Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1009 Capture blood essence

The ghost king Buye, who thinks he is smart, recycles the night marching army and the candle dragon.

In its eyes, humans are always foolish tools.

What made it unexpected is that from beginning to end, it was a chess piece in a chess game set up by the candle dragon!

Under the reminder of the Dark Dragon King Iguno, the candle dragon entered the tomb of the ghost king and released the ghost king Buye, the purpose of which was just to get the ghost king blood on Buye's body.

But it was later learned that Buye had given Zhang Yi the blood.

So later, Candle Dragon could only feed Buye slowly, pretending to assist Buye.

Knowing that it can be strengthened by finding some things, and thus can also give birth to a new ghost king's blood, Zhulong pursues those things hard for Buye.

In fact, the candle dragon is all for the purpose of obtaining the blood of the ghost king!

Until Buye obtained the ghost sword, a new ghost king was finally born.

The candle dragon also learned that it will enter the connection port of the ghost clan on the side of Liuguang City and release the ghost clan army.

So the candle dragon waited until the moment when Buye brought him to the entrance of the ghost clan connection, and then started.

Because this connection port is also very important for the candle dragon.

Therefore, as Zhulong just said:

He planted a melon, and now, this melon has matured, and it is finally time to pick it!

Buye was not reconciled.

As a three-star ghost king, he died in the hands of a mortal.

Even, there is no chance for the help of the sword wolf ghost servants around.

[The one-hit kill effect brought by the ghost-expelling talisman scroll makes it easy for the candle dragon to kill the ghost king Buye!


Buye fell to his knees unwillingly.

The blue light from his eyes dissipated, and he turned into a corpse that could not stand on his knees.


Around, thousands of sword wolves howled, staring at the candle dragon who killed their master.

Then, he showed his sharp teeth and approached the candle dragon!

On the other hand, Zhulong was not in a hurry.

When the long sword was drawn from Buye's body, a golden light fell from the top of his head.

The rich experience of killing the 160-level three-star ghost king has raised the level of the candle dragon by one level!

As for the other spoils it exploded, Torch Dragon had no time to take care of it for the time being.

His eyes were still fixed on Buye.

"What I need, I take it myself, I don't need others to give it."

With that said, the candle dragon punched through Buye's heart with a punch, and used the identity of the dragon blood to extract the blood of the ghost king in Buye's body!

"Ding~ The system has detected that you have a dragon bloodline in your body, and you are allowed to absorb the blood of the ghost king. Do you give up the dragon bloodline and get the ghost bloodline?"

As the system prompt fell, Zhulong chose to confirm without hesitation.

The next moment, I just felt that a warm current flowed down Buye's body and merged into his own body.

"Ding~ Congratulations on getting the ghost bloodline!"

Suddenly, a powerful aura of death emanated from the candle dragon's body!

At this moment, he seemed to have suddenly turned into a demon.

His eyes began to emit a cold, icy blue light.

The candle dragon stood up, the corners of his mouth raised.

This is the ghost bloodline he has been searching for for a long time, and now, he finally got it!

After acquiring the blood of the ghost family, Zhulong pulled up the ghost sword that was inserted on the ground next to Buye.


The sword points to the sky!

A dark aura swept out from the ghost sword, intimidating the audience!

Around, those puppet sword wolves did not dare to hate the candle dragon any more, and they bowed their heads to the candle dragon!

The ghost race blood may not have such great authority.

However, the ghost sword once used by the Seven Star Ghost King Xilu has enough deterrent power to make these ghost servants surrender!

He looked at the ghost sword in his hand.

Sure enough, as Buye said: the ghost sword can bring guidance, and can lead the candle dragon to find the main city of the ghost clan nearby!

Pick up the dropped items next to Booye's body.

Then, Zhulong held the ghost sword in his hand, rode the skeleton warhorse, led the wolves, and continued to rush to the barren city not far ahead: Linyuan City!

the other side.

Zhang Yi and the others were riding a minibus, following the map to the location of the ghost king Buye.

But on the way, it was a surprising discovery: the little red dot on the map suddenly disappeared!

"Is it outdated?" Han Yarou, who was sitting behind Zhang Yi, hugged Zhang Yi tightly, and put her chin on Zhang Yi's shoulder, asked when she saw the red dot that disappeared on the map in front of Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi looked at the time and frowned slightly: "No, I used the tracking scroll at about nine o'clock the night before yesterday, and it has a total effective time of four o'clock. "

Hearing that, Ye Jintianming and the others, who were riding the minibus together, were puzzled: "Could it be that the ghost king found out, so he canceled the tracking system on his own?"

"There is only one way to untrack."

Zhang Yi obviously couldn't believe it would be like this, but according to Apocalypse's settings, the only way to remove the tracking scroll effect was this one: "The Ghost King is dead."

Everyone was shocked: "Impossible!"

Not much to say, everyone rode the minibus and rushed to the place where the ghost king is.

The last place in the picture to disappear.

Soon, you will reach your destination.

Babu was carrying the crowd and was located in a deserted city, [more than one mile outside the city of Linyuan.

Here, Zhang Yi and the others actually found the ghost king Buye who was kneeling on the ground!

Sitting a few dozen meters away, Yiqi Juechen Xingtian and the others were drawn to each other, cautiously approaching Buye.

Only then did I discover that Buye was actually dead, and the one kneeling on the ground was already a corpse!

"It's dead." Xingtian himself felt incredible when he said this.

Zhang Yi and more than a dozen people from the Dragon Clan core group surrounded Buye, and no one dared to believe that this was the truth.

"Is it really dead??"

"How did it die? It's a three-star ghost king!"

Squatting down in front of Buye, Zhang Yi looked at the two holes in Buye's chest.

One is a sword hole, and the other is a hole punched through by a fist.

Zhang Yi quickly understood: the sword hole was fatal.

Think of the candle dragon, it happens to be a warrior profession with a sword!

"If nothing else, it should have been killed by the candle dragon."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

There was a sigh of relief from the surroundings.

"Candle Dragon killed the three-star ghost king alone? This...Isn't it possible!"

Everyone still knows about the strength of the candle dragon.

Although Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen joined forces, they were not Zhulong's opponents.

But his strength is not strong enough to kill a three-star ghost king alone!

At this time, Zhang Yi found a trace on Buye's body again.

"Haunted Charm!"

After the exorcism talisman is used on the ghost monster, it will leave a special silver powder on it to restrain its actions.

There are traces of silver powder on Buye's body!

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