After making the decision, Valentina, with Noah's kind reminder, began her six-hour journey to find and kill the dragon.

Of course, the dragon cannot live alone in the secret realm.

Within the first twenty minutes of her search, Valentina encountered the monster six times.

"Annoying! What a hindrance!"

Valentina was very calm when she was attacked several times before, and even when she was able to easily defeat the monsters, she snorted at Noah, who was watching the show and making sarcastic remarks, saying, 'That's it? ’.

But as flying enemies appeared, Valentina's temper gradually became impatient.

Why do bat monsters appear in broad daylight when there are no caves around? And the eyes are still red! Is he the type that sucks blood?

Feeling that she had been humiliated by a few bats in front of Noah, Her Royal Highness began to lose her temper. She couldn't help but try to slash with a sword while saying harsh words to these annoying vampire bats.

"Hey, your highness, you can't even defeat a bat. It's really not possible. If it's 'that guy', he can easily defeat these evil bats with magic."

Noah, who was sitting on a nearby big rock watching the show, deliberately made a mocking sound, looking at Her Royal Highness who seemed to be doing some kind of funny dance with interest.


This sentence seemed to have some kind of magic power, making Valentina's expression, which was still a little embarrassed, immediately turn cold.

Her Highness the Princess, who was not that angry before, is really furious now.

PS. I have two updates as normal today. It’s not that I don’t want to add more updates, but I need to prepare some manuscripts for the release this Saturday. I believe that the attentive reader, grandpa, has noticed the reservation. Please click on it to support your child. .

(The current monthly ticket is 347, which means I owe 32 chapters)

We will continue to update at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Thank you readers for your support!

64. Take revenge on him? And such a good thing! ?

Valentina hates losing, but lately she's found that she also hates it when Noah mentions other people.

She herself explained this disgust as 'not wanting to see other people being fooled by the evil god like herself', and was trying to find a way to get Noah to focus all his attention on herself.

Therefore, when Her Royal Highness heard this, she immediately gave up the human way of fighting, directly stretched out her black dragon wings and flew into the air at a faster speed, quickly killing those few that made her look embarrassed, so that Noah was in front of her. Mention someone else's vampire bat in front of you.

"To beat so many bats, you still use the power of the evil dragon that you hate. Your Highness, you must have neglected your usual basic training."

Noah, who was looking at the princess who suddenly became more motivated to fight, naturally looked like he was giving advice in an annoying way.

This upset Valentina.

But what was even more unpleasant was that what Noah said was true.

She has recently become very good in physical condition due to the power of the dragon. She has really neglected basic training and instead spent her time teaching the knights and adventurers.

But Valentina wouldn't admit it. If she were someone else, she would definitely admit her laziness with an awkward smile, but not Noah.

She didn't want Noah to find a reason to laugh at himself for not being as good as 'that person'.

Therefore, even if she is arrogant, Valentina must be arrogant to the end.

"Hmph, it has nothing to do with that. It's just because they can fly and I can't fly, so it's unfair."

Valentina snorted coldly, forced herself to find a reason, and then, as if there was a quarrel, she ignored Noah and continued on the suspicious route.

Of course Noah won't continue to say anything. Anyway, the big one is still behind, so let's let her go for now.

So he just chuckled, then jumped down from the big rock and continued to follow her leisurely.

During this time, Noah was like a professional coach training players, watching Valentina fight various monsters.

But the suffering only lasted until now, because Her Highness, like a broken jar, could no longer hide the power of the evil dragon.

Although the dragon part will be put away after the battle, once the battle is encountered, it will immediately appear and end the battle quickly.

From Noah's perspective, maybe it's like a magical girl transformation.

However, Valentina's transformation changes her image even less, and she can transform immediately.

"Her Royal Highness, who hates dragons, actually plans to use the power of dragons to slay dragons. Oh my, as expected of Her Royal Highness, she is so thick-skinned. She must have turned red with embarrassment and dared not see anyone at all."

Just when Valentina encountered the monster that appeared in front of her for the twentieth time, Noah's voice came from behind her, adding an anger BUFF to her.

"Whose fault do you think it is?"

Valentina couldn't hold back after hearing this.

But since she couldn't defeat Noah, Valentina took advantage of the situation and vented her anger on the terrifying spider that appeared in front of her and was as big as a large dog.

While she was clenching her silver teeth with a scowl on her face, instead of slashing with her sword, she raised her legs wearing high-heeled combat boots and kicked away the spider monster that could spit out terrible poisonous mist ten times. meters away.

The poor little spider was almost kicked to death as soon as he appeared on the stage. He let out a very shrill scream and left liquid all over the floor, but this only made the silver-haired princess closest to it even more disgusted.

Even when he finally died, he died with his feet in the air.

"Look at what you said, I gave you the power to prevent you from becoming your own brother's star slave. You should thank me. Besides, if you don't want to, you can always find a place where no one is around to kill you. Exile."

Noah didn't care about the anger radiating from Valentina at all, but faced Valentina's opinion-filled gaze head-on, and walked past her while leaving a very leisurely word. speak.

"Hmph, you don't need to worry too much. After I finish repaying your great virtue, I will find a place to exile myself."

In fact, Valentina also felt that gaining the power of the dragon was not entirely a bad thing. It did objectively prevent her from being turned into a slave by her vulgar and weak brother.

But she didn’t think Noah did it simply to help her, otherwise why would it be the evil dragon? Instead of angel-like wings and a holy sword befitting a hero?

It's not that I want to see her feel uncomfortable because of it.

She must be exiled. She thinks Noah's ruined temple is good. When she finds a way to seal Noah, she will seal herself there.

Tell him to stop causing harm to others.

Of course, the same goes for her who has become a member of the evil god.

"Hoho, that's really an amazing realization, but I have to remind you something."


Because Noah, who was walking in front of her, suddenly turned around and looked at her seriously. Feeling inexplicably uneasy, Valentina resisted the urge to take a step back and stared back very hard.

But she actually felt very guilty inside.

Could it be that what she just said was too harsh and made him angry? Otherwise, why would he, who was always smiling, suddenly stop smiling? !

What, what should I do? Do you want to apologize? You really need to apologize!

Her Royal Highness, a princess with a good personality, would consider apologizing for what she said went too far even when faced with a nasty evil god.

"Well, actually I misread the watch just now. Your Highness Princess, you don't have six hours to search for the dragon, but three hours. To be precise, there are two hours, eighteen minutes and twenty-seven seconds left. Ah, It’s twenty-five seconds now.”

But what Noah said with a serious face was not an angry word——

Phew, what? It turns out I’m not angry...

Hey! ?

——but the words that made her angry.

"How could you randomly remember half of the time! You have planned this for a long time, right! Damn evil god! I will pay you double the debt this time!"

The time that originally seemed to be just right suddenly became very urgent, causing Her Royal Highness to quickly spread her wings and accelerate forward very close to the ground.

By the time Valentina's resentful voice reached Noah's ears, Valentina had already chopped down two low-level monsters that jumped out in front of her.

"Heh, ah, I'll look forward to it."

Noah, who was left behind by Valentina, was not angry, but had a happy smile on his face that would never be shown in front of Valentina. He looked at the man who was gradually disappearing with the eyes of a watcher. The princess in his field of vision.

Valentina wants to take revenge on him exponentially? Is there such a good thing?

That's great, Noah, he's here just to make Valentina hate him.

And where is this? What is going to happen later is what will make Her Royal Highness the Princess want to hate Noah even more.

65. Do you miss the Lord at this time? Have you asked me to hide the BOSS?

Valentina, who uses the power of the dragon, can almost sweep it all the way. Even if it is an area where powerful monsters live, the ones who actively jump out to find the protagonist are basically the soldiers in the area. The truly powerful BOSS must be a female. Valentina, the protagonist, has to trigger the 'plot' herself.

Noah did not follow quickly, but walked slowly at the back, looking at the anxious look of Her Royal Highness through the magic array monitor, with a satisfied smile on his lips.

Although Noah forcibly gave Valentina the power of the dragon, which was equivalent to giving her a plug-in, she did gain the combat experience of killing monsters.

Facing those group of vampire bats, they were just stuck in a stalemate, instead of being directly defeated and entering defeat play. This is the best evidence.

In other words, Valentina's basic attributes are also improving, but I don't seem to realize it yet.

After another hour or so, the anxious Valentina finally found the giant dragon entrenched in the cave on the top of the mountain.

It was a very typical red dragon. Its sharp claws and scales that were much larger than a human head made people feel a strong sense of oppression. Even when it was resting, it was still a giant, much taller than ordinary buildings.

When she saw the red dragon, Valentina had no special feelings.

If she had reached here by her own strength, she would definitely be so excited that her heartbeat would speed up and her body would start to tremble involuntarily.

Because it was her dream to defeat the evil dragon and become a hero.

But she didn't feel excited at the moment. After all, she relied on the annoying evil god to get here, and she didn't have the sense of accomplishment that she had worked hard all the way.

Instead, she was driven by the anxiety of Noah's play and the sense of obligation to kill it quickly and save the residents of nearby towns. A stern look was written on Her Royal Highness's pure and beautiful face.

——Anyway, let’s kill this evil dragon first.

With these simple thoughts in mind, Valentina clenched the knight's long sword stained with the monster's blood, preparing to deliberately make a noise to attract the attention of the resting red dragon.

But I don't know if it was because her murderous aura was a little overflowed, the red dragon that was originally lying down to rest suddenly opened its huge eyes.

This made Valentina immediately raise her weapon, and the alert red dragon shot a burning dragon breath directly at her who was still in the cave passage without saying a word.

However, the red dragon's breath did not come, and the red dragon that opened its eyes did not even notice her, but looked towards the direction of the depths of the cave.

Could it be that the evil god deliberately came out from inside to anger the red dragon to increase her difficulty?

Just when Valentina frowned and wondered if Noah was causing trouble for her again, she saw a very incredible scene.

What emerged from the depths of the cave was not the black-haired young man whose thoughts were hard to figure out, but two much smaller red dragons, about the same height as Valentina, and obviously young red dragons.

The two young dragons looked quite lively, playing with each other as if they were playing, and flew towards the red dragons together.

The red dragons just watched all this silently, and some loving feelings seemed to emerge in their terrifying and different dragon eyes.


This made Valentina, who was originally planning to take action, immediately have a complicated expression.

The hand holding the long sword in her hand couldn't help but relax a little.

"- Hey, what's wrong, Princess, why don't you go and fight the evil dragon? Why do you seem to be a little hesitant? Are you still a princess of the kingdom like this?"

But what suddenly sounded in her ears at this time was naturally Noah who appeared beside her without anyone noticing.

Noah was like the devil in Valentina's heart, and he casually tempted her to take a step forward.

"I, I didn't hesitate, I just considered the timing of the attack!"

Valentina, who was provoked by Noah's low-level provocation, subconsciously chose to be stubborn.

Yes, she is the princess of the kingdom. Her ancestors once accomplished the feat of slaying dragons and saved the suffering people. Of course, she should follow the example of her ancestors here and solve the hidden dangers in front of her.

...But, but it should not be the evil dragon in the kingdom. After all, I have never heard of its existence, and if I kill it now, what should I do with the two cubs?

Is there no angel in her heart to give her advice?

"Don't worry, Princess, just kill the two cubs and send them to see the goddess together~"

Noah, who fully understood what Valentina was thinking, flashed to the other side of Her Highness, and gave her the best advice in a hearty voice like an angel, which was completely different from the previous devil's ridicule.

"In the end, both sides are evil, no, evil gods!"

The princess, who had been enduring Noah's ridicule just now, finally couldn't help it and glared at Noah who was encouraging her to do it.

"Ha, isn't that natural? Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and do it, don't dither, are you waiting for me to kick your ass?"

Putting away his hearty smile, Noah, who was originally on Valentina's right, urged her to fight, walked behind her, and said something that made Valentina blush immediately.

"Of course I will do it! I am the princess of the kingdom, and the evil dragon must be eliminated!"

"It sounds good to say, but you should do it. Why do you make me look like an evil dragon? You look like you are going to pounce on me at any time."

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