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Chapter 1094 The Betrayal of the Avengers


Those scattered players seem to have hundreds of players, and there is no team, pure casual.

Surrounded by resurrected players, he looked pitiful.

In fact, each and every one of them is filled with murderous aura!

A lonely boat approached them.

Just then, a cold wind came from behind.

I don't know if it was because of keen awareness, or if I had already taken precautions.

A lonely boat suddenly flashed together, avoiding the sudden attack of the Avengers!

Looking at the avenger whose sword was lost, Yi Ye Guzhou's expression was calm.

Through Yi Ye Guzhou's reaction, the Avengers seemed to understand something: "You already knew this was a trap?"

Yi Ye Guzhou glanced at the Avengers and said lightly, "You must have seen me unhappy for a long time, but I haven't had a chance to do it for a long time."

The matter has come to this point, the Avengers have not concealed their true colors:

"I've seen you upset for a long time!"

"Reviver was created by you and me together!"

The Avengers pointed to the surrounding Avengers players and said, "Even the brothers of these elders are all my people, and they have a half-money relationship with you? Why are you the king now and I'm the second child?"

It turned out that, apart from One Leaf Lonely Boat, the rest of the Avengers players who participated in tonight's action were all Avengers!

The resurrection was founded a month ago, and it already had a relatively small scale at that time.

The Avengers are the leaders of this small family.

Until meeting Yi Ye Guzhou, Yi Ye Guzhou cooperated with the Avengers by virtue of the identity of the dragon blood and their own strong strength, and jointly developed the resurrected family.

Until now, the resurrected ones have been so powerful!

However, most of the people who joined the resurrected later were because they believed in Yi Ye Guzhou, and they were willing to call Yi Ye Guzhou the king.

So forced, the Avengers gave way and made Yi Ye Guzhou the captain!

To a certain extent, One Leaf Guzhou is indeed an outsider, and he took control of the Avengers from the Avengers!

So at this moment, these resurrected players in Necromancer are all veterans who have followed the Avengers for a long time. They are not convinced of One Leaf Lone Boat, and they are still working for the Avengers!

Even those scattered people are all pawns buried by the Avengers long ago.

They were originally the elders of the Resurrection Family, but they left the team on purpose, and what they were waiting for was today, pretending to be stray people to confuse Yi Ye Guzhou!

Therefore, helping Yiye Guzhou to collect the consumable items of Longdu is all superficial work, he is not working for Yiye Guzhou from the bottom of his heart!

But who would have thought that the careful layout of the Avengers has long been seen through by a lonely boat.

But for the Avengers, even if One Leaf Knows everything, it doesn't matter.

Because: He was still fooled and came here!

At this time, all around, including those scattered players, all stood up, picked up the guy, and surrounded the lonely boat.

"You just want to be the captain?" Yi Ye Guzhou asked the Avengers.


The Avenger said: "Only the captain can control absolute power!"

"Seeing that you have also contributed a lot to the resurrected family, I will give you a chance."

The avenger said to Yiye Lonely Boat: "The one-month cross-city deadline is almost here. Hand over the captain's seat, and then leave Purgatory City, just like you, who has never existed."

"Otherwise, the place under your feet is a place where you will be resurrected from the dead. If I permanently obliterate you, and then make up a random reason, saying that you were killed in the wild, I can achieve the results I want."

The two sides are in a confrontation.

At the same time, some corner of Necronomicon.

In the darkness, there are several pairs of eyes quietly staring at this scene on the field!

Zhang Yi, Xing Tian, ​​Huang Wuji, and the others had already come here long before the Avengers brought people here to make arrangements!

The reason why the Avengers know that the Avengers are plotting against a single leaf boat tonight is precisely from the heart of memory, the copied memory of the Avengers!

For tonight's action, the Avengers have been preparing for a long time.

Therefore, the memory that existed in his mind was naturally copied by the memory heart, so that Zhang Yi knew the whole plan of the Avengers for a long time!

Therefore, Zhang Yi's purpose is to guard a lonely boat here!

"This is a great opportunity."

Xing Tian on the side said softly:

"In this map, the dead are resurrected in place. Here, the captain and the deputy team of the resurrected people are solved together!"

"In this way, the resurrected dragons will be broken without a leader."

Huang Wuji and Juggernaut want to act.

Zhang Yi suddenly stopped and said, "Wait!"

"What are you waiting for?" The Sword Saint was puzzled.

Zhang Yidao: "Don't you think it's strange that Yi Ye Guzhou will come here knowing that this is a trap?"

Everyone woke up: "So..."

Look at the field.

Yi Ye Guzhou also spoke to the Avengers and said almost the same words that Zhang Yi said just now:

"I knew you were ambushing me here, but I'm still here, don't you think it's strange?"

"What's the meaning?"

I only saw Yi Ye Guzhou waved his hand.

next moment.

A large group of players are impressively from the surrounding

rushing in from the darkness!

They immediately surrounded the Avengers and the gang of elders under him!

Seeing this scene, the Avengers were shocked.

Because the players who surrounded them were none other than the resurrected ones!

It's just that these are the people who were recruited in his identity and name after Yi Ye Guzhou came to power, so they obeyed Yi Ye Guzhou's orders!

It turns out that One Leaf Lone Boat has long been prepared!

At this time, only one of them could be heard shouting:

"You dare to betray the captain! You also designed to frame the captain, what a courage!"

The Avengers tried to turn against this group of people: "One Leaf Guzhou, this stinky little boy, is not qualified to lead us. If it weren't for him being a good person and a merciful person, our resurrected people would have dominated the purgatory city long ago!"

"Brothers, let me be the captain of the resurrected ones, and let me lead you to become stronger in the future!"

Unexpectedly, those players who were not the resurrected elders, but the players who later called in, did not buy the Avengers' account:

"Captain One Leaf Guzhou can lead us to the Dragon Clan in the future! What are you? Why should we listen to you?"

The Avengers still underestimated the survival criterion of "the strong is respected" in the world of Apocalypse.

Seeing that there were not many people brought by Yiye Guzhou, Moyue only had three or four hundred people.

And there are at least a thousand people in this group of veterans!

The Avengers gritted their teeth and said:

"You forced me!"

"Brothers, kill me! Kill Ye Guzhou and grab the captain's seat!"

With the order of the Avengers.

Thousands of veteran players, killing one leaf lonely boat!

A killing intent also appeared in Yi Ye Guzhou's eyes:

"Those who betrayed me will not stay."


Staff station.

A strong aura bloomed from the foot of a lonely boat.

The next moment, the hundreds of resurrected players who were brought over by Yi Ye Liaozhou immediately fought for Yi Ye Liaozhou and fought with the veteran players under the Avengers!

The screams of killing were overwhelming.

Swords, lights, swords and shadows compliment each other...

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