Ying shook his head resolutely:

“Nope! No! Don’t even think about it! Not even jokes and disguises! ”

Xia Yun didn’t care, “Oh! He asked again:

“Captain Qin, is there a powerful monster over there at the Star Cliff?”

Jean A:

“Nope! The Knights of the West Wind focus on cleaning up the place and keeping couples safe! ”

“It’s just that the wind demon dragon has been raging recently, and there are many monsters that are violent. There are very few people who go to the star cliff! ”

Xia Yun said with regret

“Is that so? Beautiful scenery and dating mecca, no one comes. What a shame! ”

Jean said firmly:

“When we purify the Wind Demon Dragon, the Star Picking Cliff will gradually become popular!”

Mond’s beautiful dating mecca, Jean and the Knight of the Zephyr, don’t want it to be destroyed.

Xia Yun smiled easily:

“Why is it gradually regaining popularity? Solve it in one fell swoop! ”

Patting Wendy on the shoulder and announcing loudly:

“Jean, please arrange for the West Wind Knight to inform the people of Mond that tonight at 20:00, pick the star cliff.”

“Wendy, the most popular bard in Mondstadt, will chant poetry!”

“Xia Yun, the breeze idol of Mond City, will play the wind!”

“Barbara, the shining idol of Mondstadt, will have a wonderful show!”

“There are other great shows!”

Xia Yun shouted excitedly:

“Let’s announce the end of the Dragon Calamity with music!”

Paimon cheered excitedly:

“Yay! All right! Eat and watch the music perform! ”

Ying said cheerfully:

“It’s a good idea! You can watch the show, you can also see the beautiful scenery of the star cliff, and it is suitable to go alone. ”

Watching the show, it is normal to be alone, there is no embarrassment.

Wendy cheers:

“The heroes celebrate victory with music, what a wonderful ending to the psalm!”

Appreciate watching Xia Yun, it is really a way to make individuals embarrassed to date the Holy Land.

Wendy is even more satisfied with a wonderful show, how fun!

Diluc, who has always been cold, reminded at this time:

“You want to purify Twalin in one fell swoop? Very interesting! ”

Jean looked at the gradually sinking sun and reminded:

“Do we have time? We are also acting for the first time, what should we do if there is any accident? ”

“Victory should be celebrated, too, after we have achieved it.”

Jean also appreciates this method, with the appeal of Xia Yun, Wendy, and Barbara, their wonderful performances will greatly attract the people of Mond;

Boost the morale damaged by the dragon disaster, and the dating sanctuary can also be revived in one fell swoop.

Only, we haven’t won yet? What to celebrate?

Xia Yun smiled confidently:

“With us, there will be no accidents!”

“Purify Twalin, we are enough once! Can he still listen to earthly music again when he wakes up! ”

Shout passionately:

“Explain well, let’s go!”

“We must win! We will win too! ”

Paimon cheered along

“Well said! We must win! We will win too! ”

Xia Yun said again:

“Let’s not scatter either, just gather here!”

“Get ready for the Wings of the Wind! Wendy and I will let you feel the speed of the wind and quickly go to the star cliff to save you time. ”

Turning to Diluc, he pleaded:

“Diluc, please prepare some props for the stage show as well! I paid for the money! ”

“Wonderful performance, no matching props, it’s a pity!”

Diluc said coldly

“Do you have a lot of money?”

“I’ll give you the best props for the show that revives Mond Angry!”

For Mond, and for those wonderful shows, Diluc doesn’t care about that little money.

Xia Yun cheered:

“Boss atmospheric!”

Sigh in my heart: It’s good to have money!

Everyone prepared and explained to gather at the Sunrise Winery again.

Paimon asked curiously:

“Xia Yun, Xia Yun, what is the speed of the wind you said? I’m going to have a good experience! ”

Qin is also curious, she is also controlling the wind element, she is very different from Xia Yun in the direction of control, and she can learn more.

Xia Yun took out the jade pendant hidden by his collar, squeezed it heavily in the palm of his hand, closed his eyes, and said softly:

“Look! The wind is blowing! ”

The brilliant brilliance of the cyan gemstone in the palm of your hand.


The rich wind element, emanating from the gemstone, formed a violent updraft, blowing everyone into the sky.


Ying, Diluc has unfolded the original Wings of the Wind.

The piano unfolds the blue wings of the sky and the breeze.

Qin Sifu:

“Are you trying to use the wind to propel us all the way to the Star Cliff? The speed is really fast! But intermittently! ”

Some disappointment, such a control of the wind rush, not much value.

Xia Yun opened his eyes and looked at Qin’s Wind Wings with some envy:

“This Wings of the Wind is so beautiful! I want it so much! ”

In Xia Yun’s eyes, the azure sky breeze wings were much more beautiful than the wind wings that followed the eagle wings and plucked down.

Moreover, the wings of the breeze are more compatible with the self accompanied by the breeze.

Jean responded:

“If you are recognized and praised by Mond, you can get it!”

“Xia Yun, your words should be available soon!”

After all, Qin also sighed that Xia Yun’s deeds, against the wind demon dragon, played the wind, and invited the people to drink fine wine, and later purified the wind demon dragon, which contributed greatly.

Among the people, it has also faintly become the new breeze idol of Mondstadt, and its popularity is extremely high.

Obtain the Wings of the Sky Breeze very quickly to him.

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