With the end of Yun Jin's last part of the casual singing, the opera"The Goddess Splits the Guan" finally came to an end.

The audience applauded. Those who knew the inside story had approval in their eyes, while those who didn't know the inside story thought that Yun Jin was just alluding to this sea battle. The seven stars of Liyue overcame the difficulties like the goddess this time.

Yun Jin walked off the stage amid everyone's welcome, first thanking the distinguished guests headed by Ning Guang of Tian Quan Star, and then went to the location of the traveler Ying with a sense of relief.

"If you don't want to drink the rest of the wine with your nose, beard or eyes, then you'd better leave quickly."

Yun Jin had just approached the banquet where the traveler Ying was, and she heard Shen He's icy voice, and a drunk middle-aged man next to her was fleeing from here in fear.

Without thinking, Yun Jin knew what had happened, so she stepped forward to ease the atmosphere with Shen He.

Shen He was persuaded by a partner he recognized, and his mood calmed down a lot. Thinking of Yun Jin's performance on the stage, he said:"The opera is very nice, and... thank you"

"You're welcome. Thanks to you,"The Goddess Splits the View" has become so complete"

"The play ends, but life does not. I believe that you will be able to successfully integrate into Liyue Harbor in the future."

Shen He smiled reluctantly when he heard Yun Jin's kind advice, until his eyes accidentally caught sight of the familiar figure at a table in a remote corner.

Shen He quickly stood up and walked towards the location of General Lei Dian. The Traveler, Paimeng and Yun Jin also looked in the direction of Shen He and found that General Lei Dian and his group were talking and laughing at a remote banquet, so they quickly followed.

When Paimeng just came to Shen He who was already standing next to the table, she heard a sentence that surprised her a little.

"Master, you are here to watch Yunjin's opera too."

Paimeng shouted in surprise,"Ah! It's that woman!"

"Which woman is it? It's you again, little brat."

Master Liuyunjiefeng pushed his glasses and said in a dissatisfied tone:"This immortal has a name, Master Liuyunjiefeng, don't make a fuss every time."

Traveler Ying also suddenly understood why Paimeng was so excited, because the glasses girl in front of him turned out to be the chatty master, and quickly said:"It's not that I haven't seen the immortal in human form, so I'm so surprised"

"I see. This is how it is. This immortal also received a message from Shen He, so I came here to discuss the exquisite technique with the Inazuma shrine maiden, and prepare to perfect it so that Shen He can practice it."

"Shen He, it seems that you have gained a lot in Liyue Harbor these few days."

Shen He heard the question from Master Liuyun Jiefeng and said after a little thought:"Thank you, everyone. I have found the opportunity to change, but it may take some time to adapt to the environment of Liyue Harbor."

"It seems that I can give this weapon to you now, and you have the ability to use it."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said as he handed a spear with a strange shape but a faint sense of oppression to Shen He.

""Stop the disaster!"

Shen He slowly read out its name, held it in his hand, felt the power it contained, and had the illusion of being connected by blood, and being able to burst out several times the power.

The traveler also ran to the side of General Lei Dian and Zhongli, asking about the purpose of Master Liuyun Jiefeng's coming here, and also told General Lei Dian that Captain Beidou was ready to go to Inazuma the day after tomorrow, and hoped that he could go.

Under Zhongli's calm gaze, General Lei Dian smiled and agreed to the traveler's proposal, but only said that only he would go to Inazuma, and Kikyo, who was accompanying him, needed to take care of the daily life of Asase in Liyue Harbor.


The next day, General Lei Dian parted ways with Kikyo and the others, holding the Earthly Chains given by Zhongli in his hand, and according to the information provided by Zhongli, he went to the isolated space in Guiliyuan.

General Lei Dian pinched the magic formula in his hand, opened the formation that Zhongli had set up that year, and walked into this secret realm full of khaki light. What caught his eye was a figure wrapped in countless chains, but that figure had long lost its vitality, and those chains were just the embodiment of the power of rules before her death, and the last bulwark to protect the people and resist the attacks of the demons.

"There is a body, the power of rules, and a soul that is finally returning to the world in the Chains of the World. This is much simpler than I thought."

General Lei Dian thought silently in his heart that if he directly used the control of the power of time by his main body, he would naturally be able to pull out the soul that had finally returned from before his death thousands of years ago and revive it, but the backlash of time would definitely cause him considerable harm, and the world would subconsciously reject him.

There were countless accidents in this, especially when he returned to the world of Teyvat and entered the past time and space, and fought with the First Throne.

General Lei Dian discarded his unnecessary thoughts, and the Chains of the World in his hand began to be unsealed, and the remnant soul in it was also sucked into the sophisticated formation constructed by General Lei Dian.

With this formation and the soul that had finally returned as nodes, strands of special substances in the earth veins were attracted, but they could never form another remnant soul. After all, after thousands of years of purification of the earth veins, memories and souls had long disappeared without a trace.

General Lei Dian understood that it was time to take this soul-gathering, soul-nurturing, and soul-solidifying formation. The combined formation with concealment function used his power over the rules of time to secretly go to the time node before Guizhong's death.

The picture in front of General Lei Dian began to distort, and countless identical pictures passed in front of his eyes, until the picture was no longer the same golden color, but a slightly dim sky color.

At this moment, Guizhong's face was full of reluctance, but her eyes were full of determination. A powerful force burst out from her body. It was also at this moment that General Lei Dian drove this formation into the deepest part of her body.

Guizhong's expression moved slightly, as if she felt something, but the full force that exhausted her life made her unable to move. Countless chains shot out from her body, forming a huge barrier to protect the people behind her.

With the completion of General Lei Dian's actions, the picture in front of him returned to normal, but a pair of half-open and half-closed eyes looked at her, making her feel familiar, but the next moment they all disappeared.

"The ruler of time!"

General Lei Dian naturally remembered her identity, but the other party's tacit approval made her feel an inexplicable sense of intimacy, but looking at the stone statue in front of her, whose expression was slightly different from before. General

Lei Dian pointed out with one finger, and the power of the rules of life continued to activate the original state of life of the stone statue, and a kind of charm of life emerged on her.

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