Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1011 Those who violate the will of the Lord God, kill!

The white light curtain that was transformed from the wall and suddenly appeared in everyone's sight was immediately exciting!

"Open! The entrance is actually here!"

The King of Glory sighed.

The ability to discover this entrance is due to the Soul Harvester.

Because it is a ghost monster, a soul reaper, it is obvious that he sensed the ghost atmosphere here, so he stopped here!

In addition to surprise.

The two sub-teams of the immortal dragon clan and the dragon line of the world took the lead and walked towards the light curtain.

However, when he came to the front of the light curtain, he stopped.

"Can't get in!"

As expected.

Zhang Yi approached the light curtain, tapped it lightly, and received a system prompt:

"Ding~ Those who are not from the ghost clan camp or have the ghost clan bloodline cannot enter the core domain of the ghost clan!"

It is not so easy to enter the ghost area.

I remember the tomb of the ghost king over there in the Phantom City, except that the ghosts can come and go freely.

The dark dragon lineage is required, and the channel is opened at the same time as the light dragon lineage, and then players with dragon lineage can enter.

Zhang Yi tried it and found that: This entrance really requires the Black Dragon camp or the Bright Dragon camp to enter, and only the blood of the dragon family is not eligible to enter.

"How did the candle dragon get in?" Storm Angel was a little strange.

Xingtian had an epiphany and said: "He should have obtained the blood of the ghost family from the ghost king Buye!"

Because the candle dragon itself has dragon blood.

And one of the ways to obtain the blood of the ghost race is to sacrifice the blood of the dragon race and use the blood of the ghost king to exchange for the blood of the ghost race.

The candle dragon killed the ghost king Buye, and there were traces of a hole in Buye's heart just now.

It seems that the candle dragon forcibly took the blood of the ghost king, and used its own dragon blood to transform it into the ghost blood, and then entered this entrance by virtue of the identity of the ghost blood.

There is no doubt that his group of sword wolves have been transformed into ghost servants, and they naturally have ghost clan blood, so they can also go in with the candle dragon.

Thinking of this, the dragon clan couldn't help but sighed: "Good guy! He exchanged the dragon clan blood for the ghost clan blood? Crazy! Don't want such a supreme race as the dragon clan, go with the dead race that lives in the dark!"

The only gratifying point is: because this entrance has been opened by the candle dragon with the identity of the ghost family.

Next, the dark dragon faction and the light dragon faction are no longer needed to open the entrance at the same time.

Players who only have the status of the dragon camp can enter here!

Before, Zhang Yi speculated that the purpose of the ghost king wanting to enter this connection was to release the army of ghost tribes to invade Liuguang City.

It's just that now that the ghost king is dead, and the candle dragon enters instead of the ghost king, Zhang Yi doesn't know what the candle dragon wants to do.

After all, he is a newcomer who has just acquired the blood of the ghost family, and his authority is definitely not as great as that of the three-star ghost king.

The Buye Mongolian ordered the ghost army, but the candle dragon may not be able to!

The ghost connection port on the side of Liuguang City was finally found.

Next, is to figure out a way to get in.

At present, Zhang Yi's dragon bloodline level has reached level 9. As long as he reaches level 10 and completes the promotion challenge, he can officially become a dragon faction member!

It's just that the dragon bloodline has been upgraded from level 9 to level 10, and the demand is too great.

Requires 1 million points of prestige from the three major races, Human Race, Alien Race, and Demon Race!

At present, the accumulated reputation of Zhang Yi's three races is only 1 million, which is a full two-thirds difference!

At this time, the peak emperor had a plan: "Boss, isn't your demon beast soul reaper from the ghost clan? He can go in!"

Soul Reaper does get in.

It's just that he is an unconscious monster, even if he goes in, he can't do anything.

And if he is unfortunately killed by the ghost monster inside and transformed into a ghost servant, then Zhang Yi will permanently lose a god-level magical beast, which is too much of a loss!

"I don't know if the Dragon Clan's hidden professionals are qualified to enter." Zhang Yi murmured.

Having said that, Zhang Yi originally planned to end the Skeleton King City quest. By the way, after helping Fatty get familiar with the operation of the adjudicator profession, he started the hidden profession of the dragon clan, [Dragon Soul Master's job transfer quest [The last link of the Dragon Master.

For the time being, we can only put our expectations on this hidden profession.

It stands to reason that the authority of the hidden professions of the dragon race is above those of the blood of the dragon race, almost reaching the level of the dragon campers.

Dragon clan hidden professionals should also have the qualifications to enter the ghost clan field!


Zhang Yi immediately ordered: "Order the entire army of the Dragon Clan to block Linyuan City!"

good guy!

Zhang Yi's order made people excited.

This is the first time Zhang Yi has issued such a large-scale order!

The dragon army gathers!

Realize the importance of Zhang Yi's order.

The immortal dragon clan did not dare to neglect, and immediately issued an assembly order in the team channel as the vice captain of the dragon clan!

Less than half an hour.

The 300,000 army of the dragon clan has assembled!

With a mighty momentum, the entire Linyuan City will be surrounded!

Zhang Yi remembers: The ghost domain cannot use any scrolls such as teleportation.

If the candle dragon wants to come out from here, only

There is this one exit, come out.

Don't even think about dying inside and resurrecting from the Resurrection Spring in Liuguang City.

Because once you die in the ghost realm, you will be a ghost servant directly, which is no different from permanent death.

Around Linyuan City, there are many wild areas between levels 160-170.

The players of the dragon race arrived here.

If you are stronger, you can directly level up the level 170 abyss beast in Linyuan City.

If you are weaker, pick a lower-level map nearby to level up.

While ensuring that the candle dragon is guarded, it does not lose its level and strength.

On Zhang Yi's side, he is preparing to start the [Dragon Soul Master transfer!

the other side.

The candle dragon appeared in a dark cemetery.

"Ding~ You have entered the hidden map of the ghost tribe [Ghost World, the risk factor of this map is 1200%, please always pay attention to your own safety!"

The system prompts down.

The candle dragon looked around.

Immediately, a rancid smell came to the nostrils.

The empty cemetery, except for the mound, was empty.

The ghost sword in his hand glowed faintly, as if it had found its own place.

At the same time, it is also guiding the direction of the candle dragon.

Zhulong knew that the main city of the ghost clan was in this ghost world.

But Buye said: This place is sealed by the Lord God, and it is not so easy to enter the main city of the ghost clan!

Therefore, Zhulong remained vigilant at all times, while under the guidance of the ghost sword, he approached the main city of the ghost clan.

Just two steps away.


A beam of silver light fell.

Right in front of the candle dragon, there appeared a guy in white armor, holding a long bow, and a pair of wings on his back, like an angel!

Candle Dragon's ordinary exploration technique cannot view the specific data of the opponent.

Can only see a line of red ID above his head——

Lv170 Messenger of Light (Physics, Lord Monster)!

"Bold mortals, dare to trespass the forbidden land of the God Realm!"

"Those who violate the will of the Lord God, kill!"

The voice just fell.

The Holy Light messenger waved his wings and took off, holding a long bow in his hand, and approached the candle dragon!

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