"Welcome back, you are more capable of causing trouble than I thought!"

Yu Chiyo felt only darkness in front of her eyes, and the air around her was somewhat oppressive, but the voice that came from her ears was like a key to unlock her memory, allowing her to quickly wake up and open her heavy eyelids.

"Well, this is really like a dream. If it weren't for my intuition telling me that all this is real, I would have thought I was reborn."

Mikochiyo got up from the bed and saw the lush tree in the center of the room. It was the anchor point for communicating with the Inazuma earth vein. Next to General Raiden, a girl dressed as a shrine maiden was slowly materialized from nothing. But there was no filthy smell on the shrine maiden. Instead, it was very similar to the spiritual and holy smell on Kikyo. She used the memory that General Raiden instilled into her, which was a power called spiritual power.

As if she had noticed Mikochiyo's gaze, Hanasari also opened her eyes with difficulty, taking in everything around her, and found that Mikochiyo and a girl who looked 60% similar to Raiden were looking at her, and a shrine maiden next to her was helping a cat to comb its fur.

"Is this what it feels like to have a simple body? It is really a strange experience, but I would like to ask Chiyo to guide me on the road to tomorrow."

After hearing what Hanasari said, Miyu Chiyo looked at General Raiden beside her in a tangled way, because she was following General Raiden now. Hanasari also realized the primary and secondary relationship between the two. Thinking about her current body constructed by magic, she realized that this was all done by the unknown girl in front of her.

"I'm so sorry. My name is Hanasari. It's our first meeting. Please give me your guidance."

"Miss Miko, please don't be polite. We may have to work together in the future. Just call me Kikyo."

"Kikyo priestess, please take care of me!"

General Raiden naturally knew that this was a test from Hanasakura, and he felt a little playful, so he said in the tone of his time as the Inazuma Doll General:"I am the god of the world, Tsujimiya Takenami. I can't help you because I can't bear to see this beautiful thing wither away."

"The god of disaster?"

"It turned out to be the Lord God in person, please forgive the little witch's disrespect just now."

Hanasari just muttered softly, looking at the figure in front of her that was more oppressive than the thunder movie, as if even the heaven and earth were wailing, she quickly apologized, and the other party must have seen through her little thoughts.

General Raiden naturally knew that he couldn't play too much, and the aura on his body suddenly dissipated, and he said with a smile:"General Raiden, this is my original name. I remember that this was the name given to me by the shadow when he created me. On the one hand, it determined my responsibilities, and on the other hand, it hoped that I could always manage Inazuma well."

"But the name and identity used now is Beichen Family's Great Sword Saint Beichen Meiyi."

Looking at the figure in front of her who suddenly became close, Hanasari seemed to understand why the other party saved her, because they were both"the same kind" and needed to hold each other together for warmth, and each other got what they lacked from each other.

"It seems that Miss Hanasari is somewhat surprised by my identity."

"Well, it's just that you've experienced a lot, and your ability to withstand things is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Coupled with your appearance, I have some guesses in my mind."

General Raiden nodded, glanced at the sunlight coming through the gap in the window, hugged the sleeping bag that was licking the leather on the table, and said:"Your current identities are the priestess and adventurer who traveled from Xumi to Liyue. Please don't lose these two identity certificates, otherwise it will be quite troublesome to secretly modify the information records of the Qianyan Army and the General Affairs Department."

Hanasari and Miyu Chiyo took the identity certificates. Miyu Chiyo understood some of General Raiden's thoughts, put the ghost horns on his head into his body, and said in a cheerful tone:"Speaking of which, I have been living in Inazuma, and I really haven't experienced the ancient cultural food inherited by Liyue. It's really desirable."

"That's true. Liyue's cultural heritage has a history of more than 3,000 years. In particular, the Liyue Port built here over the past thousand years is all-encompassing and full of the ancient charm of Liyue."

After General Lei Dian said this, he opened the door and led everyone towards the direction of Wanmin Hall.

As time passed, after Inazuma's divine cherry purification, General Lei Dian and his party seemed to have become ordinary tourists in Liyue. While experiencing Liyue's ancient culture, they were also fascinated by Liyue's food.

Until General Lei Dian finally saw a blonde traveler and her emergency food, chatting with a white-haired girl dressed in an extremely fairy-like manner.

"After not seeing each other for a long time, have the Traveler and Paimon returned from Inazuma to enjoy life in Liyue?"

The Traveler Ying heard a familiar voice and turned around subconsciously. He saw four people and a cat led by General Lei Dian.

"Miss Beichen Meiyi, didn't you say you were going to settle on Qinglai Island? How did you end up in Liyue? Could it be that you couldn't stand the oppression of the Eye Hunting Order and fled from Inazuma?"

Paimon flew to General Lei Dian and asked in surprise. Traveler Ying also leaned forward a little, but the girl next to him remained silent.

"That's not the case. The Fatui accidentally destroyed the Asase Shrine. Our god Asase was heartbroken by the loss of the shrine, so he took the Fatui's ship to Liyue to relax."

"Asase God! The one who can make the Fatui obediently lead you to Liyue must be a being that can be compared with Naruto God!"

Paimon directly said what he was thinking, obviously not knowing the specific meaning of God in the land of Inazuma.

"Paimon, the unknown little monster, I am really sorry to disappoint you. I don't have the power of Ming Shen to cut the whole island with one knife and make the canyon surrounded by thunder all year round."

Paimon heard the black cat in General Lei Dian's arms speak, and immediately ran to the back of the traveler Ying in a panic. In their impression, only immortals can speak in Teyvat.

Shen He heard the black cat's ability to speak, and then remembered the other party's identity as a god, and clasped his hands a few steps forward, saying:"I am Shen He, a disciple of the immortal, and my master is Zhenjun Liuyunjiefeng."

Qinzi saw the cold girl in front of him wearing a coat like a crane, and felt the strong evil spirit from the red rope on her wrist, and understood that the other party's identity was the apprentice of the great monster of Liyue.

General Lei Dian also suddenly felt the small movement of Qinzi's tail rubbing his arm quietly, and hurriedly came forward to introduce the origin of his group to Shen He.

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