Lei Yingying knew that he was not suitable to be the ruler of a country, but Inazuma could not do without a person to suppress the whole territory.

This place is not like Mondstadt and Liyue, where a large number of high-end combat forces can still be preserved after the battle of Kanreya, but Inazuma is on the edge of the Dark Sea, and must have a powerful demon god to form a formation. If he does not take over the position of Ming Shen, it is hard to say whether Inazuma will exist.

"But I don't have the ability to handle everything like my sister!"

Lei Yingying thought silently in her heart. At the same time, she had a deeper understanding of how the puppet general could govern Inazuma. However, she knew that she had to swing the naginata in her hand towards her former friend again.

"Chiyo, you know better than words that I like to express my feelings with the weapon in my hand."

Lei Dianying raised the naginata and pointed it at Miyu Chiyo. Miyu Chiyo also calmed down his somewhat furious emotions, placed the katana in front of him with both hands and said:"Tiger~Chiyo, please~" When

Lei Dianying heard Miyu Chiyo's change of his surname, he also understood that the other party had put aside the honor of the ghost clan and wanted to have a duel of honor between samurai with him. Miyu Chiyo was also as fast as thunder at this moment. The distance of only a few dozen meters was a distance that could be crossed in the blink of an eye for both parties. The katana in his hand was wrapped in a strong power of the abyss and chopped towards the weak point of Lei Dianying's defense.

Lei Dianying naturally would not let Miyu Chiyo get his wish. The long-handled weapon he used had a much longer attack range than the katana, so he naturally used it. The concept of using one's strengths to attack another's weaknesses is to keep oneself in an advantageous position at all times.

Yu Chiyo had long anticipated Lei Dianying's perfect response moves, which were like an antelope hanging on a horn. After all, the two sides were not only friends five hundred years ago, but also opponents who exchanged martial arts with each other, and they knew each other's moves and routines very well.

During this period of several breaths, Yu Chiyo and Lei Dianying fought hundreds of times, always using a fast-beating style. If it were in the past, Yu Chiyo would definitely lose, but with the secret help of General Lei Dian, the gap that was once unbridgeable has been easily crossed.

Lei Dianying was more and more surprised as the fight went on. She could naturally sense Yu Chiyo's rapid improvement in martial arts, and she was now on par with herself. In this situation, the simple competition of martial arts and skills is no longer the key to determine victory or defeat, but the will of each other.

The naginata comes with Lei Dianying's highest understanding of his own martial arts - no thoughts and no ideas. The already miraculous skills have transcended to the level of rules, and the already sharp blade is constantly distorting the space. Miyu

Chiyo's face changed slightly. This understanding of the rules has exceeded the scope of his understanding, but General Raiden's thoughts are guiding Miyu Chiyo's every move.

Heaven and earth are not kind, and all things are treated as straw dogs!

Miyu Chiyo's every move is also full of artistic conception and demonic power. This is what General Raiden and Yue Yejian realized during the starry sky war. Naturally, they have the mystery of Lei Dianying. The effect of suppression.

Lei Dianying suddenly felt that the Miyu Chiyo in front of him seemed to have become the universe, indifferent to everything in the world, and would not change because of the changes in things. This was similar to the profound meaning of no thoughts and no ideas that he had comprehended.

The mountain cave completely collapsed because it could not withstand the high-level battle between Miyu Chiyo and Lei Dianying, revealing the main root of the sacred cherry. Yae Shenzi finally restored contact with the amulet, but everything in front of her made her at a loss.

The filthy warrior who looked extremely similar to Miyu Chiyo actually suppressed Lei Dianying, and the opponent had no ability to fight back. If both sides had not consciously controlled the destructive power of their own strength, this Yingxiang Mountain would have been reduced to ruins.

""Ying, your martial arts have remained at the same level as before, and have even regressed. Only your mind has become much simpler, but the reason you drew your sword does not seem to be pure." With the help of General Lei Dian, Yu Chiyo's body was naturally more aware of Lei Dian's own flaws, and he immediately said it out.

"The reason for drawing the knife!"

Lei Dianying recalled that the reason he picked up the knife at first was to avoid being bullied. The second time he picked up the knife was to protect his sister Raiden Shin. The third time he picked up the knife was to use Wuxiang's will to clear the obstacles for the establishment of Inazuma. The fourth time he picked up the knife was to eliminate the extreme emotions in his mind and kill the enemy.

So what was the reason for picking up the knife this time?

Lei Dianying's thinking immediately put himself, who was originally at a disadvantage, into a more dangerous situation, forcing Yae Shinko to use his connection with the amulet to block a dangerous blow for Lei Dianying at the cost of breaking it.

Just go and pursue it, even if it is only a moment of light!

Lei Dianying's mind suddenly emerged with a sentence that his sister once said, and a hint of understanding flashed across his eyes. The naginata in his hand, which had originally been dead and eternal, suddenly emerged with a touch of tenacious vitality.

"This is real power!"

At this moment, Yu Chiyo saw the real shadow of Lei Dian from Lei Dian's body, and realized that the other party had crossed the shackles that bound him and took a step forward, but the power of his body retreating rapidly was warning him that he didn't have much time left.

"Yae Fox is really good at making trouble!"

Mikoto Ogimiya naturally discovered that Yae Godson was making the final attack on the cancer and wanted to cut off his source of power, but his goal had almost been achieved.

Lei Dianying's eyes became firm, and the naginata in his hand also flew out of his hand, causing Mikoto Ogimiya to pause for a moment, and in his hand appeared a long sword like a work of art - Dream Isshin. Mikoto

Ogimiya laughed loudly, and immediately connected to the will left by General Raiden. His vision seemed to jump through endless space and came to the vast universe, seeing the scene of the collapse and destruction of stars.

The destruction of countless planets allowed Mikoto Ogimiya to see General Raiden. Part of the power he comprehended - the law of destruction, or the incomparable power when the void is shattered and matter disappears.

The sword wielding in his hand began to emit a constant wail, and the space was oppressed, breaking inch by inch, causing notes of destruction.

A feeling of fear emerged in Lei Dianying's heart, but the arrow was on the string and had to be shot, or there was no chance to dodge at all. The surrounding space had already solidified because of the collision of the demon's will.

The two swords collided with each other, the blades broke, and each other's attacks fell on each other. Pain appeared on Lei Dianying's face, forming two extremes with Yu Chiyo's calm and confident face.

"I won!"

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