Level 8 Prestige Mall, which can put goods on the shelves according to the equipment with the highest value currently obtained by the player.

Zhang Yi looked at the [Blood-Blooded Suit] in the interface of the mall, and couldn't help but feel a burst of joy.

However, the 33-star suit equipment is still at the level of a semi-artifact, and the price is naturally high.

Level 170 33-star semi-artifact bloodbath suit, free choice of occupation parts, priced at 200,000 reputation, plus 10 artifact fragments!

It is convenient to have a high-level prestige mall.

The problem of where the remaining parts of the blood bathing suit came from has been solved.

As long as there is enough reputation and artifact fragments.

It's only a matter of time before you get a complete set of level 170 33-star blood bathing suits!

Moreover, after being appraised by a super god appraiser, this set of equipment can be upgraded by 2 more stars.

At that time, it will be a full set of 170-level 35-star blood bathing suit!

Not only Zhang Yi himself.

Through the prestige mall, Zhang Yi can even get the Dragon Blood Knight, Soul Reaper and Undead Crossbowman to get a blood bathing suit!

And there are a lot of artifacts in Zhang Yi's warehouse.

It was previously intended to be used to raise the stars of the Scepter of Ashes.

After having the title of super god appraiser, there is no need to consume artifact fragments to upgrade the scepter, and these fragments are saved.

The next step is to work hard to reach level 165.

Because of the combination of [Fate against the sky, Zhang Yi can equip this level 170 bloodbath suit as long as he reaches level 165!

After dividing the spoils.

Seeing the city, those dragons of dawn and dragon knights all gathered.

As if it was time to say goodbye.

Zhang Yi and the people of the dragon race came to the Dragon Knights to meet Jon, the dragon warrior, in the city.

Zhang Yi came to Jon and said to Jon, "I really want to thank you this time."

"Thank you for helping us in Liuguang City through the crisis!"

Around, there were also the grateful voices of other players in Streaming City.

Jon waved his hand and said carelessly: "Small meaning, didn't you help me in Longyuan City and brought the energy crystal?"

"Don't be polite, everyone is your own family!" Jon patted Zhang Yi and said meaningfully, "Right? Dragon Soul Master!"

Zhang Yi smiled: "Yes."

"If you are free, come to Longyuan City often."

What Jon the Dragon Warrior said to Zhang Yi made the players around him envious.

They can't wait that the person who has a good relationship with this dragon powerhouse is themselves!

At this time, Jon took out the fifth-level ghost core from the ghost king's blood feast, and asked Zhang Yi, "How do I use this thing so that I can use it to restore Qianya?"

Jon remembers what Zhang Yi said: As long as you get the advanced ghost core and refine it, you can remove the ghost bloodline in Qianya's body and make her return to normal.

Zhang Yi said, "It's very simple."

Having said that, Zhang Yi took the ghost core from Jon's hand, then came to the resurrection spring in the city, and immersed the ghost core in the resurrection spring.

I saw bursts of black aura blooming from the black ghost core.

After a while, the ghost core was actually evolved into a silver gem by the resurrection spring!

Zhang Yi took out the evolved ghost core and handed it to Jon: "I don't know if the fifth-level ghost core can be used to restore the sixth-level dragon emperor, you try it."

Jon is dubious, and if he has already prepared this ghost core, he will find a more advanced ghost king to kill and get his ghost core.

Then he took over the fifth-level ghost core from Zhang Yi's hand.

Then, he looked at the Dragon Soul Ring in his hand.

Before, it was Xia who was absorbed into the Dragon Soul Ring.

Jon uses the ghost core to approach the Dragon Soul Ring.

The next moment, the energy in the ghost core turned into bursts of starlight and merged into the Dragon Soul Ring.

After completely absorbing the power of the ghost core.

Jon released the ice dragon emperor Qianya from the dragon soul ring.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and a burst of ice and snow fell in the air.

An incomparably huge snow dragon appeared in everyone's sight!

Lv170 sixth-order ice and snow dragon emperor: Xia!

I can only see: Qianya's eyes are still blue!



Jon drew his long sword, and made plans to subdue Xia into the Dragon Soul Ring again.

At this moment, Qianya's eyes suddenly returned from blue to normal!

Jon cheered: "It worked!"

Viana ran to Xiya with great joy, Xiya leaned down, met Viana with her wings, and hugged Viana tightly.

see this scene.

Zhang Yi and Jon, they are very pleased.

Zhang Yi is right, the advanced ghost core can really evolve the ghost bloodline!

The re-tamed ice and snow dragon emperor Qianya was collected by Weiyana into the dragon soul ring.

She came to Zhang Yi and Jon and said, "Thank you!"

Jon crossed his arms around his chest, leaned on one leg of Dawning Dragon Emperor Yuan, looked at Wei Yana, and said, "How about you, do you want to go back to Longyuan City with me? The conditions there are better than Liuguang City!"

Weiyana smiled and shook her head: "I want to stay and protect Liuguang City."

Jon sighed softly, as if seeing through everything: "You are reluctant to part with your little apprentice, right?

! "

Viana glanced at Zhang Yi.

Said: "He has just become a dragon soul master, and there are still many things he doesn't understand. I want to teach him personally."

Jon nodded: "Then I'll go back first. If there is any difficulty in the future, you can use the Dragon Soul Ring to contact me."

After he finished speaking, Jon led the Dawning Dragon Knights and flew over the streamer city.

Under the attention and farewell of countless players in the city, he entered a beam of light...

The light dissipated, and everything returned to normal.

Players in the city are lamenting the strength of the dragon clan.

I vowed that one day, they would also join the dragon camp!

On Zhang Yi's side, he heard Han Yarou sigh: "It's finally over!"

Zhang Yi glanced at the surrounding teammates and asked, "Have all the people killed by the ghost clan resurrected?"

"They've all been resurrected." The Dragon Clan Immortal reported the situation: "All the life beads have not fallen, and they have all been brought to the resurrection spring to be resurrected!"

At this time, the original girl suddenly thought of a question:

"The ghost army has been wiped out by us. When the time comes for the Ghost Festival, there should be no more ghost monsters to invade Liuguang City, right?"

"Not necessarily." Zhang Yi frowned slightly.

In the last life, every time the ghost clan invaded during the Ghost Festival, most of them would be wiped out at the end, and only a small part would escape back to the main city of the ghost clan.

However, in the next year's Ghost Festival, there are still more ghost monsters invading.

This is also what Zhang Yi intends to do next, and he plans to go to Junlin City, the ghost world, to find out more clearly.

Zhang Yide thought: Every ghost clan main city should have one thing in common.

Otherwise, they invade the Apocalypse every year on the Ghost Festival, and there will be losses.

But why in the coming year, there are more ghosts invading?

They should send the army through this common point!

If there is really a common point, this common point is definitely like [Dragon Domain], it is the existence of the ultimate core domain of the ghost clan!

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