A month ago, in Purgatory City, there was no such force called [Resurrected.

They are said to have migrated from an alien capital city.

By annexing some small-scale clan forces in Purgatory City, in just one month, they quickly grew into a large-scale team with more than 600,000 people!

This trip to the Dragon King Palace dungeon has allowed everyone to see:

It turns out that the resurrected people rely on real strength (nonsense) to recruit forces.

Everyone believed in the Dragon Clan, and believed in Yi Ye Guzhou, the Dragon Clan bloodline.

I firmly believe that following him, one day I will be able to be in the company of the most powerful dragon race in Apocalypse!

After a night.

The next morning, in a restaurant in Purgatory City.

Huang Wuji, Juggernaut and Ruoxi are eating breakfast.

"After joining the dragon camp, can you really order the giant dragon?" Ruoxi asked.

"Probably not."

Juggernaut said: "I asked Yinuo before. He was able to summon the seventh-order Dragon Emperor at a great price, and the number of summons was limited, and he could not be summoned infinitely."

"This Lonely Boat is obviously taking advantage of the fact that 99.9% of the people don't know about the dragon race, to mislead everyone to join their resurrection."

Ruoxi was a little worried: "We already started with them last night, and they will probably take revenge on us next."

"Well." Huang Wuji said: "Next, be careful about everything."

After a pause, Huang Wuji looked at Juggernaut: "Didn't you say that you had contacted Yinuo Qingcheng before, did he say he would come to Purgatory City?"

"Is he really coming?"

"I guess it's just casual." The swordsman spread his hands: "Not to mention that even if he comes, he can't do anything. Instead, it's not good to drag him into this dire situation."

"What we should do is to step up to improve our own strength, and always be prepared to guard against the resurrected!"

While having breakfast.

Huang Wuji asked Juggernaut: "How do you plan to improve your strength?"

Juggernaut seems to have already made up his mind.

Without thinking, he said, "I have a hidden mission. I'm going to do it tonight. How about it? Are you interested in joining us?"

Huang Wuji glanced at Juggernaut: "Can many people claim it?"

"No, the only task, only one person can take it, and I have taken it."

Hearing what the Sword Saint said, Huang Wuji said, "Then I'm not interested."

The Sword Saint glanced at Huang Wuji with contempt: "You are a real person!"

At this time, Huang Wuji asked: "What is the task of stealing chickens and dogs, why do you do it at night, can't you do it now?"

"[The mission in Eternal Night City, the map of Eternal Night City will only be opened at night."

Juggernaut tried to "bribe" Huang Wuji: "After the task is completed, I will give you a piece of equipment as a reward for the task, how about it?"

"Not interested." Huang Wuji said decisively.

"Okay, then I'll say goodbye first!" The Sword Saint got up and left.

a long time.

Huang Wuji suddenly reacted: "This guy..."

"Give me another breakfast!"

"It's getting more and more limitless!"

Ruoxi squeezed her pink fist: "Tomorrow, let's go to pit him!"

Huang Wuji: "Good idea."

What a few people didn't expect was:

They have long been watched quietly, and the conversation just now was also heard by the people who were watching!

On a dining table behind Huang Wuji.

A black armored warrior man with his back turned to him got up and left.

Outside the restaurant, the black armored warrior man immediately opened the friend list and sent a message to a friend named [Avengers:

"Deputy team, I got some important news. The people from Jiange should go to a map called [Eternal Night City] tonight to perform a hidden mission!"

After a while, the black armored warrior man received a reply with location information.

Following the location, the black armored warrior man came to another restaurant, went to a private room on the second floor, and saw an avenger who was eating with a young mage girl in the private room!

At this time, the black armored warrior lights up the ID hidden above his head:

Reviver: Sword!

The ID lights up while revealing the red cape behind it.

Avenger: The sword said to the dark-skinned middle-aged warrior man Avenger: "Deputy, you let me stare at them, this is the latest news I heard, next, do we send someone to Evernight City immediately? Guard over there, wait for the people from Jiange to pass by at night and catch them all?"

The Avenger put down his chopsticks, touched the woman in his arms, and smiled evilly.

Then he said: "It's useless to catch them all in one net, they all have a chance to revive. If the grass is not eradicated, the spring breeze will blow again."

Reviver: Jian asked, "What should we do then?"

The Avengers asked, "Are the royal family going too?"

"People from the royal family are not going." The resurrected: Jian said: "The captain of the sword pavilion, the sword saint, invited the royal family to go with him, but he was rejected."


The Avengers thought for a while and came up with a plan:

"Then do as you said."

The Avengers said: "Send someone to guard Evernight City, ambush their sword pavilion at night, and then..."

The Avengers shouted Resurrection: Sword to his side and whispered in his ear.

Resurrection: Sword Lianlian

Nodding: "Understood!"

Day passed quickly.

Night falls.

North of Purgatory City, a deserted city in the dark: lv170 Evernight City.

This is a map that only opens at night.

The former residence of the Demon Race was later occupied by a group of dark goblins.

The demon wizard Kamaner cast a forbidding spell on Eternal Night City, making Eternal Night City like dead ashes during the day, and only at night will it bloom.

And those dark goblins who tried to occupy Evernight City were also trapped in Evernight City...

At this moment, around Evernight City, there are already a large group of resurrected players lurking!

Under the leadership of the elite team [Resurgent: Sword, this group of resurgent players are here waiting for the arrival of the sword pavilion!

Before I knew it, it was seven o'clock in the evening.

These resurrected players came here as early as five o'clock, before it was dark, and before the opening time of Evernight City, and they were in ambush.

Up to now, no one from the Jiange has been seen.

They were starting to get impatient.

Exactly at this moment.

In the distance, near the direction of Purgatory City, I saw a large figure, approaching the Evernight City!

"They're here, brothers, get ready!"

In the black woodland outside the Evernight City, a group of resurrected players are preparing for battle.


Juggernaut led thousands of players from Jiange to Eternal Night City.

Brush brush brush brush!

In the woodland outside the Evernight City, countless players stood up and charged towards the Jiange players!

Here, the level 163 warrior Juggernaut at the head of the crowd immediately frowned.

"Wow!" he drew his sword and shouted:

"There is an ambush, defend against the enemy!"

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