Yunlaihai is one of the famous landmarks in Liyue, but due to the weather, there are very few tourists here.

General Lei Dian and his party sat on a mountain overlooking the sea, watching the rapidly changing weather, the roaring sea water, and the warm water vapor blowing past them.

"Oh, is it the demon's followers who are attacking Liyue Harbor?"

Hua Sanli asked as she watched the scene, but Yu Chiyo shook her head and replied,"It should be to rescue the sealed demon Osel. It is said that this demon's follower is his wife. If they attack Liyue Harbor directly, it will undoubtedly be a direct challenge to the immortals of Liyue."

"From a universal point of view, this is true. If it weren't for Bache's geographical advantage and wisdom beyond ordinary people, she would have been suppressed thousands of years ago. Now that Morax has passed away, she is secretly trying to rescue the sealed Osel."

"The Seven Stars of Liyue obviously also got this information from some secret places. The people headed by Ningguang of Tianquan Star wanted to use this opportunity to deter the lawless people in other countries and show their strength."

Zhongli explained the current situation on the side, and did not take the fact that two of them knew his identity to heart.

Yu Yu Chiyo and Hua Sanli listened to what the mysterious Mr. Zhongli said, and they also understood a lot of things, but suddenly the sky was dark, the wind suddenly blew, and the rain poured down.

There was a yellowish-brown light shining in the sea, and a blue snake-like giant monster emerged from the sea. Its appearance was very similar to the previously sealed vortex demon god, with only slight differences.

At the same time, a huge floating island flew quickly towards Guyun Pavilion from the direction of Liyue Harbor, and the building on it looked like the newly built Qun Yu Pavilion.

General Lei Dian estimated the distance in his heart, pointed his finger into the void, and the environment not far away suddenly distorted. The environment in the direction of Guyun Pavilion suddenly appeared in front of everyone in a shrunken way, and even the splashes on Ba Che's body were clear. The sky The figure of the Qun Yu Pavilion appeared in the sky.

In the virtual image, Tian Quan Xing Ning Guang formed seals with his hands, and in an instant, neatly arranged and densely packed magic arrays appeared in the space in front of the Qun Yu Pavilion.

Then, endless golden light was emitted from these magic arrays, and densely hit Ba Che's body. Keqing, who was waiting in Gu Yun Pavilion, also took off her disguise and asked Qian Yanjun to show the imitation Gui Zhongji and fired brilliant shots.

Zhongli's attention at the moment was not on this wonderful battle. Instead, his eyes were wandering and looking at Yu Yu Qiandai and others, as if he wanted to say something.

General Lei Dian could also sense that Zhongli was hesitant to speak. He looked at Hua Sanli and the others and the imitation Gui Zhongji on the image and said,"Sometimes, feelings are like an isolated city. People inside want to get out, and people outside want to get out, but they always miss the opportunity to meet each other inadvertently."

Zhongli sighed slightly when he heard General Lei Dian's meaningful remarks. There were some things he could not let go of. When he saw Kikyo, Hanasari and Miyu Chiyo, he had already discovered that they were not complete living beings, but strange beings such as residual souls.

"Sometimes life is like a cargo ship. Every time you reach your destination, the friends who make you feel the vitality of your life always get off the ship inadvertently. It is not until the moment when the cargo ship sinks that you realize that there is nothing around you."

"Help me revive Guizhong. As a reward, I will give you the spatial coordinates of the First Throne."

"The contract has been made. Those who break their promises shall be punished for breaking their promises."

Zhongli listened to General Lei Dian reciting his famous sayings, and replied solemnly:"Those who break their promises shall be punished for breaking their promises."

When General Lei Dian heard Zhongli's assurance, he suddenly remembered the matter of King Ruotu, and said:"If you want to help King Ruotu recover his normal sanity from the rapid wear and tear, I can also contribute my effort, and it only requires some simple rewards."

Zhongli looked at General Lei Dian deeply, then looked at the sea frozen by the elemental force, his eyes moved slightly, and he said:"In terms of universal rationality, transactions are based on mutual equality, so that they can be fair and just."

General Lei Dian immediately understood that this was saying that the reward would be paid according to the degree of treatment. If it was to reduce the wear and tear or let King Ruotu wake up for a few days, it would be better to have no hope at all.

"It seems that the Liyue Seven Stars won this battle, and we should return to Liyue Harbor and wait for the invitation from Master Yun."

General Lei Dian calmly looked at the battlefield where the battle had ended, knowing that the good show was over, and it was time to return to his residence and wait for the personnel sent by Tianquan Star Ningguang to notify him to go to Qun Yu Pavilion.


At night, dozens of tables were set up in the square of the Jade Pavilion, filled with the rich and powerful people of Liyue Harbor and people from the Eye of God. An exquisite stage was also built in front of the main hall of the Jade Pavilion.

General Lei Dian was talking and laughing with Zhongli and an intellectual beauty wearing glasses about Yunjin's opera, but the intellectual beauty asked Kikyo next to her from time to time about some strange knowledge.

Kikyo didn't have any impatient thoughts. When she was studying, she also liked to discuss magic with the priests and priestesses in the big shrine. It was not until she became a master that she stopped communicating about magic. The last time she communicated about magic was when she discussed the construction of magic tools with Xinggong Rokuku in the Mingshen Grand Shrine.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was happy about the knowledge Kikyo brought up from time to time. At her level, she could understand many things clearly by just thinking about them casually, but some of the cultivation knowledge Kikyo provided opened a window to a new world for her. She had a feeling of going back a thousand years to play with Guizhong.���illusion.

General Lei Dian was not surprised by the chattering of Master Liuyun Jiefeng. Instead, he and Zhongli looked forward to seeing a girl in costume slowly walking towards the most eye-catching stage. When the audience saw Yun Jin coming on stage, the musicians next to him slowly played the tune before the opera began, and they knew that the highlight of the day was about to begin.

General Lei Dian watched Yun Jin and a group of people from the Yunhan Society perform the opera"The Goddess Splits the View" which had been rehearsed several times. The wonderful performance made everyone stare.

As the two-hour drama came to an end, Yun Jin slowly stopped his movements and looked at Shen He, Paimeng and the traveler Ying. An idea flashed through his mind, and with a smile on his face, he began to sing again:

"《The Goddess Splits the View should have come to an end here, but today, I will add another chapter.———Sing to you all - listen - the high-pitched song may not be unknown to others, there are naturally connoisseurs and clear lyrics, the red tassel flutters like a shooting star, pointing directly at the raging tide to wash the sea clean"

"At that time, the cranes returned, and left alone in the vast world without support. Today we meet again, with new and old friends sitting in the hall, gathering together at this moment."

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