"Ms. Mei, are you okay?"

Paimon approached General Raiden cautiously and asked tremblingly. The sword energy and elemental power left on Orobas made her shudder.

"Oh, I have never felt so comfortable before!"

General Lei Dian turned his head slightly, revealing a rebellious smile, and the arrogance on his body could not be concealed no matter what.

"Phew, Miss Mei, you still have some sense. We are really worried."

"You are such an unpleasant little thing. I am only stimulating my ancestral bloodline, not taking any forbidden substances. How can I be insane?"

General Lei Dian flew to Paimeng and said disdainfully:"If I were insane, I would have used you to test my sword! My sword is thirsty and hungry!"


Paimon quickly fled back to the back of Traveler Ying, pulling her hair nervously, leaving everyone speechless.

Shen He politely walked up to General Lei Dian, looked up at him and said,"Miss Beichen has entered the realm of immortals, which is really cause for celebration, but looking at your condition, the influence of your bloodline is still extremely serious. Do you need my immortal method to calm you down?"

General Lei Dian also knew that Shen He was reminding himself not to let the ghost bloodline affect his character, so he suppressed the restless blood in his body, flew down, and the ghost hand dissipated into the air.

"Thank you for your kindness, Miss Shen He, but I don't really need it. After all, I am also an adventurer who has traveled in Teyvat for many years. What I need most now is the next plan of the Fatui."

"After all, the Fatui have made such a big fuss, so we must know their specific goals and directions."

"I have some experience in how to interrogate prisoners!"

After Kujo Sara sent people to clean up the battlefield, he also heard what General Lei Dian said. He looked at her with a complicated expression. He knew very well that now was not the time to be thankful, but the beginning of a crisis. He had no time to thank and compliment General Lei Dian, so he said,"Beichen is right. For the sake of the general, we must thwart the conspiracy of the Fatui."

"Come, send someone to interrogate those Fatui prisoners with Miss Beichen."


At night, the army of Inazuma Castle was frequently mobilized. The soldiers who returned to reunite with their families were also re-entered into the army according to the order issued by Tianling. 20,000 elite shogunate troops and a large number of God's Eye strongmen were transferred to Yayun Island. The sea was covered with flags for a while.

""Sir Sanbing, according to our spies in Tenryo, the hatamoto samurai stationed in the castle tower of the shogunate has been transferred to support Yakumo Island. Now the castle tower is extremely empty."

Sanbing listened to his subordinates' report and recalled that decades ago, he returned here with great ambition and handed over to General Lei Dian Wu Zhuan, but he never expected to be sniped by General Lei Dian.

That day, he paid a huge price and fled back to Zhidong Kingdom. Due to his serious injuries, his strength fell below that of the lady. He had no choice but to retreat for decades before defeating those latecomers and returning to his original executive position.

"Not enough, this is definitely not enough! Although I don’t know why the fake disappeared in the castle tower, Yae Shinko is not a fool, and there must be hidden forces in secret."

"Liudashka, is there any news over there?"

"The only news that came was that Yae Kamiko had gathered a batch of amulets at Naruto Grand Shrine."

"Oh~, it seems that Liudashika is not strong enough and wants to betray the Fatui, but it doesn't matter, as long as we can get that thing, it's no big deal to reveal the list of"spies" to the shogunate."

Shan Bing said, with a sarcastic smile on his face. The Fatui is not a small organization. If you want to kill such a weak-willed subordinate, there are many ways.

However, San Bing's goal has always been the Heart of God that he has never obtained. As long as he obtains it, his plan can be realized.

"Give the order, send someone to activate all the backup plans, disperse all the shogunate's troops, let that lady be our vanguard, I'm going to go to that stinky fox myself!"

"Yes, Lord Sanbing!"The subordinate did not say anything more. He knew Sanbing's character among the executive officers very well. If he disturbed him when he was obviously in a good mood, he would face a beating.


Yae Shinko knelt on the couch, flipping through the documents sent from the Inazuma region today, and smelled a dangerous atmosphere in them.

"Jiujo, issue an order for the whole city to be on alert and conduct militarized management. If anyone causes trouble, arrest and maim them. I don't want us to be unable to react when something bad happens."

Kujo Takayuki listened to the solemn order of Yae Shinko and thought of the news that Orobas had resurrected and invaded on Yayun Island. He knew that someone was trying to make trouble, but the Thunder General he believed in was not in the castle tower. This was undoubtedly a response to his inner anxiety.

"Yes, Yae, I will give the order right away. Please issue the imperial edict."

Yae also knew that this was part of the shogunate's procedures, so she quickly wrote down the document, stamped it with the seal of Narukami, and said,"Hina, let the shrine maidens of Narukami Taisha take action to calm the people."

"Lord Palace Administrator, I will go and get everyone to act soon."

Yae Kamiko handed the document to Kujo Takayuki, and said to Kamisato Ayato who was silent beside her:"Remember that the Society Bugyo is in charge of the ninja troops, ask them to mark the abnormal places in the city, and the soldiers of the Tenryo Bugyo will cooperate with you to clean up those places." Kamisato

Ayato also knew that something big was going to happen to Inazuma, so he quickly agreed, and looked at Kujo Takayuki, and nodded at the same time, understanding that at this moment they needed to put aside the past hatred and work together to maintain the stability of Inazuma.

"I don't know when the general will be able to return to the castle tower."When

Yae Shinko heard Kujo Takayuki's question, he understood that he wanted to know whether General Raiden could come back to stabilize the situation so that he could have no worries.

"The Ogo has something extremely important to do, and he probably won't be back so soon. The worst consequence is that the castle tower will be destroyed."

"The castle tower was destroyed?"

When Kujo Takayuki heard the news, he trembled all over, and bloodshot eyes. You know, the castle tower is not only the residence of the Narukami, but also represents the highest power center of the shogunate. He didn't expect that it would be destroyed.

This is intolerable!

Kujo Takayuki only felt that he had countless burdens on his shoulders. He had to maintain the dignity of the shogunate, and those who had deep interests with him must also be thoroughly investigated.

"There is no time to lose, let's act quickly!"

After saying this, Kujo Takayuki bowed to the throne of General Raiden and ran out in a hurry.

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