After Orobas's skeleton snake head shouted this, scales made of filthy power appeared on its body surface, and its eyes were fixed on General Raiden.

Everyone's eyes also looked at General Raiden, who was 60% similar to the puppet general, and seemed to understand why the newly resurrected demon god had such a big reaction.

"It seems that I can't take a good rest now!"

General Lei Dian said helplessly, and his body quickly ran on the uneven battlefield, with a faint lightning light surrounding the Tianmu Kage katana in his hand.

""Wind Wound!"

General Thunder waved the Tenmoku Kage katana in his hand. The weak lightning produced a special magnetic field, attracting the elemental forces floating in the air, and gathered into seven different colors of sword lights. The sword light that stretched for a hundred meters instantly appeared on Orobas' body, making a sound of corroding objects. It was the sound of elemental forces and filth wearing each other out.

"The defense is broken!"

Some sharp-eyed people saw obvious cuts on the dense and huge scales of Orobas and made unbelievable sounds.

Orobas felt the strange feeling coming from his body, and countless knowledge he had mastered emerged in his mind. The raging rage made the filthy power turn into countless black rainstorms and splashed towards the Thunder General.


General Raiden was not stupid enough to avoid the impenetrable rain of filth. He used the special move of Inu Taisho at his fingertips. The tornado of thunder, accompanied by the Ame-me-kage katana, stirred the air constantly, absorbing the elemental power around him, and finally used his own method to treat him, giving back to Oropus.

Oropus did not expect that"Thunder Movie" would attack like this. The scene from his memory also made it unable to dodge this move. His 100-meter-long body was immediately knocked back by the Explosion with huge energy, crushing the monster behind him into pieces.

"So strong! Is this Beichen Meiyi's true strength? Without the Eye of God, she can actually mobilize some elemental power and burst out such a powerful move!"

""No, be careful!"

Amid the shouts of Jiujo Sara, General Lei Dian was hit by a snake shadow that suddenly emerged from the ground, and was forced to plow a trench several dozen meters long on the beach.

""Roar~ Baalzebub, die for me!"

Orobas finally stood up from the ground, and pulled his tail out from the ground. It was obvious that he had just used his tail to sneak attack General Thunder across a distance of 100 meters, and a dark sphere gathered from his mouth.

But before everyone could come forward to help, a heavy feeling of heart oppressed everyone. Everyone looked in that direction with palpitations and found that General Thunder's clothes were tattered and there were many wounds on his body, but he was holding the Tianmu Kage katana that was obviously bent by half.

But behind her, a blood-red ghost mask that looked like a real thing appeared behind her, giving people an extremely noble temperament, as if she was looking at the other party with angry eyes. , like a living thing.

Oropas also felt the threat, and the filthy bullets gathered in his mouth also sprayed out violently. The powerful filthy breath made some soldiers who were close to him have strong hallucinations, as if they were about to fall into the abyss.

The dark filthy bombs exploded in front of General Thunder, and the ground and air suddenly became distorted, as if it had become a dark world.

But when everyone thought that General Thunder was going to die here, a red-gold light appeared in the dark world, like a lightning that created the world.

The sound of thunder suddenly appeared, and the strange lightning carried a huge blade full of oppression, tearing through this dark world.

"What is it exactly?"

"Is this Mei Beichen's hidden power?"

"It is the majesty of the devil!"

"That's a ghost horn! A ghost tribe?"


Everyone was talking about it, but when they saw General Lei Dian again, they could only stop talking silently and look at him in disbelief. General Lei

Dian was seen floating in the air, his purple-black hair shining with red-gold electric light, moving without wind, his delicate face full of arrogance, and a touch of red eye shadow unconsciously appeared in the corners of his eyes.

A pair of hideous and huge blood-red ghost horns grew on his forehead, adding a bit of murderous aura to her. She was wearing a set of armor at some point, and a huge ghost hand emerged from the void, holding a giant sword that was more than ten meters long.

"Zaxiu, do you make me interested in playing with you?"

"Roar ~ Baalzebub ~"

"It seems that there is still something wrong with the brain, and it needs to be split open for inspection!"

General Lei Dian felt the"powerful" power brought to her by the two ghost bloodlines. The endless power gathered from the ghost horns, making her want to vent slowly.

Orobas also felt a fatal sense of crisis, and hurriedly mobilized the filthy power in his body to form a powerful defensive scales, staring at General Lei Dian fiercely.

"Too slow and too boring!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a red-gold lightning flashed, and then the lightning disappeared. The sword in the hand of the ferocious ghost had turned into a lightning sword and struck Orobas.


Orobas screamed in pain, and his body was thrown dozens of meters away. There was a huge wound in the middle of his body, which was obviously the mark left by General Lei Dian's slash.

Several black fountains followed closely and attacked General Lei Dian. General Lei Dian would naturally not be fooled by such a trick. The sneak attack just now was successful because she focused most of her attention on the Thunder Movie of Ying Xiangshan and did not pay attention to the movement under the ground.

"Don't you know that lightning is best at speed?"

General Thunder laughed disdainfully, his body twisted slightly, and the surrounding red-gold lightning flashed at a very fast speed. The dark energy fountain penetrated the phantom of General Thunder and corroded the earth in the distance into several large holes tens of meters deep.

General Thunder appeared above Orobas, and the ferocious ghost hand in the void, accompanied by the swing of General Thunder's arm, used several kinds of sword secrets.���Draw the sword and slash!

The swallow returns!

The tengu slashes!

The cherry blossoms fall!


Several sword skills of various schools were displayed in the hands of General Lei Dian, which made people marvel and admire, and also made people shudder, because Orobasi's huge body was covered by countless sword lights and lightning like tofu, and the filth that people dared not touch melted away like rain and snow.

Until Orobasi's turbid and evil eyes regained clarity, it was looking at General Lei Dian in the sky with gratitude, and looking at the people of Xinhai in the Coral Palace in the distance with satisfaction, and suddenly turned into dry bones again.

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