

PS. I will update twice today, and I will update again at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Go to bed first.

62. It is better to be truly evil than to be falsely kind.

What should so-called lovers do?

Valentina didn’t know, and she didn’t have any friends to discuss with.

But this was not a problem. Although she had no friends, she had a ‘boyfriend’ now.

She wanted to see if Noah could play the role of ‘Clyde, an ordinary boy living in the capital’.

If not, then, of course, she would laugh at him.

"This is one of the most popular places for couples in the capital, Tina. It is said that if you propose under this tree in front of the cathedral, the two will live together forever."

"Oh~ So it's so amazing~ It's worthy of being called 'Clyde'~"


"And this is also a place where couples often come. It is said that a couple who were forcibly separated by nobles committed suicide here and turned into fairies and flew away hand in hand. Human love is really amazing. Nobles can't stop couples who are truly in love."

"Hmm~ So such a sad and beautiful thing happened. This is the first time I've heard of it."


"Tina, look, this is the most popular drink for couples. It's cheap and affordable, and the color is also beautiful! The pink and blue color combination symbolizes one side respectively, which is simply the best combination. I also want to be the other half that can match Tina..."

"It's really beautiful. I didn't expect that a seemingly ordinary shop on the roadside would be so popular. I usually pass by it but I've never been here before..."

"Then we reached a suburban lake area that is a bit far away but can be enjoyed in peace! Hehe, actually I go out fishing occasionally, so I've prepared my fishing gear a long time ago. Do you want to try it, Tina?"

"Huh? Ah, ah, I didn't expect you to know so much about it, 'Clyde'. No, nothing. Although it's my first time fishing, it should be similar to killing monsters, right?"

"Tina, be careful! ...Ahaha, I was almost dragged into the water by the big fish known as the king of the lake. Maybe the big fish mistook you, Tina, for the fairy of the lake. After all, you are very beautiful."

"...Uh, um, um."

"Hey, we're finally back to the capital. Let's go have dinner, Tina. It's a happy day today~"


When the black-haired young man walking beside her spoke to her in Clyde's voice, Valentina was no longer as calm as before, waiting to catch the other party's flaws at any time.

Instead, he just looked at the ground without saying a word, and simply walked together.

She was not upset because the evil god's impeccable acting skills could not let her find the flaws.

But because she always felt it was hard to accept.

Although it was just acting, the evil god did become much gentler as she imagined, not only in his tone of voice, but also in his behavior.

When she was almost pulled into the lake and soaked because she underestimated the big fish in the lake, it was the evil god who grabbed her fishing rod from behind to help her stabilize her body.

At that time, the sense of security from close range was something she had never experienced from him before.

Her original idea of ​​having a good relationship with the evil god was also realized today.

But... why, why did she find it hard to accept?

Wouldn't it be great if the evil god became easy to talk to and gentle?

If the evil god could have the gentleness of his childhood sweetheart, it should be like this.

But what is this kind of feeling that cannot be let go?

Your Highness can't accept why she can't accept such an evil god.

This is what she expected, but what is this feeling of being blocked in her heart?

The princess, who couldn't understand her own mood, began to speak less.

Looking at the ground that was yellowed by the dusk, Valentina couldn't help but feel more depressed.

But this won't work, it's only the first day.

She must cheer up. If she doesn't keep an eye on this evil god, other women will surely fall into his hands.


"Hey, princess, what's your attitude? Don't you want revenge on me? Are you worthy of such a shameful look? Ha, it's really boring. It seems that I overestimated you. I think you are just an idiot woman who is easily deceived by men."

! ?

The familiar sneer suddenly came from her ears, so that Valentina's originally depressed spirit suddenly became energetic, and she quickly looked at the man beside her with incredible eyes.

But she found that the man who had the same temperament as Clyde and exuded a gentle aura had disappeared.

Instead, there appeared a familiar and disgusting figure.

Especially the evil smile full of contempt and deception, she could not have mistaken it.

In addition, his words just now completely restored the spirit of the princess who was inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Who are you calling an idiot woman! You are such a bad god! Do you feel so happy to deliberately show weakness to make others proud! That big fish with strange power is not also a good show arranged by you! You are such a terrible god!"

Valentina exuded strong anger, and her voice could clearly be heard to be extremely unhappy. The clear anger could be seen in her eyes as she glared at Noah. She was so excited that she even used body language and shook her off hard. He raised his hand to express his protest.

"Haha, yes! I'm so happy! Your life and the life of your childhood sweetheart are just things that I can play with however I want! This is an extra-standard privilege. If you have the ability, you can become an extra-standard hero. , Ah, I'm sorry, you have turned into a dragon and can no longer be a hero to be worshiped. Well, what a pity~ I still want to see the heroic appearance of Her Highness the Hero Princess."

Seeing that Valentina had regained her energy, Noah also deliberately mentioned the disillusionment of her heroic dream without opening any pot.

So enraged, Valentina immediately used the power of the 'evil dragon' and attacked him at a speed she hadn't seen in a long time.

But of course it came up empty.

"Ouch, that's really scary. So let's call it a day. I won't wait for you, Princess, with no expectations. You promised me to regret it before, but don't die of old age first."

As Noah's figure disappeared first, his harsh voice also gradually disappeared in the dusk street.

"...Hmph, you will definitely regret it. Don't worry, I won't let you go even if I die. Just wait for me! You annoying god!"

Valentina, who was not under attack, was not as unwilling as before. Instead, she looked up at the dusk sky, which suddenly felt much more beautiful, with a relaxed smile on her lips.

Ah, that's right, the evil god is still the best in this irritating way.

She finally understood why she felt depressed and unable to let go.

Because that gentle look was so hypocritical that it made her feel physically uncomfortable.

Even his usual bad appearance is much better than that false gentleness.

It seems that now she doesn't have to worry about what this mood is like tonight, but she is so worried that she can't sleep.

Her Royal Highness, whose mood was as beautiful as the sky, began to return to the palace alone, so happy that she even wanted to hum a song.

"Ah! That guy must have gone to someone else's place! Gu! Sure enough, this won't work! We still have to find a way to control his attention!"

However, she suddenly remembered that her original goal had not been achieved, so Her Royal Highness's expression became gloomy and gloomy again.

63. Give Huang Mao some more training before he starts.

Although Noah seems to be a fanatical stalker who monitors Valentina 24 hours a day, he is not actually paying attention to Valentina all the time.

He also has to be distracted by taking care of another nun, Clottier, who needs to be careful to defeat. In addition, he himself occasionally enjoys life in another world.

For example, go to the custom shop to make purchases, investigate the movements of the Demon King's army, go to the custom shop to appreciate things, go to the custom shop to find chess pieces that can help your plan, go to the custom shop to observe, go to the custom shop to learn, etc.

Noah doesn't have that much time to spend with Valentina playing the role of Clyde.

He knows that the director strictly prohibits appearing as an actor, otherwise he will overturn sooner or later. In order to prevent himself from falling short, Noah will not always appear in front of Valentina.

What's more, the purpose of playing the sufferer is to confess, and the purpose of confessing is to make Allen act.

Now that Allen can no longer hold back his Minotaur spirit, there is no need for Noah to continue playing Clyde.

He knew everything, including the reason why Valentina was in a high mood at first, but became more and more uncomfortable as she spent time with him.

You must find him so gentle and disgusting, right?

Don't worry, Noah will always be annoying to her.

And in fact, Noah also felt that pretending to be Clyde was disgusting.

As expected, he is not suitable for the role of Asashi, but the role of being hated is suitable for him.

Therefore, there is no denying that the scam was exposed in less than a day, and there was also a factor that Noah himself could not bear.

Anyway, as long as Eren takes action, everything will be fine.

But Noah knew very well that even if he wanted to take action, Allen would not start taking action immediately the next day.

He will deliberately prepare and wait for a period of time, waiting for the relationship between Valentina and 'Clyde' to continue to heat up before taking action.

Therefore, Noah estimated that he still had about a week or so. During this time, Noah could not waste it, so he decisively continued to train the princess who was being played around by him.

In order for Her Highness the Princess to become the ultimate badass woman capable of killing anyone, she has to start from the very beginning.

Namely, heroes and dragons.

In the original setting, the entire kingdom worshiped the hero who slayed the dragon, and regarded all dragons as the incarnation of evil.

As the princess of the kingdom, Lentina naturally received such values ​​and aspired to complete the feat of slaying the dragon.

Because in the history of the kingdom, there really was a princess who successfully slayed an evil dragon about 150 years ago, Valentina plans to become the second princess of the kingdom to slay a dragon.

It can be said that for Valentina and the people of the kingdom, dragons are absolutely unacceptable. Even if Valentina seems to have adapted to her body now, she will probably find a place to go after he is 'annihilated' as the evil god. Kill yourself or seal it off.

In order to completely change her mind, Noah, on the morning of the second day after pretending to confess to Clyde, first pulled the princess who had just finished her morning exercise into the ruined temple, and then moved her to a secret place with few people.

"…So what? Did you teleport me to a place far away from the king, and want to watch and have fun with my super powerful monsters? What a low-level interest, terrible."

Valentina, who had almost gotten used to Noah's existence, was not as flustered and uneasy as when they first met. Instead, she had a cold expression and cast a disgusted look at Noah who brought her over from a distance.

Although she was actually a little happy to see Noah's annoying look in her heart, she knew that she would definitely not say it out loud.

"Low-level interest? Ha, you're right, it's indeed a low-level interest."

This time, Noah did not start to be annoying directly, but nodded as if he agreed.

This made Valentina's face immediately become much colder than before, and she even frowned her beautiful eyebrows.

What's going on? He looks surprisingly honest today? Is he still going to pretend to be hypocritical? ! Then she really hates the evil god!

"Then let's do something advanced today. In fact, there lives a giant dragon in this secret place that is rarely visited by people and is ready to attack nearby towns. If we can't find it within the time limit, the dragon will cause huge casualties, right?"

But Valentina's worry didn't last too long, because Noah's honesty was only honest for a few seconds, and then he immediately revealed his bad nature, announcing something in a happy voice that made Valentina tremble in her heart.

"It must be fake anyway, right? Just to see how anxious I am within the limited time, right?"

Although the princess' eyes were full of suspicion and disgust, and her tone became quite impatient, she was actually relieved in her heart.

Huh, great, it's the evil god she is familiar with.

"Of course you can pretend it's fake. I didn't force you to take action. Otherwise, I'll just send you back now."

Facing Valentina's disgusted gaze, Noah still looked frivolous and incomprehensible.

He smiled indifferently, as if nothing would really happen.

"...Who said we were going back? I didn't say that."

Valentina looked away unhappily and began to observe the surrounding scenery carefully.

Needless to say, she obviously decided to believe that the dragon really existed.

After all, even if there was a one in ten thousand chance, she couldn't pretend she didn't see it. If there were people who died and she could have saved them but didn't, she would not be able to sleep well.

What's more...

While observing the surrounding scenery, Her Royal Highness secretly glanced at the black-haired young man who was smiling at her badly. Because their eyes met, Her Royal Highness had to use glaring to cover up her embarrassment.

What's more, if she didn't agree here, what if the evil god went to find another woman?

Just let her be fooled by the evil god alone, she's almost used to it anyway.

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