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Chapter 1010 Linyuan City, abyss behemoth!

It is not difficult to imagine that this ghost exorcism talisman must have been given to the candle dragon by the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno.

"Why did Zhulong kill the ghost king?"

After knowing the truth of the matter, another puzzling question came one after another.

At this time, Xingtian discovered a problem: "He took the sword of the ghost king."

"Could it be that his purpose is just that sword?"

When people are puzzled.

Zhang Yi found: There are many paw prints around, those are the footprints of the sword wolf!

These footprints are all heading in the same direction, that is, a barren city not far ahead.

According to the map display: lv170 Linyuan City!

Zhang Yi and the others immediately followed the footprints, and the footprints really disappeared outside Linyuan City!

Because Linyuan City is on the slate floor, there is no way to leave footprints.

Obviously, the candle dragon brought the wolves into the city!

Stopping outside the city, the dragon clan pondered in fear and said, "This guy, the candle dragon, is really scary!"

"Even killing the ghost king who is so close to him, what does he want to do?"

Think so.

Zhang Yi and the others entered Linyuan City.

As soon as he entered the city, he was immediately besieged by a group of monsters!

Level 170 [Abyss behemoth, looks like an enlarged version of a toad, with extremely high values ​​and strong poison damage.

According to the description of the map:

Linyuan City was a residence built a thousand years ago when the ghost clan ran rampant in the apocalypse.

It was not until the ghosts were sealed by Tianqi [the Lord God] that this ghost town also declined. Later, it was slowly invaded by a group of giant beasts that climbed out of the abyss...

In front of the line of sight, three huge abyss beasts roared towards Zhang Yi and the others!

not yet approaching.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Three golden streamers fell from the sky, hit the three abyss beasts accurately, and set them in place!

I saw that behind Zhang Yi, the fat man holding the Book of Mantras in his left hand was using his right hand to control the three abyss beasts!

use this opportunity.

Brush brush brush brush!

Zhang Yi Xingtian rode Juechen and the others, and they all activated the skeleton suit skills one after another.

Body of fire, body of ice, body of darkness.

Three different skill effects bloom!

As a melee professional, the Xing Tianlong clan did not destroy them and charged forward quickly.

Zhang Yi, the original girl at night and day, and the others, were shooting from a distance.

The Skeleton King City missions have all been cleared.

The generous rewards of the mission, plus the battle rewards of the previous 33-star Skeleton King BOSS, have greatly increased the overall strength of the Dragon Clan Core Group!

Even if they kill monsters more than a dozen levels, like the dragon clan's indestructible damage, they can reach three or four million!

Xingtian's damage has also risen to the level of tens of millions!

After all, Zhang Yi is not the only one who can get the damage bonus effect.

It's just that the bonus effects obtained by others are not as high as Zhang Yi's.

Because the level of the abyss behemoth has exceeded Fatty's level 10 or more, and affected by the strong suppression, the adjudicator's skills can no longer cause any damage to the abyss behemoth.

But the power of control remains unabated.

Fatty controlled the three abyss beasts to death, using several skills alternately, making them unable to move.

Taking this opportunity, everyone didn't care about the gains, and a dozen people directly beat three abyss beasts.

A series of damages of three or four million exploded on the top of the abyss beast, and occasionally tens of millions of damages exploded, which was done by Xingtian.

It's a pity that Yiqi Juechen can't trigger the counter-injury. As a knight, his output is limited after all.

But it is also stronger than the Dragon Race Indestructible, maintaining the strength of five or six million damage.

Zhang Yi and Soul Reaper debut.

A series of 30 to 40 million damage burst!

Dragon Blood Knight's [Dragon Blood Body, active attack can also trigger.

Combining the bonus of [Dragon Blood Shield and [Dragon Emperor's Body Protection], with one shot, that is a huge amount of damage of more than 85 million!

The total HP of the level 170 abyss beast is only 600 million.

A group of people divided two by three and five, and quickly eliminated the three abyss beasts.

Stepping on the corpses of a few abyss beasts, continue to move forward.

After a while, what caught my eye was the corpse of an abyss beast lying on the street!

Among them are the bodies of many puppet sword wolves!

It seems that after the candle dragon entered the city, it also experienced a fight.

However, he has tens of thousands of 170-level sword wolves to assist him, and it is also easy to deal with the abyss beasts in the city.

Zhang Yi and the others followed the corpses.

On the way, he slaughtered the abyss beasts that kept rushing out from both sides.

Zhang Yi knew: In the world of Apocalypse, the connection ports of ghosts near every main city are very secretive.

Similar to the Phantom City over there.

First, enter the hidden map ghost realm through an inconspicuous general tomb in the general's tomb.

In the ghost realm, there are roundabouts to find the tomb of the ghost king, and the final connection is still hidden in the tomb of the ghost king!

So much so that in the last life, no one had discovered a connection until eight years later!

Obviously, although it is almost certain that the connection port of the ghost clan on the side of Liuguang City is here

In the city of Linyuan, it is difficult for ordinary people to find the connection port.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi and the others are led by the candle dragon!

According to those abyss beasts and the corpse of the sword wolf.

Soon, Zhang Yi and the others arrived at the gate of a compound!

This is a city from a thousand years ago, so there are ancient-style buildings inside.

When the corpses arrived at the gate of the compound, they were gone.

Yiqi Juechen and Dragon Blood Knight walked in the forefront with their shields on.

The group cautiously entered the compound.

Discovery: This is a very old courtyard house.

The building is very old, and there is a musty smell coming from the nostrils.

The inside of the yard is very clean, and there are no traces!

"The entrance should be somewhere in the yard somewhere inconspicuous."

Based on the lessons learned from the ghost king's tomb, Zhang Yi said: "Search separately, don't let any corner be missed!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone formed groups of three or five, and began to search separately.

However, ten minutes passed with no results!

Everyone returned to the courtyard to meet again.

"I've looked everywhere, and I've touched everything that should be touched, no!"

At this time, the scavenger suddenly found a problem and looked around: "Our captain's beast, where is the soul reaper?"

Zhang Yi seemed to have thought of something, and immediately returned to the East Courtyard he had just searched, and entered the East Courtyard building.

It was amazing to see: Soul Reaper was standing alone in front of a Guanyin statue in the lobby!

A thousand years ago, the ghost tribe invaders occupied Linyuan City.

Before that, Linyuan City was the homeland of human beings.

Seeing this, Long Xingtian was a little puzzled: "Why is he standing here?"

Zhang Yi was overjoyed: "I almost forgot, you are a ghost monster!"

With that said, Zhang Yi approached the Avalokitesvara.

When you reach out and touch the Avalokitesvara.


The wall behind the Avalokitesvara suddenly turned into a huge white light curtain!

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