Diluc quickly placed the bottles one by one and placed them inside the counter

“This empty shell is interesting!”

Diluc also noticed that he did not have the Eye of God, but he was able to rely on cyan gemstones and use the ability of the wind element that was not inferior to the Eye of God;

And this, relying only on an empty shell, or just a small hole, and eight small holes?

Qin reminded: “Xia Yun, can you take back this wind?” It’s too windy! ”

Yes! Xia Yun woke up!

The palm of the hand closes the empty shell and opens it again.


The gemstone stops glowing.

The storm stops.

The trembling tavern items stopped.

Xia Yun hung the empty shell around his neck again and said embarrassedly:

“Hmm! Sorry! I didn’t expect this to happen! ”

Thinking about it, this is the empty shell itself glowing, but also voluntarily attracting teardrop crystallization.

And this seems to be due to the fact that the empty shell makes the gem absorb the power of teardrop crystals and become more powerful.

Can you continue to absorb and become stronger?

【Ding! Host can’t! ] and disappear.

Xia Yun was speechless!

Ying asked curiously, “How do you feel now?” ”

Xia Yun said proudly: “Hmm! It feels like I’m getting stronger! The wind element control is even better! ”

It can blow a fresh breeze, but it can also blow a storm just like that.

Jean asked: “Can you absorb teardrop crystals and become stronger?” There may be some more in the wild! ”

Xia Yun was helpless: “How can there be such a good thing?” Can only be absorbed once! If you have more, you can’t absorb it! ”

Looking around the mess, he was embarrassed to say, “Diluc, do you need me to fix it completely?” ”

After all, it was because of its own reasons, it was messed up.

Diluc: “No! ”

Jean hurriedly said, “Okay! Let’s go ahead and fix the Sky Lyre! ”

Xia Yun stretched out his hand to Ying again, holding the crystals of the purified teardrops;

Pay attention to the empty shell, sure enough, the system is right, the empty shell does not react at all.

It seems that relying on this stronger BUG will not work.


The dark wood-colored Sky Lyre has changed to gold, and the gemstones set with a blue sheen have a blue sheen, as if they were brand new.

【Ding! The host repairs the Mond Relic Sky Lyre, changes destiny, and rewards 300 destiny points

“Haha! That’s great! Xia Yun smiled.

Jean exclaimed, “Jean seems to have a feeling of youthfulness? ”

Paimon laughed: “The regiment leader is praising himself.” ”

Jean clarified: “I mean the piano of the sky.” ”

Wendy added: “The Sky Lyre is partially repaired, but there is still some distance from being refilled, and you need to get some more teardrops from Twalin. ”

And then –

Everyone deliberated, continued to collect the teardrops of Tivat, and then gathered at the Château Morning to purify the Sky Lyre.

During this period, Xia Yun said resolutely: “I have something else to do!” I won’t be with you! ”

Nonsense, searching for teardrop crystals, and there is no destiny point.

What’s the point of fighting monsters? Would it be bad to play more?

Wendy ended: “Hmm! It’s so good, the mutual trust of the heroes, the bridge of starting hand in hand, is always so charming. ”

“Let me use this song to see you off!”

Paimon found a blind spot: “Huh? Are you trying to be lazy and want to only have one mouth? ”

Wendy said reasonably: “Do you need to use your hands to play the piano?” ”

Paimon stomped his foot and said angrily, “Woo-hoo! So angry. I decided to give you a nasty nickname. ”

“Hmm! After deciding, I will call you [singing]! ”

Everyone laughed

Xia Yun quietly watched and smiled on the side, and the famous scene was born!

Xia Yun opened the door and waved away: “Goodbye!” See you at Château Dawn! ”

Jean said goodbye: “Everyone, rest well tonight!” We have to search for crystals tomorrow! ”

Follow up immediately.

Everyone left one after another.

Xia Yun walked in front, felt the qin behind, turned around with a smile, and asked:

“Jean, are you looking for me for something?”

He couldn’t figure out what else was there that deserved her to follow immediately.

Jean paused in her steps, took a deep breath, plucked up her courage, and asked:

“Xia Yun, will you play songs again?”

Xia Yun walked to the side of the piano, thought about it, and replied:

“Of course! Such a beautiful song, I play it happily, you listen to it happily, why can you only play it once? ”

“I just don’t know when I’ll play again!”

Xia Yun is not like the bard Wendy, and there is no need to make money by selling singing for the time being.

As for the future, he is not sure either.

Looking at Jean’s hesitant expression, he said:

“Hmm! Maybe I can play another song for you! ”

“If the time is time, we can discuss it again!”

Qin came to ask the song to play, it should be for this matter, after all, this song is worth looping N times in a single.

It’s super fun to be able to play for the piano! It would be better if it was alone!

Jean listened and said gratefully

“Thank you for being willing to play for me! I like your music very much, and it reminds me of the days when I was nurtured by my mother as a chivalric inheritance. ”

Xia Yun responded:

“I hope my music can bring you some solace to think back to those hard days!”

“I’m sure, you’re a very good knight! You are a trusted person for the citizens of Mond! ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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