, which is to protect this world that is about to be destroyed, even if his hands are stained with blood, and he is determined to give the world a new life.

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