Dragon King Palace.

The 170-level 33-star BOSS Storm Dragon King Yanuo couldn't resist the siege of 700 high-end players from Purgatory City.

In the end, more than half an hour passed, and the BOSS's blood volume was finally consumed step by step, and now there are only 3 percentage points left!

Just when everyone was about to take down the BOSS.



At the foot of the Storm Dragon King, a huge python emerged from the ground!

Around the Storm Dragon King, a large group of players were knocked over by the big snake without any precaution.

The sudden appearance of the giant snake shocked people for a while.

"Fuck! This boss can also summon summoning!"

"Why did the dragon boss summon a snake??"

Just when the players thought that this snake was a follower summoned by the Storm Dragon King Arno.

The next moment, the black giant snake used its long body to entangle the Storm Dragon King to death, and bit the Storm Dragon King, attacking it!

"This...isn't it the BOSS's summoned beast?"

The players were at a loss, and then they saw the top of the snake's head, with a blue ID:

Lv170 Black Blood King Snake (20-star Legendary)!

Huang Wuji in the crowd quickly reacted: "This is the summoned object of the beastmaster, a beast!"

Seems to have realized something.

Looking not far away, as expected, the beastmaster Yi Ye Guzhou, wearing a black robe and a cape on his back, was holding a red scepter, and he was casting a spell to control the black blood king snake to attack the boss!

"It's him?!"

Juggernaut was incredulous: "But Yi Ye Guzhou is only level 160, why can his Warcraft reach level 170, and it's still 20 stars?"

Under normal conditions.

The beastmaster's monsters will not exceed the level of the beastmaster.

And the level and star, according to 10:1 correspondence.

That is: the highest star rating of 170-level Warcraft can only reach 17 stars.

And the star of this king snake is as high as 20 stars!

Ruoxi on the side understood: "It should be the bonus effect of his hidden profession!"

It is known that:

The captain of the resurrection, is a coexistence of dragon blood and hidden profession.

Therefore, it is certain that his magical beast can achieve such growth, which is inseparable from the hidden profession of the beastmaster.

170-level 20-star legendary monster.

Just horrible!

Huang Wuji said as if he had expected: "He finally shot!"

"It seems that his purpose is really to wait until the end and snatch the last blow from the boss!" Juggernaut also said.

at the same time.

Around, many players haven't reacted yet, where did this king snake come from.

I saw that the king snake had already surrounded the boss and attacked the boss!

A bite on the Storm Dragon King caused a damage of more than 50 million.

Moreover, injecting venom into the boss's body makes the top of the Storm Dragon King's head jump up to a poisonous damage of more than 20 million every second!

This injury shocked the audience.

Even Huang Wuji and Juggernaut were shocked:

"His monster damage is so high!"

Indeed, the opponent this time is the 33 star dragon boss!

Even Huang Wuji and Juggernaut, whose damage can be maintained at 40 to 50 million on weekdays, were weakened to 20 to 30 million when they fought Storm Dragon King.

And this black blood king snake can easily deal more than 50 million damage to the storm dragon king!

If it is placed on other low-level ordinary monsters, the damage cannot reach seven or eight million?

The black-blooded king snake sprayed venom around the boss, preventing other players from getting close to the boss.

Then it locks the boss again, ready to swallow the Storm Dragon King!

Several daring players stepped on the venom to approach the boss.

As soon as the foot stepped on the venom, the top of the head immediately jumped up one after another with continuous poisoning damage of more than 20 million.

Before they got close to the boss, their health bar was emptied by poison, fell to the ground, and turned into white light!

Meanwhile, other players noticed:

Not far away, a lonely boat was standing still, and the ID above his head suddenly turned red!

Only then did everyone realize:

"Damn! This snake is a summoned beast of a lonely boat, and he wants to swallow the boss alone!"

"I just said why this guy hasn't moved before, it turned out to be to wait until the last moment to grab the boss!"

At this point, it seems that he was blocked by the monster of a lonely boat, unable to approach the boss with residual blood.

On the field, these players who were red-eyed because of the boss also revealed their true colors.

"It was clearly stated before that the boss will be killed together, and whoever grabs the spoils will go to whoever gets the spoils. Since this guy broke the contract first, big guy, let's kill Ye Guzhou together and grab the boss!"

In the crowd, someone shouted.

A large group of players who couldn't get close to the boss pointed their spear at One Leaf Lone Boat and rushed towards One Leaf Lone Boat!

Beside Yi Ye Guzhou, hundreds of resurrected players who had been prepared for a long time, immediately protected Yi Ye Guzhou.

But they can't stop these from the strength of Purgatory City.

Top players.

The Hundreds were quickly defeated.

Those players continue to kill towards One Leaf Lone Boat!


Seeing this, Ruoxi couldn't help but sigh: "It's so stupid, this lonely boat, why do you want to grab the boss at this time, the boss let it go, wouldn't it be good for him to get the task reward?"

"It has to be like this, and in the end he died, and there is no benefit!"

Huang Wuji said: "What if he has absolute certainty that he can defeat these people, swallow the boss and the task, and get double rewards?"

Ruoxi was stunned for a moment.

Sword Saint said: "There are so many people, and they are all top-level players in Purgatory City. The rabble under him can't be beaten. He is alone, no matter how strong he is, I'm afraid he can't handle it."

"Not necessarily." Huang Wuji said.

in sight.

Countless players rushed to a lonely boat.

Seeing that a lonely boat is about to be engulfed and killed in seconds.

Yi Ye Guzhou suddenly waved his hand.


A growl.

Impressively, a silver-gray mechanical dragon appeared in front of Yi Ye Guzhou.

The ID on the top of the head once again shocked the players who approached in front of him——

Lv170 Biochemical Tyrannosaurus (20-star legendary dragon monster)!

"Dragon Monster!"

From the body of this silver-gray mechanical dragon, there was a huge deterrent force, which made the players in front daunted.

next moment.

They still rushed over without hesitation.

Under the control of a lonely boat.

The biochemical tyrannosaurus opened its mechanical arm and shot a red laser from a red energy crystal on its chest, sweeping the crowd!

Players who were hit by lasers were hit with damages of up to 60 to 70 million!

In an instant, a large white light lit up!

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