Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1060 Advanced Dragon Soul Master: Blood-devouring Dragon Soul

The ghost clan was destroyed, and Mu Chen was finally killed.

This night, Zhang Yi's harvest was not small.

In addition to the [Blood Bath Set, there is also a fifth-order dragon crystal.

The most important thing is naturally the [Heart of Memory, this super artifact from the future!

And what Zhang Yi thought: Being able to use the bug made by the [Heart of Memory] is to use the memory extraction ability of the Heart of Memory to copy his [God-level strengthening talent.

Then, as long as the people of the dragon family get the heart of memory, everyone can enjoy the god-level strengthening, and the whole body equipment can be strengthened to the top level!

But it turns out that Zhang Yi is still naive.

The system does not allow such "loopholes" to exist.

Because of the god-level strengthening, there is a setting that the strengthened equipment is directly bound, preventing the talent holder from strengthening the equipment infinitely, strengthening the equipment for others, and seriously destroying the balance of the apocalypse world.

Therefore, using the heart of memory to extract [God-level strengthening talent, the heart of memory will be directly bound to the player and no longer able to trade!

It seems that this bug can not be carried out~

At present, [Double Swordsmanship is a talent that is more suitable for melee combat, but Zhang Yi can barely use it.

At least one more weapon's attack power can be increased.

Wait until you encounter some powerful players or BOSS talents later, and then extract it to cover the dual-sword flow.

The matter of the ghost clan and the candle dragon is finally over.

Next, Zhang Yi's goal is very clear:

Upgrade Dragon Soul Master;

Collect prestige to upgrade dragon bloodline to lv10;

Upgrade Ghost King Order to Samsung.

Of these, the last thing is the most important right now.

Because as long as the ghost king order reaches Samsung, you can enter the ghost clan's main city, Junlin City, and explore the secrets of the ghost clan!

night and day.

The next day, Zhang Yi woke up at eight in the morning.

Today [Super God Appraiser's usage times have been refreshed: 5 times!

Therefore, Zhang Yi continued to lock the fire skeleton suit and equipment on his body for identification.

Yesterday, the ring, necklace, shoes rose to 30 stars.

Today, Zhang Yi used 5 appraisal opportunities, with a success rate of 70% each time, successfully raised the three parts of the clothes, pants and hat to 30 stars.

The combination has already been raised to 30 stars, and it can be compatible with any suit of [Bathing Scepter, get a complete 30 star fire skeleton suit!

30 Starfire Skull Set Skills, Flame Body Effect:

After being actively activated, the fire effect will be obtained, which consumes 7200 energy points per second (the 20% energy consumption reduction effect of the title Dawn of Dawn/Red Legendary level has been obtained, and the consumption per second is reduced to 5760 points), and the normal attack is increased by 145% during the period. And skill damage, and an additional 55% fire skill damage!

30 stars, it is already the highest star of the skeleton suit series, and it cannot be improved further.

In addition, combined with the Heart of Memory's [Double Swords Flow Talent.

Zhang Yi took out the 28 Starfire Skull Staff in the warehouse.

Strengthen the full level, the super talent will be upgraded to full stars.

Complete the gear!

Open the status bar and take a look, the attack power has risen directly from 4.55 million to 6 million!

With one more weapon, Zhang Yi's attack power increases by one third!

Next, you can go about your own business.

The professional level upgrade of the Dragon Soul Master, the collection of Dragon Soul Points, and the upgrade of the Ghost King Order all require killing monsters.

And the level of the target is as long as it is higher than Zhang Yi.

In order to be more efficient, Zhang Yi, who is currently level 161, directly selected a level 162 wild area outside the city and started to farm monsters!

For a level 162 monster, for Zhang Yi, there is really no one-click kill difficulty.

They only have more than 400 million blood.

With Zhang Yi's current attack power of 6 million, after the state is fully activated.

Even if it is a normal attack, after obtaining a normal attack damage bonus of up to 585%, combine it with the intermediate [killing dragon soul 60% armor breaking, and the intermediate [bathing dragon soul 60% final damage bonus].

It can also easily deal more than 50 million damage!

Using skills, the damage can easily exceed 100 million!

Fire skill ceiling, golden fireball, plus an additional 170% fire skill damage bonus.

The highest, Zhang Yi has been able to deal 190 million non-crit damage!

Combined with a 220% attack speed bonus.

On average, every 3 seconds, Zhang Yi can solve a level 162 wild monster.

The group brush effect is stronger.

A wave of 10 seconds, a wave of dozens of monsters!

However, the CD of group skills is relatively long, and it takes an average of two minutes to brush once in a large group.

Normally, it is to use [multiple attacks, small-scale groups to brush three or five monsters.

Fortunately, there is the title of [Dawn of Dawn, the effect of reducing energy consumption by 20%, which saves Zhang Yi a lot of energy consumption!

In this way, Zhang Yi quickly consumed Dragon Soul Points while collecting a large amount of Dragon Soul Points.

At the same time, he is also using killing monsters to obtain the killing value for Ghost King Ling.

The rest of the dragon clan were reminded by Zhang Yi to level up on the map with hidden opportunities around Liuguang City to quickly increase their strength.

Not just dragons.

The players in the entire city of Liuguang City did not stagnate because the ghost army was destroyed this time.

On the contrary, this ghost clan invasion reminded every player in Liuguang City to understand:

In the world of Apocalypse, only one's own strength is strong enough to fight against any powerful enemies that will be encountered in the future!

Moreover, the ghost clan must not be completely eliminated so easily.

Instead, this is just the beginning...

On Zhang Yi's side, he eats, sleeps, and kills monsters every day.

Every day, over and over again.

There are always Han Yarou around, and the three little dragon blood knights, accompanied by the dragon emperor Babu.

It took five days, plus the previous consumption, and finally consumed 100,000 Dragon Soul Points!

This evening.

With Zhang Yi's cane rising and falling.

Kill a level 162 magic war wolf with an aurora technique enhanced by the dragon soul.

A burst of golden light suddenly appeared on Zhang Yi's body!

At the same time, a pleasant reminder sound finally sounded in the ear——

"Ding~ Congratulations on your professional level upgrade: you have become a [Advanced Dragon Soul Master! Congratulations on your control of the new dragon soul [Blood-devouring Dragon Soul! Congratulations on the promotion of all your dragon soul levels to advanced!"

Blood-devouring Dragon Soul.

It sounds like it's sucking blood.

Zhang Yi opened the professional interface to check the dragon soul, and found that it was true:

[Blood-devouring Dragon Soul (Advanced): Consumes 1 point of dragon soul, so that the dragon soul master's attack is strengthened by the blood-devouring dragon soul, and 70% of the damage of this attack is converted into the recovery of the dragon soul master.

Remark 1: The blood-stealing effect of the Blood-devouring Dragon Soul can be applied to teammates. When used to restore teammates' HP, the recovery amount will be reduced by half.

Remark 2: The blood-devouring dragon soul can be used with other dragon souls at the same time, and the blood-sucking effect of group skills is adjusted according to the number of targets.

It can also be used to restore the blood of teammates!

This is too strong!

It is equivalent to: giving Zhang Yi the identity of a pastor! !

Although the recovery of teammates, the recovery amount is only half, which is 35% of the damage.

However, it is calculated based on the maximum damage Zhang Yi can currently deal with 190 million.

Even 35% of the recovery amount can recover more than 66 million blood!

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

Another system prompt passed down:

"Ding~ Since your Dragon Soul Master occupation level has reached an advanced level, congratulations on your ability to summon a giant dragon!"

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