Lei Yingying watched in pain as her dream Yixin split the armor on Miyu Chiyo's body in half, leaving a huge wound on her body.

The sword in Miyu Chiyo's hand had already shattered at the moment of collision because she could not control the destructive power. What was wielded on Lei Yingying was her will.

"It seems that you have found your direction. Now that you have chosen it, go forward firmly."

Miko Chiyo's body quickly dissipated. At the last moment, she hugged the somewhat dazed Lei Dianying and whispered in her ear,"In fact, I have never blamed you. I only hate that my son did not fight for everyone's expectations like my adopted son, and disappointed everyone in the ghost clan."

""Ying, you should move on!"

Lei Ying stared blankly at the figure that disappeared in front of her. A broken ghost face fell to the ground. The pain brought by the filth on her body was not as painful as this time. She could do nothing.

"Master Chiyo, she chose the path to honor in the end."

Lei Dianying suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind him. He turned around and saw a black-haired witch with a fox mask on her waist and strange black lines on her face, smiling at him.

""Konosaiguni? Hanasari!"

Yae Shinko also heard the voice that she had heard from time to time in her memory. She turned into a flash of lightning and came to Hanasari, wanting to reach out and touch the figure that looked very similar to Kitsauiguni.

"Hello, Lord Palace Master. My name is Hanasari. This is the first time we meet."

"It is a filth that possesses some of the memories and emotions of Lord Kitsusai."

"I remember that you sent people to investigate my origins several times, which really made me at a loss. I originally wanted you to perform the Divine Sakura Purification, but I don’t know why those people are always unwilling to get too close to me."

Only then did Yae Shenzi understand that the strange shrine maiden in Konda Village reported by the shrine maidens was not just an illusion left by the barrier, but the deepest emotion left by Kitsunasai Palace for Inazuma after his death.

Lei Dianying also suppressed his physical discomfort at this time. While expelling the filth on his body, he took out the props obtained from Aqua and wanted to use them on Hanasarari.

Hanasarari only felt that her memory was quickly taken away by a certain existence, and the filthy energy that maintained her body normal also dissipated along with Yae Shenzi's successful purification of the tumor and the completion of the Divine Sakura Purification.

"Lord Narukami, please don't be so concerned about me. Completing the Great Purification of the Divine Sakura has always been my wish and the choice I will make in the future."

Lei Dianying didn't listen to Hanasari's advice at all, but used several props on Hanasari on his own. However, with the intervention of General Raiden, the functions of these props were just like waste.

Hanasari saw that she couldn't persuade the somewhat stubborn Lei Dianying at all, and felt that her body, which had only a little movement power left and an extremely vague consciousness, handed the fox mask on her waist to Yae Shenzi

"This is the reward for completing the Great Purification of the Divine Sakura and a little gift from me. It records the forging method of the White Star Ring. I hope……"

Before Hanasari could finish her words, her body had already dissipated into the air. The fox mask also fell from the air because it had lost its owner, and was held firmly in the palm of a pair of hands.

Yae Kamiko looked at the fox mask in her hand sadly, and then looked at Lei Dianying who was kneeling on the ground with tears on her face, and listened to her painful cry:"I am really still the shadow warrior of the past, and I am really incapable of doing anything!"

"Ying, it's time to get up and move forward. They all hope that you can take a bold step forward."

Yaezamiko suppressed the pain in her heart and said angrily. She walked towards the ghost mask not far away and picked up the half-broken mask. She found that there were several words engraved on the inside of the mask, but the information revealed by these words shocked her heart.

Because it said: Zhen is not dead, his will is in Ying, and he hopes Ying will recover it.

Yaezamiko seemed to think of something, staring at the roots of the sacred cherry tree, and raised the two masks. She seemed to understand why these two people existed in the world with filthy bodies, because all this was the work of Lei Dianzhen.

"Ying, things are not as bad as you think. This is the message Chiyo left for you."

When Lei Ying heard what Yae Shinko said, he took the mask like a life-saving straw and saw the contents inside. He immediately had an impossible thought in his mind, but when he thought of Hanasari and Miyo Chiyo's thoughts, hope was rekindled in his heart.

"I know, Shenzi, I will not choose to escape this time."

Lei Yingying's body was emitting lightning, cleaning the filth on his body. Looking at the Yae Shenzi who was full of dignity and reliability at this moment, he found that the fox who used to like to tease him had grown up.

Seeing that Lei Yingying seemed to have regained his fighting spirit, the burden on his body was also relieved a little. He said in a frivolous and charming tone:"Ying, you must discuss the next thing with me, otherwise what should I do if what happened just now happens again? It's a pity that I lost sister Chiyo and the thought of sister Kitsaumi. It's really pitiful~"


"Ying, you have to treat me to delicious fried tofu first, so that you can soothe my wounded heart~"

Lei Yingying looked at the Yaezakko who had changed from a dignified priestess to someone who liked to persecute him as usual, and lamented that he still couldn't deal with Yaezakko, but he still agreed to her request. After dealing with this place, he flew towards Inazuma Castle.

Lei Yingying relied on his advantage of flying much faster than Yaezakko in the air, so he had time to open the chat group that was still live, and only hoped that the group members would not laugh at his weakness just now.

But when he entered the chat group's chat history, he found that the group members didn't care about the content of his live broadcast at all, but were discussing the news of the new group members. Lei Yingying looked at the content and then looked at the gray group member images.

Mingshen Baalzebub: Is the new group member dead?

Group leader Su Siyu: With the general Rationally speaking, according to the rules of the group, Ai-chan is indeed dead.

Goddess Aqua: If I had known earlier, I would have asked the otaku to give Ai-chan a resurrection item, so that a new member would not be stabbed to death because of the anger of a fan.

Spider-girl Shiraori: Who would have thought that as an idol, she would not have a bodyguard around her, and her address was found by sasaeng fans, and she was suddenly attacked with a knife.

Group leader Su Siyu: I have found out the real identity of Ai-chan. She is the mother of the two protagonists from"My Favorite Child", and the mastermind behind this is Kamiki Hikaru, the father of her child.

Goddess Aqua: I just want to know when new people will come to this group, so that I can get points to upgrade the group faster and leave this world.

Aqua's remarks silenced everyone, and everyone finally understood why the group leader said that Aqua was a symbol of wisdom.

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