Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1024 God-level talent: ice of death

The time is fixed at four o'clock in the afternoon.

The King's Landing City, which is in the underground abyss, does not distinguish between day and night, no matter what time it looks like night.

In the city of Junlin, it is located beside a deep well in a compound, where the candle dragon stopped.

Looking down at this deep well, which is actually an entrance to a hidden space, his expression was blazing.

According to Guishenjian's guidance, from the time of finding the passage that hides the guarding token of Junlin City, Zhulong has entered three times in a row, trying to obtain the guarding token inside, but lost three times in a row to the guard guarding the token. In the hands of the gods of the gods.

The candle dragon knows that he cannot defeat the gods by his own strength.

With the power of the Ghost King Blood Feast, he should be able to defeat the gods.

However, Zhulong didn't want the ghost king in the city to know about this entrance.

If the ghost king gets the city defense token, the candle dragon will not be able to control them!

He must find a way to use them to kill the gods without the knowledge of the ghost king. In the end, Zhulong himself has to get the city defense token!

However, the gods do not come out of it.

And only those who wield the ghost sword can enter this secret space.

If you want the ghost king to go in and kill the gods, Zhulong must donate the ghost sword!

However, once the Ghost Sword is donated to the Ghost King, there is no way to recapture the Ghost Sword. Even if the Ghost King uses the Ghost Sword to enter this hidden space to kill the gods, then Zhulong will not have the conditions to enter the hidden space again to capture the defense token!

You must think of a way to enter this secret space in addition to passing through the ghost sword!

After thinking about it, Zhulong suddenly had a plan...

The time comes to evening.

In the city of King's Landing, the ghost patrolmen are still looking for the trace of the escaper.

And in the Ghost King's Mansion, the Ghost Kings Kiva, Kidd, and the three brothers Keel are in the hall, and they are having a council meeting with a Ghost King hiding behind a red screen: Blood Feast.

"Hasn't that human been found yet?" Behind the screen, there was a low voice from the blood banquet.

The warrior-type ghost king Kiva, who was dressed in black armor and had a big sword tied around his waist, said, "No, I have searched the whole city and found no trace of him."

"Lord Blood Banquet, will that human have escaped from King's Landing?"

"No." The voice behind the screen said: "Once you enter King's Landing, there is only one way to get out, and that is to lift the seal of the Lord God."

At this moment, a ghost soldier came to report: "Master Qi, the fugitive has been caught!"

The three ghost kings cheered.

The next moment, as expected, the human warrior Zhulong, who was born with two swords, came to the hall under the escort of two ghost soldiers!

The ghost king Kidd raised his gun with a "wow":

"I've finally caught you, you human being who doesn't know how to live or die, I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

At this time, Zhulong said calmly: "I have found a way to lift the seal of Junlin City, don't you want to listen to it?"

The three ghost king brothers in the hall were really heartbroken.

Because they have been sealed in Junlin City for more than 990 years, they really want to leave this place and regain their freedom!

Even the ghost king's blood banquet behind the screen was a little tempted.

Asked, "What can you do?"

Zhulong raised the ghost sword and said, "According to the guidance of this sword, we can find a hidden entrance, use this sword to pass through that entrance, enter the space of the gods, and kill the gods inside to break the seal of Junlin City."

When the candle dragon took out the ghost sword, the three ghost kings retreated one after another!

Obviously, they sensed the residual breath of the Seven Star Ghost King Shilu from the Ghost Sword.

The seven-star ghost king is far from what the three three-star ghost kings dare not covet!

Zhulong continued: "Ghost sword is given to you, on the condition that let me go."

I don't know if what Zhulong said is true or not, but the breath of the seven-star ghost king Xilu left in the ghost sword will not be false.

The Ghost King Blood Banquet actually agreed to Zhulong's request: "Okay, you release your sword, and this king releases people."

The blood banquet immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops.

Zhulong held the Ghost Sword in his hand and retreated outside the Ghost King's Mansion.

Put the ghost sword on the door, turn around and quickly withdraw.

The ghost king Kiva came to the outside of the mansion, picked up the ghost sword, and at the same time gave an order: "Catch this human!"

A group of ghost clan patrolmen quickly rushed out of the ghost palace and chased in the direction where the candle dragon had just fled.

And Kiva brought the ghost sword to the ghost palace.

"Lord Blood Banquet, is this human's words credible?"

"Whether it's credible, you'll know after a try." Behind the screen, the voice of the blood banquet came.

At this time, the ghost king Kiva stepped forward and volunteered: "I would like to take the risk for the blood banquet Lord!"

Obtained the consent of the Ghost King Blood Banquet.

The ghost king Kiva immediately left the ghost palace with the ghost sword in his hand.

As a warrior-type ghost king, it just so happens that Kiva can also use this ghost sword.

According to the guidance of Ghost Sword, Kiva gradually came to a courtyard in the west of the city, and sure enough, in the courtyard, he found a deep well!

Without hesitation, Kiva jumped into the well with the Ghost Sword in hand!

If a person jumps into a well, he will fall directly to the bottom of the well.

And Kiva, who has the ghost sword, seems to have opened up a new world with the ghost sword!

As soon as his eyes turned, Kiva appeared in a golden light.

In the overflowing huge space.

In this space, there is only one high platform.

There is a golden token on the table.

Seeing that token, Kiva was overjoyed: "Guarding the city token!"

At the same time, the ghost king's blood banquet passed the secret technique of the ghost clan and sent a message to Kiva: "Obtain the defense token, you can lift the seal of King's Landing, hurry up, be sure to win the defense token for the king!"

Kiva took the lead and approached the token.

at this time.


A beam of golden light suddenly appeared, a little golden starlight, transformed into a golden god holding a long bow, long wings on the back, wearing light armor, and exuding golden light all over!

The ghost king Kiva couldn't help but step back, feeling terrified.

Because it recognized at a glance: This is the god of the gods who defeated the ghosts and sealed the ghosts thousands of years ago!

They are the natural enemies of the ghost clan!

However, since it is the seal created by the Lord God, it is natural to have the power of the God Realm stationed there.

To defend the city token.

The ghost king Kiva carried the ghost sword and killed the gods!

A murderous aura bloomed on Kidd.

clap la la...

The bursts of frost condensed into ice on Kiva's body, and under his feet, there was also ice that was released towards the surroundings.

In the ghost race, every ghost king possesses a talent that is god-level.

Like the god-level [Bloodthirsty Lightning] possessed by the ghost king Buye.

Kiva is no exception, its talent is [Death Ice.

Active talent, after activation, add ice shield to yourself, get 50% damage reduction, and all attacks cause a freezing effect to the enemy, and the damage to the frozen enemy is increased by 100%! (The freezing lasts for 3 seconds, and the same target has a 10-second CD. If it is attacked by Ziva within the CD, the freezing effect will be converted into a 50% deceleration. In the deceleration state, it will be affected by the 50% damage bonus effect of Ziva.)

The ghost king Kiva launched the ice of death, holding the ghost sword, and slaying the gods stationed in front of the guard token!

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