Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1078 Storm Dragon King: Noah

With the cooperation of thousands of high-end players from Purgatory City, the team moved forward rapidly.

In fact, these people are only collaborating on the surface, but in fact, they are all self-reliant, and even wish for their teammates to die.

Because the fewer people there are, the higher their chances of grabbing the loot.

So, two hours later, when the progress of the dungeon reached 80%, the number of casualties in the team has reached 300!

The little ones in front are almost all cleaned up.

Next, finally came the final challenge.

Actually this copy is also very simple, not very complicated.

Just need to kill the storm dragon in the Dragon King Palace, and the ultimate storm dragon king.

At this time, everyone has come to a huge palace.

The entrance to this palace is like the mouth of a giant dragon.

The breath of a king burst out from the inside.

"It's the last level so soon."

At the gate of the palace, players couldn't help but sigh:

"I haven't killed enough yet!"

"Yeah, I haven't grabbed a piece of equipment yet~"

At the same time, in the crowd, there are always three pairs of eyes staring at a lonely boat.

That is Huang Wuji, Juggernaut, and Ruoxi!

The purpose of their entry into the Dragon King Palace dungeon is different from that of others.

They are to supervise the captain of the resurrected, One Leaf Lonely Boat.

However, the reality disappointed them.

Because from the beginning to the end, Yi Ye Liaozhou did not make a move.

And the more this is the case, the more suspicious Huang Wuji and the others are.

At this time, Yi Ye Guzhou said:

"The final boss is coming out, everyone prepare for the final battle."

"How are the spoils distributed? It's still the same as before, who gets it?" Someone asked in the crowd.

One Leaf Guzhou responded: "Yes!"

"As before, after the boss dies, whoever grabs the loot will go to whoever gets it."

After saying this, the crowd boiled.

After a while, a roar came from the main dragon palace in front of him:

"Who dares to disturb this Wang Qingjing!"


A strong storm stunned from inside the Dragon Palace.

The players in the front row were overturned to the ground.

A large amount of damage of more than 60 million appeared above their heads!

"What a lot of damage!"

"Visually predict 32-33 star BOSS, everyone be careful!"



A growl.

A giant green dragon flew out of the Dragon Palace!

A powerful deterrent came from the dragon's body.

At the same time, a line of red IDs on the top of the dragon's head caught everyone's eyes——

Lv170 Storm Dragon King: Arno (Physics Department, 33-star BOSS)!

"Good guy! 33 Star Dragon BOSS!!"

Seeing the data of the target, the players present were very excited.

A month ago, it was just like when Liuguang City was invaded by the Dark Skeleton King.

Even if the players in the whole city join forces, they can only reach the point where they can barely compete with the 33-star BOSS.

But now, it can't be compared to a month ago.

The player's strength develops rapidly.

A month's time is enough for the player's strength to develop to the point where only a few hundred more advanced strong players can fight against a 33-star dragon boss!

The final boss has appeared.

Everyone joins forces and fights the boss together!

Take advantage of the storm Dragon King flying from the low sky.

On the land, countless mage shooters locked on the Storm Dragon King and launched an attack!

swoosh swish...

Boom boom boom!

Numerous sharp arrows and orbs bombarded Arno.

Make it above his head, and jump up a large piece of damage of seven or eight million!

After all, this is still a 33-star dragon boss, and his data is very strong. Even if these high-end players in the Purgatory City line, the damage they can cause to the boss is greatly reduced.

The knight players use taunts to attract the boss's hatred.

A loud bang.

Arno sat on the ground and stepped on several players directly.

Immediately afterwards, dragon flames were sprayed out of their mouths, sweeping the surrounding players.

Although at this stage, the blood volume of these first-line players in Purgatory City is basically around 200 million.

But the damage of the Storm Dragon King is as high as 50 to 60 million, and it is not something they can bear.

And the damage of the Storm Dragon King is continuous.

For the priests on the field, the 20-30 million treatment can't keep up with the boss's damage at all.

In the continuous screams, the players suffered heavy casualties!

But they died well.

What is lost is what is gained.

Players sacrifice a lot in exchange for the boss's blood bar, and under their strong consumption, they drop rapidly!

On the side of Huang Wuji and Juggernaut, they are still staring at a lonely boat.

They were not involved in the battle for the time being.

Looking around, I can see that the hundred people of the resurrection are participating in the battle.

But only Ye Guzhou was alone, in a safe area, quietly watching.

this battle.

"This guy, since he entered the dungeon, he hasn't moved his hand. What is he trying to do?"

As the Juggernaut's voice just fell.

Huang Wuji was also very puzzled.

At first, it was thought that Yi Ye Guzhou was retaining his strength, waiting for the final boss to show his strength.

However, the bosses have already appeared, but Yi Ye Liaozhou still has no action.

This is very strange.

In fact, Huang Wuji and Juggernaut were not the only ones who noticed this.

Many other players saw it too.

They just thought that Yi Ye Guzhou was too lazy to do it himself, because of the copy requirements, he had to come in himself.

So, he wants to sit back and enjoy it!

At this time, Ruoxi said: "Oh, no matter what he wants to do, let's not be stunned, let's kill the boss quickly and contribute more output, and when the boss dies, we can also get some more income!"

Without further ado.

Huang Wuji and Juggernaut also raised their swords.

Compared to others on the field.

The strength of these two people can be described as the ceiling of Purgatory City.

One Demon Race is second and one third.

They are all top-notch experts!

The two of them, one left and one right, entered the crowd.

Flank the Storm Dragon King Arno!

Although the defense of the boss is high, the damage of the surrounding players is compressed to several million.

The damage of Huang Wuji and Juggernaut is still very high.

With a single strike, it is a damage of 20 to 30 million yuan, obviously not on the same level as the others around!

And the two of them operate at a high level.

While attacking the boss, go through the limit to avoid the boss's attack.

Players around are dying.

Only Huang Wuji and Juggernaut were almost unscathed!

This is strength!

On the other side, as a mage, Ruoxi attacked the boss from a distance.

Her damage was inferior to Huang Wuji and Juggernaut.

But anyway, he is also the 103rd strongest person on the Demon Clan Heaven List in Purgatory City.

Purgatory City has fifty million players.

Able to reach race 103, showing the strength level.

Ruoxi's damage to the boss has exceeded ten million.

It is higher than the damage of more than 90% of the surrounding players.

As a result, with the concerted efforts of everyone, the BOSS's blood volume declined step by step.

Soon, it dropped below 30%.

No trigger mutation!

Then, the blood line gradually fell to 10%...



at this time.

On the side, Yi Ye Guzhou, who had been watching the battle for a long time without any action, raised his staff.

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