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Chapter 1084 Take the plan into account, the heroes see the same thing!

Lv170 Evernight City.

Outside the city, the sudden ambushes made the players of Jiange who had just arrived to assist the Juggernaut to carry out the hidden mission in the Evernight City off guard.

The player who was resurrected was caught off guard!

But soon they adjusted their status and found that there are not many resurrected players ambushing here, probably only a thousand people!

The resurrected people gathered are some disadvantaged groups in Purgatory City.

Their greatest ability is nothing more than a large number of people.

In terms of personal strength, it cannot be compared with Jiange.

Thousands of resurrected people fought against thousands of swordsmen, and the former was quickly defeated!

The Juggernaut used a semi-artifact divine sword to kill dozens of enemies in a row.

The Elite of the Resurrection Team [Resurrection: Sword Comes to Fight Juggernaut.

In just two clicks, he was defeated by the Juggernaut!

His combat power was vulnerable in front of the third swordsman on the Demon Clan Heaven Ranking in Purgatory City.


The swordsman fell into the resurrected: the chest of the sword, nailed him to the ground, and asked, "How did you know that we would be here tonight?"

At this time, the resurrected: Jian actually said a sentence that made the swordsman unbelievable: "Even the royal family has already succumbed to our resurrected, you sword pavilion, do you still need to persevere?"

"You mean the royal family is relying on you?" The Sword Saint smiled indifferently: "You are farting!"

At this time, Resurrection: Sword opened a pre-recorded video and presented it to Juggernaut.

All I can see on the video is the content of the council of several resurrected officials and a golden armored warrior man in a private room!

That golden-armored warrior man is Huang Wuji!

Juggernaut was a little stunned.

Reincarnated: Jian Ze continued: "Sell us the whereabouts of your sword pavilion, in exchange for him to take up the post of vice-captain directly after he comes to our reincarnated. Do you think this transaction is worth it to Huang Wuji?"

"So, that guy Huang Wuji sold me?" the Sword Saint asked.

Resurrection: Jian said: "You must also understand that our resurgents are growing stronger and stronger, and we will continue to fight against us."

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, the royal family has already figured it out, and you are missing!"

"If you disband your sword pavilion now and join our resurrection voluntarily, maybe with your strength, you can get a vice-captain position like Huang Wuji!"

The swordsman snorted coldly: "I miss the vice-team of your trash team?"

After finishing speaking, he directly used a sword to resolve [Reviver: Sword.

White light flashed.

There is also a resurrection chance for the resurrected: Sword, resurrected in the resurrection spring of Purgatory City.

Immediately, I immediately contacted [Avengers: "Deputy team, according to your instructions, I have deliberately brought a small group of brothers and planted them in the hands of Jiange, and told the people in Jiange that it was the royal family who sold us their whereabouts! "

The Avengers responded immediately: "Well done brothers, I have wronged you brothers, the brothers who sacrificed tonight will be compensated with 100,000 gold coins each!"

It turned out that in tonight's ambush, the resurrection was deliberately defeated by Jiange!

They did not intend to suppress Jiange tonight.

In other words, they did not intend to use their own power to deal with the sword pavilion!

After all, there are more than 200,000 people in Jiange.

If you want to completely destroy the sword pavilion, even if you can finally achieve this goal, the resurrected will sacrifice too many people.

Such a deal is worth the loss.

So the Avengers thought: create a conflict between the royal family and the Jiange, and let them kill each other. In the end, their resurrection will take advantage of the fisherman and destroy both of them at the same time!

For this reason, they deliberately went to Huang Wuji during the daytime today.

Just to record a video, to forge a "evidence"!

At this time, the resurrected: Jian said to the Avengers a little worriedly: "Deputy team, the captain told us before, just give them two warnings, we don't have to fight with them, if we do this to let the captain know, will it be wrong? Blame us?"

Unexpectedly, the Avengers were furious: "What does the stinky little boy in Yi Ye Guzhou know? Last night in the Dragon King Palace, their royal family and the sword pavilion attacked us openly, and they all stepped on our heads. Can you bear it?"

"Listen to the labor and management, we must eradicate the royal family and the Jiange, otherwise our resurrection will never develop! All the consequences will be borne by the labor and management!"

"Yes, vice squad!"

the other side.

Outside Evernight City.

With the leader of this ambush, the Avengers: Sword was killed.

Around, the other players of the resurrection were also beheaded.

Under the PK of the same number of people, the damage on the Jiange side is only more than half.

Just wait until the battle is over.

A sword pavilion official, level 162 rank six assassin [The swordsman said to the swordsman:

"Captain, did the royal family really sell us?"

Juggernaut just smiled lightly: "If you ask, will you know?"

Saying that, Juggernaut really opened the friend list and contacted Huang Wuji: "Old watch, I heard that you sold me to the resurrected?"

Having said that, the Juggernaut already had the answer in his heart.

He looked for Huang Wuji, just wanted to know: In the video that the Resurrection Sword showed him just now, the people from the Resurrection looked for Huang Wuji and said something.

Huang Wuji's answer surprised the swordsman: "Sold, they

Gave me 100 gold coins. "

"Don't make trouble, my sword pavilion is only worth one hundred gold coins??"

"Oh, a thousand."

The swordsman had a black line on his face.

"What did the resurrected people say to you today?"

"What else can I say? They want me to form an alliance with them." Huang Wuji said: "But I refused."

The Sword Saint nodded thoughtfully.

He understands:

The resurrected people deliberately went to Huang Wuji, and their purpose was not to find an alliance with Huang Wuji, because they knew that Huang Wuji would not agree.

And the real purpose is just to intercept the video just now!

At this time, Huang Wuji asked: "Why, you were caught by the resurrected?"

"Catch my sword pavilion? We have to see if they have the ability!"

Juggernaut said: "They knew about my hidden mission tonight. They sent people to ambush me on the side of Evernight City in advance, and I was repelled by me, and then they confessed to you~"

"Good guy!"

Beside Huang Wuji, Ruoxi, who saw the message from the Sword Saint, sighed, "They are trying to frame us and frame us!"

At this time, the swordsman said: "Unfortunately, they underestimate the basic love between us...Bah, friendship!"

The Avengers did underestimate the friendship between the royal family and the Jiange family.

In fact, the royal family and the sword pavilion, although they are two families, have long been like a family.

This kind of feeling has been established since Zhang Yi left Purgatory City.

How could Juggernaut doubt Huang Wuji because of a silent video and a few words from a group of outsiders?

This obviously saw through the resurrection's alienation plan at a glance.

However, the resurrected ones, like Yi Ye Lone Boat, moved from other main cities to Purgatory City only a month ago.

It's natural to be ignorant of the situation here.

At this time, the Sword Saint continued:

"But then again, they've all done this, shouldn't we be a little bit more expressive?"

Emperor Wuji was silent.

He replied, "Why don't we just make a plan, what do you think?"

"Heroes see the same thing! I think so too!"

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