Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1046 The army is coming, fight!

Streaming City.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by bursts of lightning.

In the air, a huge cloud of skeletons suddenly appeared, causing the players in Streaming City to fall into inexplicable panic.

An uncle fighter who was killing monsters with his teammates in the field looked up at the sky: "Why does this cloud look familiar... Skeleton King! The sign of the appearance of the Dark Skeleton King!"

A young archer who was watching the stars with his arms around the star observation platform in the city: "Dark Skeleton King! Resurrected!"

"I heard that the Skeleton King's body was stolen, but I didn't expect the Skeleton King to actually be resurrected!"

"It must be the ghost clan! The ghost clan is about to invade Liuguang City, brothers and sisters in Liuguang City, prepare to fight!"

Inside and outside the city, there was a commotion.

At this moment, players who were in the wild to farm monsters, eat or sleep in the city, all gathered in the city and rushed to the defense point of the main city.

It turned out that after three days of spellcasting, the Ghost King Blood Banquet had successfully used the ghost clan secret technique to resurrect the Dark Skeleton King Hel!

To be precise, it is not resurrection, but transforming it into a ghost servant!

It was precisely because of Skeleton King's recovery that the clouds of skeletons appeared in the air.

Just like when the Skeleton King invaded Liuguang City some time ago.

Darkness shrouded the earth, lightning and thunder roared in the air, and dark clouds covered the sky.

Outside the city, hidden map [In the underground city of death, the giant skeleton man with a height of more than ten meters, the dark skeleton king Hel, is walking out of the altar where he lay for three days and three nights, passing through a barrier in front of him, and leaving the underground The capital of death!

In a blink of an eye, Skeleton King appeared outside this hidden map: in a graveyard!


Wearing a golden crown, black armor, blue eyes, holding a scepter in his hand, and leaning on his back with a golden bow, the 160-level 33-star double-type BOSS Skeleton King Hel screamed.

It seems to be swearing: This time, all the human beings in Liuguang City will be slaughtered, shameful!

next moment.

Boom! Boom!

The Dark Skeleton King dragged his huge body and approached the distant streamer city.

Every step you take, the ground shakes and the mountains are shaken, and the momentum is not diminished at all!

at the same time.

In the underground city of death, the Ghost King Blood Banquet and Candle Dragon stood on the altar.

All around, countless ghost soldiers surrendered.

Blood Feast raised his scepter high and roared:

"It's time for the ghosts to rise again, brave warriors, fight for the ghosts and King's Landing!"

The candle dragon next to him raised the token of Junlin City's defense and issued an order: "Enter, Liuguang City!"


A strong dark aura emanated from all around.

200,000 ordinary ghost clan soldiers, together with 100,000 powerful ghost clan forbidden troops, along with the candle dragon and the ghost king blood banquet, left the underground capital of death through the huge light curtain outside the altar!

Afterwards, the army, along with the Dark Skeleton King Hull, approached Streamer City!

The army of 300,000 ghost tribes is like a rainbow!

Above the army, a huge ice dragon leaped past.

That is the Ghost Dragon King: Extreme Ice Dragon King, Qi Yi!

On his back, stood a super ghost king wearing a bang and holding a scepter of blood: Blood Feast!

Wherever the ghost army goes, no grass grows!

Along the way, all the wild monsters between level 160-170 encountered were killed by Skeleton King Hel!

There were even some scattered players who didn't have time to evacuate and were killing monsters on these maps, but they were also crushed by the ghost army, and it was too late to escape.

Although it has been almost half a month since the Skeleton King Hull invaded the Streaming City.

But the 33-star BOSS is still a super powerhouse at the moment!

After all, apart from Skeleton King Hull, the highest-star BOSS that has ever appeared in Streamer City is only a 29-star BOSS!

Together with the army of 300,000 ghost tribes, the current aura is ten times stronger than the last time!

In the chat area of ​​the main city of Liuguang City, the atmosphere is tense:

"They are here! It is currently in the north of the city, five miles away, and will arrive at Liuguang City in about half an hour!"

"Brothers, get ready! Send more troops to the north gate, but don't let the other three city gates relax! Prevent them from sneaking up!"

"[Brothers of the brilliant family, take the initiative to attack with me! Stop them, don't let them approach Liuguang City!"

"[The brothers and sisters of the God of War, let's go out too!"

Forty million players in Liuguang City, in a burst of enthusiasm, quickly began to act!

Among them, two-thirds of the players in the city stayed behind and guarded the main city.

The other third took the initiative to attack to stop the ghost army!

In the north of Liuguang City, a black cloud that seemed to be able to swallow the sky and destroy the earth gradually spread over.

Accompanied by bursts of lightning and thunder, he seemed to want to swallow Liuguang City!

The strong sense of oppression caused every player inside and outside the city to be extremely nervous!

But this time, they weren't as frightened as the last Skeletron invasion.

Because Liuguang City is now on full alert!

Two days ago, arrow towers more than 20 meters high had been cast all around the city wall.

The city walls were watered with salt water.

All preparations are done to the extreme!

It can be said that this time, they are waiting for the invasion of ghosts, from passive to active!

North of Liuguang City.

Countless players gathered together and rushed towards the ghost army and the Dark Skeleton King approaching from a distance.

Ten minutes later, the two forces converged.

As it happens, the place where they meet is a river.

The river is 100 meters wide, and there is a suspension bridge every 10 meters in the middle.

The army of 300,000 ghosts and the Dark Skeleton King Hel stopped on the other side of the river.

The player army of Liuguang City is guarding the river.

Both sides, big eyes and small eyes, you look at me and I look at you.

In the darkness, I only saw countless blue eyes on the other side of the river, staring straight at this side.

A strong sense of oppression swept along the river!

There was silence all around.

It seems a little cold tonight.



With a cry from the crowd, the silence of the night was broken.

Countless high-level warrior knight players were arrogant and charged along the suspension bridge.

At the same time, the opposing ghost clan soldiers, also under the order of the ghost king's blood banquet, killed them through the suspension bridge!

After being sealed for thousands of years, these ghost monsters are full of desire for living people!

They show their teeth and dance their claws, roar non-stop, and salivate, as if they want to tear up these humans in front of them, and then swallow them raw!

Soon, the battle between the two sides has started!

On the player's side, there are melee knights, warriors, and assassins. Ranged Mage, Archer, Beastmaster and Priest.

The ghost clan is not weak at all.

The melee ghost warriors holding long spears and swords will fight with warrior knight players on the suspension bridge at close range!

And those ghost clan soldiers who use bow and arrow sticks as weapons, just like the mage archers on the player's side, standing on the shore and shooting against each other.

Although the width of the river has exceeded the maximum range of 50 meters for long-range occupations, it is impossible for them to shoot directly at each other.

But it doesn't affect them attacking each other's enemies on the drawbridge.

Swords, lights, swords and shadows bloom on the suspension bridge.

Countless sharp arrows and orbs were scrambling to bloom from the shore.

In the roars and screams, countless ghost soldiers or players were killed from the suspension bridge, and their bodies fell into the river.

Some players with flying mounts use their air superiority to attack the ghosts on the suspension bridge.

Under the effect of the damage increase scroll soaked in the resurrection spring, the damage of the players to the ghost monsters has increased a lot.

at this time.


An ice-blue ghost fire swept over, engulfing more than a dozen players riding flying mounts in the air, and shooting them all down!

The next moment, the Ghost King Blood Banquet drove the fifth-order polar ice dragon emperor Qiyi, jumped directly over the long river, and leaped towards the player army here!

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