Xia Yun nodded:

“Then, I will also work hard and strive to get the Wings of the Clear Wind of the Sky as soon as possible.”

In the updraft, Xia Yun turned back, pinched the jade pendant with his right hand, and spread it back.

Cyan gemstones shine brightly.

Boom! Boom!

The extremely rich wind elemental force revealed small storms.


The cyan storm in the left hand gradually turned red into a storm of flames, Xia Yun patiently explained

“I lit the flame with the stamen of the flaming flower, and then spread into a firestorm.”


The cyan storm in the right hand gradually dyes the purple thunder storm, explain:

“I used some of the thunder elemental power inside Sister Lisa’s residual gem yesterday to spread into a thunder storm.”


The firestorm on the left is forcibly compressed into small balls in the shape of spiral pellets, and the flames and wind are restless in the narrow space;

On the right are small balls squeezed by thunder and wind.

Turning around, he raised a weird smile to everyone:

“Ready to feel the explosion?”




Everyone inexplicably had a sense of foreboding.

Paimon didn’t fly around anymore, clutching his clothes.

Jean exclaimed:

“You don’t want to…”

Immediately condense the wind element barrier and protect everyone behind him.

Even though, it may only be needed by Paimon.


Xia Yun forcibly squeezed the Flame Wind Ball and the Thunder Wind Ball into one piece.

With a bang, a violent roar could also be heard in the entire audience of the Morning Light Winery in the lower area.

Flames and thunder dyed the sky into two huge clouds.



Paimon screamed and arched into Ying’s arms, and Ying hugged her tightly, screaming like he had experienced a roller coaster!

The whole person’s heart is beating wildly, it is so exciting!


Xia Yun Wendy was not afraid, Chunchun thought it was so fun, and shouted as much as she wanted.

Diluc, Jean, calm and in good mind.

Xia Yun shouted like a shooting star along the way:

“Pick the Star Cliff concert tonight!”

As for whether others can hear it or not, Xia Yun doesn’t care, he thinks it’s funny.

A child on the ground exclaimed:

“Mom, Meteor said there was a concert! Let’s go! ”

Everyone is like a shooting star crossing the sky, flying from the Morning Light Winery, Qingquan Town, and the wind rises;

It still flew towards the Temple of the Thousand Winds and the waves.

Jean shouted anxiously:

“Xia Yun, stop, if it goes on like this, we will fly to the sea!”


Xia Yun pointed to his ears, only heard the howling wind, and shouted:

“It’s too windy! I can’t hear you! ”

Having already flown over the Temple of a Thousand Winds, Jean raised his voice and shouted:


Xia Yun laughed and shouted:

“Do you think I can control the power of this explosion?”

“How exciting! Have fun! ”

Xia Yun was also not sure that he could control the power of this explosion, so he simply ignored it.

It has already reached the star cliff, and the piano player’s heart wind element is condensed, so let’s hit it directly! Otherwise, it will fly into the sea.

Wendy’s whole body is green and blooming:

“Woohoo! The wind is blowing! ”


Elemental Combat Technique – Long Press – Song of High Heaven

The mysterious formation on the ground of the Star Cliff shines, and the wind domain is revealed!

The raging and gentle wind rushed towards the people in the sky, causing them to float slowly.

And the crowd also fell with the wind.

The wind rushing high in the air strongly cut off the aftermath of the explosion.

Xia Yun laughed:

“Not a minute! We enjoyed a wonderful and exciting adventure! ”

“How much fun!”

Paimon’s head was dizzy, and he poked his head out of Ying’s arms, shook off the dizzy, and said angrily:

“I’m terrified! Have you never thought about how to stop? We will rush to the sea! ”

Xia Yun asked everyone with a smile

“Is it fun? Irritating? Surprise? Fast? ”

The crowd did not care, there was no surprise, there was fright.

Only Wendy cheered:

“Fun! Stimulate! Surprise! Fast! ”

“It’s so much fun!”

Bang bang!

Everyone fell one after another, picking the edge of the cliff of the star cliff.

Xia Yun said easily:

“I’m sending us from Sunrise Winery to Star Cliff, and Wendy has landed us!”

“Well, how can it be much faster than you guys!”

Paimon stomped his foot and shouted:

“It scares me to death! I thought I was drowning again! ”

“Is that what you call the speed of the wind? Is this obviously the speed of the explosion! ”

Xia Yun disagreed:

“Without wind, just relying on the flames of the flames of the flames and that bit of thunder elemental power, how could I make such an explosion!”

And then said embarrassedly:

“Actually, I wanted to blow a strong wind directly from the sky, and then make a leap! That’s called the speed of the wind! ”

“It’s just, uh, I tried, but the strength didn’t work! That’s it! ”

Paimon shouted angrily:

“So, you still don’t know how to stop!”

Jean, Diluc, Ying, lamented Wendy’s behavior-

Raise the wind from the ground to the sky! And stop the aftermath of the explosion!

The piano can only let the high-altitude self directly hit down.

Jean generously admitted:

“Even I can’t do it! Wendy’s manipulation of the wind is far above me! ”

As for Xia Yun, Qin, did not care too much, the use of wind in different directions, it is difficult to compare.

Everyone looked at Wendy, who was on the edge of the cliff and played the sky piano sentimentally, sure enough!

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