As a 170-level three-star ghost king.

Kiva is very powerful.

The former three-star ghost king Buye, but even the ninth place in the Liuguang City team list, the two thousand elite divisions of the God of War, can't fight against it!

And the ghost king Kiva, who was at the same level as Buye, thought he was invincible when he got the ghost artifact and the help of the ghost sword.

As everyone knows: Compared with the power of Tianqi [the main god of the gods, Kiva's combat power is a piece of scum.

Kiva has not yet approached the deity.

The god floating in the low sky pulled the bowstring, and a "whoosh" arrow shot at Kiva.

Relying on the protection of the [Death Ice], Kiva directly blocked the frontal block and successfully blocked the attack of the gods with the ghost sword!

The rain of arrows falling in the air was also completely blocked by Kiva using the ice shield, and it fell on Kidd's body. Not a single sharp arrow hit Kiva!

Successfully blocked a round of attacks from the gods.

Kiva was a little complacent: "Isn't it true that you haven't experienced a battle in a thousand years, and your strength has declined too much. Is it all at this level now?"

"Your God Realm, what about the aura of the king a thousand years ago?"


Kiva held the ghost sword in his hand and took the god directly.

at this time.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The arrows that had just been blocked by Kidd and fell on the ground all over his body turned into a golden barrier, trapping Kiva in it.

The next moment, the gods pulled the bow, turned thousands of arrows, and countless sharp arrows shot directly at Kiva.

Kiva, who was bound in the array of arrows, lost his ability to resist, and thousands of arrows pierced his heart.

Finally, the array of arrows exploded, blasting Kiva out!

Kiva stood up with his sword in hand, but was blocked by the sharp arrows that were constantly flying from the hands of the gods, and there was no chance to even get close to the gods!

At the same time, a voice fell in Kidd's ear:


Follow the orders of the Ghost King's Blood Feast.

Kiva immediately withdrew from the battle and left the God Realm space along the portal!

Just wait for Kiva to leave.

The gods also turned into bursts of golden light spots and disappeared.

Kiva, who had withdrawn from the God Realm space, returned to the Ghost King's Mansion to meet the Ghost King's Blood Banquet.

"Master Blood Banquet, the gods are too strong, I... can't beat him!"

Say it.

A low voice came from behind the red screen: "A thousand years ago, [The Lord God defeated the entire ghost clan with only a hundred gods. The gods are naturally not comparable to you."

Kiva asked, "How to defeat the gods?"

"Ghost sword is given to this king, and this king will go into battle in person!"


The screen opened, and a powerful dark breath burst out.

All I could see: a mage ghost king wearing a red robe and a golden crown, with extremely shrunk skin, blue eyes, and a skull scepter in his hand, walked out from behind the screen!

Blood feast appeared.

The three ghost king brothers under the hall, Kid Kilkiwa, bowed their heads one after another.

A cold and arrogant strong aura emanated from the body of the red-robed ghost king and the blood banquet!

Blood Feast walked to Kiva, stretched out his dry arm, and grabbed the ghost sword in Kiva's hand.

Carrying the ghost sword, he came to the outside of the ghost king's mansion.

In an instant, a group of ghost soldiers in armor greeted him.

This aura is very much like a great general in ancient times who is about to lead his troops on an expedition!

With the blood feast, he just came to the outside of the Ghost King's Mansion.

The sound of a "roar" came from the dragon, and a huge ice war dragon flew in the distance, sitting on the street.

This icy fighting dragon was full of anger, and his eyes were blue.

With a roar, even the three three-star ghost kings who came out to see them off couldn't help but shake their bodies!

This is a fifth-order Dragon Sovereign: Extreme Ice Dragon Sovereign—Qi Yi!

Thousands of years ago, he was personally beheaded by the blood banquet and transformed into his own mount.

Under the watch of all the ghost generals, the Ghost King Blood Banquet rode the Extreme Ice Dragon King and took off!

Not far from the street, he had already changed his outfit, and the candle dragon mixed in the ghost patrol team also watched the ghost king blood banquet leave.

A shock in my heart.

Except for the logo of [Ghost King: Blood Banquet, there are no other marks on the top of the ghost king's blood banquet.

Just now, Zhulong could not detect the attributes of this ghost king through the exploration technique.

But according to this aura, the grade of the blood banquet is absolutely extremely high!

After all, he can be the city lord of Junlin City, and he is also a ghost king who uses the fifth-order Dragon Emperor as his mount. At least its strength is already above the fifth-order Dragon Emperor!

Realizing this, the candle dragon became more and more excited.

Because right away, he can order a super ghost king riding a fifth-order dragon emperor to return to Liuguang City and realize the value of his life!

Fly away with the blood feast of the ghost king.

The candle dragon also retreated out of the "crowd".

the other side.

The Ghost King Blood Banquet rode the Ghost Dragon, the Extreme Ice Dragon King, and quickly came to a compound according to the guidance of the Ghost Sword.

Withdrew the mount and jumped directly into the well.

Coming to the God Realm space, the blood banquet also saw the golden token placed on the high platform: the token of the defense of the King's Landing!

Like the candle dragon before, and the ghost king Kidd suddenly broke in.

The golden light falls, and the gods appear!

Looking at the man who sealed himself a thousand years ago

The gods of the gods.

The blood feast of the ghost king is full of anger.

"It's been a thousand years, this account should be settled!"

Knowing that this is an inevitable battle, to get the token, you must kill the gods.

The Ghost King Blood Banquet "swiped" and inserted the Ghost Sword into the ground.

Then take out the [Blood Scepter and enter the fighting stance.

As a wizard, the ghost king's blood banquet is still habitually using staff weapons.

Even though the ghost sword is a ghost artifact.

Or only the scepter can make the combat power of the blood banquet to the limit!

boom boom boom...

A powerful dark aura bloomed from the ghost king's blood feast.

As if the earth would be torn apart.

And a golden armor, holding a golden bow, leaning against the wings, and exuding golden light all over his body, like an elf-like god, still floating in the low sky in the face of danger, waiting for the enemy to attack.

The Ghost King Blood Banquet raised the scepter of blood.


Countless red lights bloom from the top of the staff, forming a powerful magnetic field in the entire God Realm space!

It is releasing the ghost clan barrier, trying to transform this place into a ghost clan territory that is conducive to its own fighting!

This kind of authority can only be possessed by the high-level ghost kings of the ghost clan.

Soon, a dark atmosphere spread throughout the space.

Being in it, the strength of the ghost king's blood banquet has been greatly improved.

And the gods who should have been affected have not changed at all!

It shows that his power is not under the blood feast!

The Ghost King Blood Banquet raised his scepter, absorbed the dark energy around him, and began to charge.

At the same time, the gods also pulled the bowstring, aimed at the blood feast, and began to charge.

The ground began to tremble.

At this moment, both of them are gathering their most powerful forces.

As if preparing for a move to determine the outcome!

After ten seconds.


A bunch of red death light and a golden aurora were released from the blood scepter in the hands of the ghost king's blood banquet and the bow and arrow in the hands of the gods.

The two strong lights converged together, and a loud bang erupted!

Just when the blood feast of the ghost king and the gods started a strong duel, there was no distinction between them.

A shadow entered while taking advantage of the emptiness, and approached the city-defense token placed on the high platform...

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