Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1026 King's Landing, Fortress Token

The combat power of the gods has actually reached the level of the ghost king's blood banquet, who can kill the fifth-order dragon emperor and convert it into a mount!

It is indeed the direct power of the Lord God to sit down!

In fact, the Ghost King Blood Banquet overestimated himself.

Even if he has successfully set up a ghost barrier to improve himself, it is still not an opponent of the gods!

At present, the two sides are still in a standoff.

The two beams of light, one red and one gold, continue to intersect, and both sides are constantly injecting their own strength into the beams, trying to defeat the other.


The Ghost King Blood Banquet clearly felt that the power was about to be exhausted, and it was about to be unable to support it.

On the other hand, the gods did not move at all, without any loss of strength!

In fact, so far, the gods seem to have not used their full strength.


A powerful force suddenly emerged from the body of the god, and it merged into the golden aurora through the bow and crossbow.

In an instant, it broke through the red light of the ghost king's blood banquet, and blasted the blood banquet into the air!

However, what the gods do not know is:

Just when he fought the blood feast with the ghost king.

A shadow has sneaked close to the high platform at the rear, and won the defense token on the high platform!

The moment the token is taken.

The gods seem to be inducted.

Turning around very quickly, I saw a human warrior with a single sword on his back, holding the city defense token in his forehand, and in the next second, he put the token in his bag!

This person is the candle dragon!

At this moment, the gods recognized this human being, because he had come in three times before and tried to seize the token, but was repelled.

The strange thing is: before this human being was a double sword, and could use two weapons at the same time.

And now, he only has a sword on his back!

But for the Ghost King Blood Banquet, it was inconceivable.

Only those who possess the powerful power of the God Realm can have the qualification to enter this God Realm space.

The blood banquet was only able to enter this space by relying on the ghost sword that had absorbed the power of the gods.

Candle Dragon, how did you get in? !

Leave that question aside.

The Ghost King Blood Banquet also immediately understood: he was being used!

This human being contributed the ghost sword, in fact, his purpose was to use himself to defeat, or to contain the gods.

Then he took the opportunity to steal the token!

Not to mention the gods at this moment, even if it is the blood feast of the ghost king, it is impossible for a mere mortal to get the defense token of King's Landing!

So, for a while, the originally hostile gods and blood feasts suddenly had a common enemy: the candle dragon!

The two top powerhouses locked on the candle dragon and launched an attack.

The ghost king of the Mage Department casts a spell, setting up a barrier around it to prevent the candle dragon from escaping here with the token.

And the gods are pulling the bow at the candle dragon and releasing the arrow rain attack!

Unexpectedly, the candle dragon quickly activated the acceleration skill to avoid the arrow rain attack.

While passing directly by the ghost king's blood banquet, he also passed the ghost sword inserted on the ground not far behind the blood banquet!

Then, the candle dragon directly passed through the barrier set by the blood banquet and ran towards the portal!

Seeing that the candle dragon directly penetrated the enchantment, it was as if the enchantment did not exist.

The blood banquet, which seemed to suddenly realize something, stopped attacking the candle dragon!

Because the reason why Zhulong is immune to his own damage is because he has the defense token of King's Landing!

The city-defense token is equivalent to a talisman.

The defender token of the main city of the ghost clan, and the people of the ghost clan of which ghost town, cannot attack the token holder!

That is to say: from now on, all the attacks of the blood banquet will be ineffective against the candle dragon!

Moreover, if the token holder is authoritative enough, he will have the right to use the token to command the ghost army of the main city!

The power of the Guarding Token is far greater than that of the Ghost King Order!

The difference between it and the ghost king order is that the city defense token only works on ghosts in the main city of the ghost clan corresponding to this token.

It seems that the token has been taken away.

The blood feast no longer deals with the gods.

Immediately withdrew from this God Realm space!

King's Landing.

The candle dragon withdrew from the God Realm space and came to a secluded place.

From the bag, he took out the city-defense token engraved with the word "Jing's Landing", and smiled:

"It takes no effort to get it,"

It turned out that this was already calculated by Zhulong!

When the ghost king Kidd fought against the gods before, the candle dragon was also in the space of the gods.

Prepare to secretly obtain the defense token while Kidd is fighting against the gods.

I just didn't expect that in front of the gods, the three-star ghost king Kidd's combat power was too strong, and he was almost hanged by the gods, and there was no chance for the candle dragon to take advantage of it!

Only after this blood feast personally takes action, Candle Dragon will have a chance to successfully capture the token!

In the absence of the ghost sword, it is thanks to the [Heart of Memory.

Zhulong took out the super artifact [Heart of Memory] from his bag.

Eliminated the [divine power] in the memory copy, according to the memory retrieval settings, I recovered the god-level talent [Double Blade Flow!

It turns out that the reason why the candle dragon can enter the space of the gods is actually because of this [divine power!

Before the candle dragon did not know, the heart of memory

Memory copy talent, in addition to copying other people's talent skills, can also be used to copy equipment skills!

To a certain extent, it is similar in nature to Zhang Yi's God Emperor Ring.

It is even more effective than the God Emperor Ring, because it can copy a wide range of skills, and in the later stage, it can also recall the skills that were originally covered!

So, before donating the Ghost Sword to the Ghost King Blood Banquet, Zhulong tried it out, but he did not expect to actually succeed in copying the [Divine Power in the Ghost Sword into the Heart of Memory!

In this way, the power of the gods in the heart of memory can also give the holder the qualification to enter the space of the gods!

The defense token has been obtained.

Candle Dragon knows what this token means.

Next, you can finally officially implement your plan to come to the place of King's Landing and prepare to carry out!

So, Zhulong took the defense token, swaggered, and walked towards the Ghost Palace!

Only when Zhulong came to the Ghost King's Mansion, he was surprised to find that the Ghost King Blood Banquet hadn't come back yet!

When the three brothers Kidd, Kiel, Kiva, and the ghost king saw the candle dragon, they immediately led a group of ghost soldiers to surround the candle dragon.

Kidd approached the candle dragon with a long sword in his hand: "It's a miracle that you can live to this day."

"Unfortunately, you won't survive tonight!"

"I'm going to kill you, then throw your body into the refining furnace, and re-refining the Ghost King Order for Lord Blood Banquet!"

"The corpse will never run away again."

With that said, Kidd raised his big sword and was about to stab at the candle dragon.

Unexpectedly at this time.

The candle dragon took out a golden token and said:

"All will obey orders!"

Suddenly, there seems to be a powerful force emanating from the token, deterring the audience!

Around, a group of low-level ghost clan soldiers involuntarily knelt down on one knee towards Zhulong!

The three ghost king brothers were shocked:

"Guardian Token!"

At the same time, the candle dragon was a little surprised!

Because he found:

After taking out the defense token, the rest of the ghost generals surrendered to themselves.

Only the three ghost king brothers remained indifferent.

They are not deterred by the Guard Token!

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