"Ten thousand years ago, Teyvat was put to the test, but unfortunately failed. Most of the truth was either lost in history or erased by Tianli and his minions."

"But there is no doubt that a war broke out between Tianli on the throne and the major civilizations on the continent, and in the end Tianli was seriously injured and civilization was destroyed. Sky Island became the core of the world, and a plan to protect the world began."

"The false sky covering Teyvat was created during this millennium. The veins of the World Tree were redefined, formations were set up, the foundation of the world was rebuilt, and countless demons came into being."

"Things seem to be moving in the ideal direction, but the remaining races and civilizations are taking revenge underground, and are beginning to consciously gain power from outside the world, disrupting the plan of Heaven."

"Tianli could only sleep and recuperate because of his injuries, but his successor had already sat on the throne and purged those rebel forces, showing his strength."

"At the same time, the Heavenly Justice Maintainer also used this prestige to announce the system of seven gods ruling on the continent of Teyvat, making the power of the Eye of God popular on the continent."

"The Demon God War is the method used by the Heavenly Law Maintainers to select capable subordinates and expand their influence. After a thousand years of selection, the Seven Rulers of the Earthly World were born. The defeated Demon Gods either surrendered and were sealed, or died in battle and fled to the Dark Sea."

"It seems that everything has been decided. When the openly resisting civilization has been completely convinced by the so-called Seven Gods' ideas, the overseas Kingdom of Kanreya has obtained the truth that destroys us, which is half true and half false, and is conducting forbidden experiments in a crazy secret."

"Finally, when everything was going well, the control of the monsters by the branch under Xumi failed, the power of the abyss was rampant, and the giant snake of the ruins opened up the passage between the Layered Abyss and the underground experimental field of Kanreya, and the dark beast tide broke out."

Kikyo heard General Raiden pause here, and realized that this was the dark disaster that swept across the seven countries on the continent of Teyvat five hundred years ago. She never thought that it was because of the loss of control over the monsters.

"The top leaders of Kanreya also knew that this kind of thing would inevitably be cleansed by Sky Island, so they directly opened the passage to the world and made the monsters completely crazy, trying to attract the attention of the gods of the seven countries and prevent them from going to Kanreya."

"The Heavenly Justice Maintainer summoned the gods to Kanreya immediately to fight against the completely crazy Kanreya leaders and seal the completely opened mouth of the abyss and the passage outside the world."

"In the end, Kanreya was destroyed and divided into several pieces by the Heavenly Law Maintainers and scattered all over the world. The people were transformed into abyssal creatures such as hillbillies by the power of the abyss and the curse of Heavenly Law, and the Seven Gods also fell directly and indirectly."

"It seemed that Heavenly Law had won, but Kanreya had destroyed the circulation of the earth veins and the power of the abyss, causing the originally stable world to fall into the countdown of life again. The Heavenly Law Maintainer was also seriously injured and could not allow the last four deacons to finish the work."

General Raiden finished speaking, his eyes full of regret. If it weren't for Kanreya's incident, perhaps the bubble of Teyvat would have been fixed on the"tree" again and gained new vitality.

From the perspective of civilization and race, Heavenly Law's participation in the destruction of many civilizations is an extremely evil existence, but from a long-term perspective, Heavenly Law saved the world that was about to be destroyed, continued the existence of Teyvat, and protected the continuation of the world.

From each other's standpoints and perspectives, neither of them was right or wrong, but if it was General Raiden at that moment, she would do the same as Heavenly Law, because the world would be destroyed and collapsed in a short time, and only a few people would be able to escape the world. It would be better for her to bear the infamy and go on the road of"saving the world".

Kikyo listened to General Raiden. The glorious history she was recounting seemed to remind her of a record she had seen in her original world. The Emperor of Heaven of China wanted to reverse this era that was destined to be the"End of Dharma" and lead a large number of powerful people on the road to recovery.

But unfortunately, the magical power was no match for destiny, and a large number of powerful people fell. The Emperor of Heaven, Haotian, also entered a state of extinction due to the backlash of the Heavenly Dao. He could only wait for the heaven and earth to revive and return from the long river of time.

This all proved that the difficulty of saving the world is countless times more difficult than imagined, but the law of nature has forced the world to continue for more than ten thousand years, which is much more powerful than Haotian's extension of the spiritual era for hundreds of years.

But another doubt flashed through her mind, why not integrate the civilizations of the major forces to explore a way to save the world together.

"Why didn't the law of nature unite powerful civilizations back then to force everyone to come up with a more suitable solution?"

General Lei Dian looked at the trembling baby on Kikyo's chest, took it out with one hand, and his palm seemed to have magical power to calm its panic, and said:"Because there is an energy called collapse outside the world"

"Honkai energy? What kind of energy is that?"

General Raiden thought for a moment, and remembering the other party's cognitive reserve, he took out a Mora he made, and bound the spiritual energy emitted by it in the air. At the same time, he exhaled a breath of spiritual energy and said,"Can you feel any difference?"

Kikyo also used the spiritual energy in her own way, and found that it was no different from the spiritual energy she usually used.

General Raiden watched Kikyo's hundreds of fruitless explorations and experiments, and without any reminders, he released the spiritual energy she consumed each time and let her experiment again.

"This seems to be just ordinary spiritual energy, and there is no difference between the spiritual energy particles and spirituality. If there is a difference, one should be made by you personally, and the other is made by the World Tree."

Kikyo spent a lot of energy, but in the end she didn't notice anything. She looked very tired, but she still spoke.

General Lei Dian shook his head, pointed at her body and said:"Can you feel that there is something wrong with this body formed by the ritual?"

"Something is wrong?"

Kikyo showed a puzzled expression on her face. No matter how she sensed and searched, there was no problem. Until her eyes looked at General Lei Dian again, her body seemed to be very"obedient" to General Lei Dian."

"What kind of magic and rules are used here?"

"No, I have never used any means on you, it's just that you have my aura on you, just like when a powerful monster occupies a place, the surrounding environment will be inadvertently transformed into an environment suitable for its survival by its magic power."

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