Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1085 The plan was seen through

Lv170 Evernight City.

After repelling the ambush of the Awakened.

The Juggernaut led the remaining five hundred players in the Jiange to continue to enter the Evernight City and perform the mission.

People who are not worried about the resurrected will bring people to kill them again in a while.

Because he understands:

Since the purpose of the resurrected is to let the sword pavilion and the royal family kill each other.

Then, until they see the scene they most want to see, the resurrected will definitely not act again.

Sure enough, the night was very peaceful.

The Juggernaut and his subordinates successfully completed the task without any hindrance.

until the next day.

A piece of heavy news suddenly spread throughout Purgatory City:

The sword pavilion declares war on the royal family!

The sword pavilion has issued a challenge letter to the royal family, and the two families will start a life-and-death showdown in [Eternal Night City] tonight!

At this moment, no matter the chat area of ​​Purgatory City, the forum, or the players chatting in the streets.

The content is all about this information!

It seemed to burst out suddenly overnight.

early morning.

In Purgatory City, many players are discussing this topic:

"Jiange declares war on the royal family? What's the situation? Didn't the relationship between the two of them have always been good before? How did they fight?"

"Yes, in the copy of the Dragon King Palace the night before yesterday, I also saw the two bosses, Huang Wuji and Juggernaut teaming up against the resurrected!"

When people don't know why.

An insider also spoke out:

"I heard that the royal family took refuge in the resurrected, and sold the private information of the Jiange to the resurrected, resulting in the attack of the resurrected last night!"

"In a fit of anger, the sword pavilion will declare war on the royal family!"

Of course, this insider, if nothing else, is a person from the resurrection~

When everyone heard it, they understood.

"Surely this is a world where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive! Even a top family like the royal family will be subdued by stronger forces!"

What surprised everyone was:

In fact, this is a strategy that the royal family and Jiange discussed in private!

They deliberately announced throughout the city that they would duel in Evernight City tonight.

The purpose is to lure the resurrected!

Because after the hidden mission performed in Eternal Night City last night, Juggernaut has fully understood the structure of the map of Eternal Night City.

Eternal Night City is a very suitable place for ambush.

At that time, Jiange and the royal family pretended to pk in Evernight City, and then made an ambush in the city ahead of time.

As long as the resurrected people enter Evernight City, they can take advantage of the terrain to bring a devastating blow to the resurrected!

The key is:

In Eternal Night City, players will not be refreshed immediately after death, but will need to wait until the night has passed, and the refresh will be triggered during the daytime the next day!

Take advantage of this to perfectly cover up casualties during the "acting" process!

After downloading the gauntlet.

The royal family and the sword pavilion began to prepare.

On the bright side, they thought they were preparing for the fight against each other tonight.

In fact, they are all preparing for tonight, how to deal with the resurrected!

Time flies, and soon it is night again.

under the shroud of moonlight.

Eternal Night City, which is located in the darkness, bursts with brilliance.

As the night falls, the Evernight City map is open again!

At this time, the outside of Yongye City was already full of people.

They are all loose players in Purgatory City, without exception, they are all here to join in the fun!

at the same time.

The royal family and the sword pavilion, players from both sides entered the venue one after another.

Soon, the city of Evernight was also overcrowded!

As the top team in the Purgatory City team list, the 10th-level royal family, the current total number has reached 250,000!

As the third, Jiange also has 240,000 people.

As for the second place, that is the resurrection, with 300,000 people.

Because the team rankings are not based on the number of people.

Of course, the number of people is one of the influencing factors. In addition, it mainly depends on the combat effectiveness of the team members!

The main team of the resurrected has reached 300,000 full members.

It's just that their average combat power is no match for the royal family with only 250,000 people.

Therefore, their ranking is behind the royal family.

It is only until the royal family and Jiange players all enter Evernight City.

A strong breath of war overflowed from the city.

Without further ado, the players on both sides fought directly!

Countless warrior knights meet at close range.

Mage shooters shoot from a distance.

Swords, lights, swords and shadows, mixed with sharp arrows and orbs, and shouts of death like a rainbow resounded throughout Evernight City.

The battle was so intense that players outside the city thought that the two families had really broken out at war!

There were even real casualties near the four city gates.

The royal family and Jiange players were killed by the opponent's people.

Because of the special death refresh mechanism of Evernight City, these corpses were not refreshed and lay on the ground in the dark state.

The players watching from the outside of the city could not help but be stunned:


go! They come for real! With the exploration technique, they are empty of blood, there is nothing left, they are really dead! "

"Good guy, this is really working!"

But in reality, they only saw the surface.

This is also to create a more realistic scene, and deliberately let the audience see the real casualties.

These people have at least one chance of resurrection.

Really dead, that is, a resurrection, plus a death penalty of 10% experience, no harm.

In the city, the audience's line of sight is in the blind spot.

The royal family and the sword pavilion players who are fighting fiercely have all turned on the blood lock protection mode.

Don't look at their aggressiveness, but they can't kill anyone at all!

The fighting in the city was fierce.

At the same time, they are also using the buildings in Evernight City as a cover to form a formation!

While waiting for the arrival of the resurrected players.

However, more than ten minutes passed, and there was no movement.

Not a single resurrection player entered the city!

In the center of the city, Jiansheng and Huang Wuji, sitting on the side of a street, fell into contemplation:

"Why haven't they come yet? Is this battle not ferocious enough? Or is the propaganda not done enough, they don't even know that we are dueling here tonight?"

"We have released the news one day in advance. The information about our PK in Eternal Night City tonight is already known to the whole city. It is impossible for them not to know."

Taking over the words of the Juggernaut, Huang Wuji said: "Wait, they should wait for our casualties to be heavier before taking action."

At this time, the Sword Saint seemed to have discovered something, looked around, and asked Huang Wuji: "Where's Ruoxi? Why didn't you seem to have seen her all night?"

"I was afraid of danger, so I left her in the city." Huang Wuji said.

The swordsman nodded thoughtfully: "You still know how to pity fragrance and cherish jade!"

Just as the two were talking.

Huang Wuji suddenly received a friend request.

When I opened the friend list, I found that:

The friend applicant ID is actually called the Avengers!

The vice-captain of the resurrected family?

Looking at this familiar ID, Huang Wuji hesitated and accepted the application.

Immediately, the Avengers sent a message:

"If you want to save your woman, come to the [Land of Judgment (Location)!"

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