Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1047 The G family invades in an all-round way!


Accompanied by a dragon chirping.

Ice-blue ghost fire sprayed out from the mouth of Qi Yi, the extremely ice dragon emperor, and bombarded the crowd of players on this side of the river.

Suddenly, players in a large area were instantly engulfed!

A large amount of damage of 60 to 70 million yuan appeared above the players' heads.

With the continuous high amount of burning damage behind, a large group of players were killed in a blink of an eye!

The combat power of the fifth-order ghost dragon emperor is very powerful!

at the same time.

Dark Skeleton King Hull, with a height of more than ten meters, directly sunk into the river.


A huge water wave was thrown, and all the players and ghost soldiers on a suspension bridge next to it were overturned and fell into the water!

Immediately afterwards, the other foot directly stepped on the other suspension bridge, and a large group of players fell into the water with the ghost soldiers!

In a magical gesture, Skeletron raised his staff.

Boom boom boom!

Countless lightning blasted out from the top of the staff, and messily bombarded the players on the surrounding suspension bridges.

Any player who is hit by the Skeleton King's skill will suffer a guaranteed damage of 40 million!

The strength of the Skeleton King after being resurrected as a ghost servant is somewhat lower than before.

But still very strong!

At the same time, the Ghost King Blood Banquet, who was riding on Qi Yi, the Dragon King of Extreme Ice, waved his staff.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Bursts of red aurora descended from the sky, bombarding the crowd, causing one big explosion after another.

In the screams, a large amount of damage of 60 to 70 million appeared on the top of the player's head!

None of the players in the audience could see the level of this Ghost King Blood Banquet.

But at this time, it seems to be to show his power and authority.

Above the head of the blood feast, a red ID suddenly appeared——

Lv170 Five-star Ghost King: Blood Feast!

"Good guy! It's actually a five-star ghost king!"

"No wonder its damage is not inferior to a fifth-order dragon emperor, and it can even use fifth-order dragon emperor as a mount!"

On land, many dragon players who participated in this blocking battle sighed.

The battle was fierce.

Against ghosts, players trust each other and are not afraid of life and death.

Because in the preparation time of these two days, everyone in Liuguang City kept a sentence in their hearts:

Whenever you see a teammate dying, pick up the Life Orb immediately!

As long as this is the case, it will not really die at the hands of the ghost clan.

However, with the body of a mortal, trying to block a 33-star BOSS, a five-star ghost king, and a full-scale invasion of a fifth-order dragon emperor, one can imagine how difficult it is.

Led by the Blood Feast and the Skeleton King, the ghost army quickly broke through the line of defense.

Players on this side of the river were repelled.

The ghost army crossed the river along the suspension bridge.

Then, with overwhelming momentum, it rushed towards the players!

Players are fighting and retreating.

Because their enemies are too powerful.

In addition to ordinary ghost soldiers, and especially difficult to deal with.

Among the ghost clan army, the most difficult to deal with is the ghost clan forbidden army!

Among the 300,000 army, there are 200,000 ordinary ghost soldiers.

There are still 100,000, but the most powerful forbidden army of the ghost clan!

Back then, the ghost king Buye only released a hundred ghost clan forbidden soldiers, which made the dragon clan's 10,000 elite players fight for a while.

The strength of each of them has almost reached the level of the lord monster of the same level!

And before that, ordinary ghost soldiers were used as cannon fodder.

Wait for the player's defense to be broken through.

In the rear, 100,000 ghost clan forbidden soldiers dressed in golden armor, with overwhelming momentum, drove straight in, and smashed into the crowd!

Their levels are all between 165-170.

Equivalent to 100,000 lord monsters of level 165-170, attacking at the same time!

It is conceivable how fierce their offensive is.

The damage of the ghost clan banned soldiers remains at 20-30 million!

It is two or three times higher than those ordinary ghost soldiers!

At this stage, even in the first line of Streamer City, level 155-160 rank six warrior knight players only have 100 to 200 million HP.

Those ghost clan banned soldiers can kill a high-level warrior player in seconds!

The battlefield is empty, and there is no terrain advantage in favor of the player.

The players in the front row could not resist the violent invasion of the 100,000 ghost clan forbidden army.

As more and more people died in the front, the players behind also began to retreat in the direction of Liuguang City.

Some players on the outside have started live broadcasts, so that those who are stationed in Liuguang City can also see the battle situation here in real time.

Seeing that the situation here is not optimistic, the players suffered heavy casualties in the process of resisting the ghost army.

Those players stationed in Liuguang City have launched an appeal through the barrage of the live broadcast room and the chat area of ​​the main city:

"Brothers, bring these monsters to the main city, let's take advantage of the arrow tower and the main city to beat them!"

The blocking failed, and the players retreated to Liuguang City one after another.

Among them, some players circled back to the rear of the ghost army from the side.

Of course, their purpose was not to form an encirclement, but to take the opportunity to pick up the life beads that fell from their comrades who had just died in battle.

Half an hour later, the ghost clan

The army has arrived in Liuguang City!

When it was only one mile away from Liuguang City.

Players on the side of Liuguang City can see the darkness in the distance.

Outside the North City Gate, on the towering arrow towers built against the wall, countless high-level archer players are ready to go.

On the land, there are countless high-level knight players forming a protective wall around the arrow tower.

Warriors and Assassins are ready at the rear.

In the distance, the ghost clan horn sounded.

The next moment, boom! Boom!

The Dark Skeleton King more than ten meters high, and the army of ghosts swept the darkness, charging towards the city of Liuguang...

The domain of the dragon race, Futian City.

Zhang Yi and Weiana came to Futian City with the energy crystals that were about to be exhausted in Longyuan City. After inhaling the overflowing energy in Futian City, they were ready to go back.

A huge dark cloud appeared in the sky.

Then, countless giant crows flew out from the dark cloud!

It turns out that the mountain gods and wild monsters occupying this city have long known that someone will come to take the energy of Futian City, so they have already made preparations, waiting here, ambush those who come!

Zhang Yi, Weiana, and a hundred dragon knights of dawn were forced to fight.

Fortunately, there are only a group of ordinary wild monsters that are less than level 200 and only level 180-190.

The group of giant black crows with only level 185, before they flew down, were killed by the dawn battle dragon under the seat of a hundred dragon knights, spraying dragon flames at the same time, and killing them in the air with a hundred fiery dragon flames!

Zhang Yi and Wei Yana didn't even have the chance to make a move.

Zhang Yi looked at this dragoon regiment and couldn't help but feel: So strong!

If this power is borrowed to attack the ghost clan, there are currently only 160-170 ghost clan monsters in Liuguang City, which is simply a mass of loose sand!

The crows were easily wiped out.

The knights closed the team and prepared to continue to escort Weiana Zhang Yi back to Longyuan City.

But right now.


Ice and snow fell in the air.

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped below freezing.

The sudden cold, and the sense of deterrence that swept around, made the swords that the dragon knights just put away pull up again.

But for Zhang Yi and Wei Yana, it is a very familiar feeling!


A deafening and violent dragon roar came from the sky.

The next moment, an incomparably huge white feathered dragon flew down from the air!

Her eyes glowed blue.

Lv170 sixth-order ice and snow dragon emperor: Xia!

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