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Chapter 1095 The struggle for power and position

"Good guy, for the sake of power, they actually killed each other!"

Watching the fierce fighting in the Necronomicon.

The Sword Saint lurking in the darkness couldn't help but sigh.

Zhang Yi said: "When they fight and lose both, we will harvest again."

As a result, several people hid in the darkness and quietly watched the battle.

On the field, the new and old players of the Avengers, led by Yi Ye Guzhou and the Avengers, fought hard.

During the chaotic battle, the killed players triggered the Necromancer death and resurrection mechanism, instead of turning into white light, they stood up in place ten seconds later!

It's like an endless battle.

However, the upper limit of the player's resurrection is only 5 times.

Soon, starlights representing permanent death began to appear on the field!

The Avengers have an advantage in numbers, and the total number is twice that of One Leaf Lone Boat.

But in the overall situation, they do not have any advantage!

Because of Yi Ye Guzhou's strength, it has almost reached the point where it is comparable to top masters such as Xing Tian and Yi Qi Jue Chen.

To know.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen are both experts who are one thousand to one thousand.

This Ye Guzhou's combat power is not inferior to them at all!

Especially the two monsters he summoned.

Up to 170 20-star legendary level [Black Blood King Snake, and 170 20-star legendary level [Biochemical Tyrannosaurus].

The damage of each hand is as high as 60 to 70 million, and the crowd is unstoppable!

As a dragon bloodline and a hidden occupation, Yi Ye Guzhou's own combat power is even more impressive.

The staff waved, and one by one, the damage of 70 to 80 million exploded the audience.

With the personal protection of a group of resurrected senior knight players, there is no chance for the enemy to get close to him!

in the dark.

Standing at the audience's point of view, Xing Tian sighed: "This should be the second Beast Master I have ever seen playing so well in history."

Yiqi Juechen was suddenly touched and looked at Zhang Yi: "He has your shadow on him."

Hearing this, the Sword Saint jokingly said, "He and you are probably long-lost brothers!"

"It shouldn't be so bloody..." Huang Wuji said.

On this one-leafed boat, Zhang Yi did see the shadow of his past.

Like at the beginning, Zhang Yi's strength has not yet reached the current level.

It also requires the personal protection of teammates, and then controls the Warcraft battle.

It is also equivalent to a fort, harvesting the audience with high output!

The battle on the field is fast-paced.

On the side of the Avengers, the advantage of a large number of people was quickly overwhelmed by strength.

Seeing the heavy casualties of his teammates, the Avengers, who were afraid of permanent death, dared not fight again, and actually escaped!

And this scene may not have been discovered by Yi Ye Liaozhou, who was killing the Quartet.

It was Zhang Yi and the others who were watching from the outside, and they saw it in their eyes.

Without further ado, Huang Wuji drew his sword and stood up: "I'll deal with him!"

Having said that, Huang Wuji raised his sword and followed the avengers fleeing into the darkness.

And Zhang Yi and the others are also ready to start action.

Because the battle is almost over, it's time to go up and harvest.

On the field, Yi Ye Liaozhou, who did not realize that the Avengers had escaped, was still controlling two magical beasts, beheading these traitors who were trying to rebel against him.

Together with several hundred men, the rebels will be defeated in no time!

For traitors, Yi Ye Guzhou showed no mercy.

Under the frenzied killing, the ID on the top of the head has turned purple.

The battle has also come to an end.

Some of the rebels led by the Avengers fled, some were permanently wiped out, and some are still fighting to the death.

Just when Yi Ye Guzhou cooperated with the people around him to kill the remaining traitors.

One Leaf Guzhou, who was casting a spell, suddenly noticed a coldness coming from behind him!

When I turned around, I saw a demon warrior man in black armor with a dark aura all over his body, holding a dark long sword, walking slowly towards this side!

between steps.

A strong murderous aura is only daunting!

Following closely behind, there is an alien knight in silver armor, full of thunder and lightning!

Several resurrected players also noticed it, and immediately guarded Yi Ye Guzhou.

Yi Ye Guzhou looked at these two unfamiliar faces and asked in confusion, "Who are you? Is that guy's new thug?"

"That guy", of course, refers to the Avengers.


Xing Tianjian pointed at Yiye Guzhou: "Are you the supreme commander of the resurrected?"

One Leaf Guzhou didn't hesitate: "It's me."

"Then I want your life."

Hearing this, Yi Ye Guzhou smiled: "The tone is not small."

"I only have one question." Yi Ye Guzhou asked, "Who are you fighting for?"



Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen said one after another.

Yi Ye Guzhou nodded and smiled lightly: "It turned out to be the thugs invited by the royal family and Jiange."

"Unfortunately, you are in the wrong camp."

"You should stand on my resurrected side, there is still a way out. Following the royal family and the sword pavilion, there is only one way to die. Because the future world of Purgatory City is my resurrected one!"

A murderous aura bloomed from Yi Ye Guzhou's body.

He has only one thought now: kill these two people!

So, with a wave of a lonely boat.

Beside him, hundreds of high-level resurrected players rushed towards Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen!

at this time.

In the air, a huge ice-blue barrier was suddenly torn apart!

"The magician's big move, ice and snow!"

"Everyone spread out!"

Someone recognized the enchantment in the air.

But it never occurred to me that no ice and snow fell in the barrier.

Instead, a long line of ice blue dragons fell!

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Those long dragons fell in the crowd, and they were impressively above their heads, bursting with continuous huge amounts of damage as high as 50-80 million!

Without the strengthening of the dragon soul, it is possible to achieve such group damage, which has been very explosive.

Some of the more crispy mage shooters were instantly killed on the spot within two seconds.

The warriors and knights with thick blood are in a frozen state, and the top of their heads is still bleeding.

next moment.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen broke into the crowd and slashed at the frozen resurrected players.

Those people were like crispy chickens, they were slashed to the ground with one sword by Xingtian!

Around, those uncontrolled resurrection mage shooter players attacked Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen from a long distance.

At this moment, a silver light appeared on Xing Tian and the two of them at the same time.

They were protected by the [Guardian Dragon Soul!

40% of the injury-free, so that the damage received by Yiqi Juechen is greatly reduced to about 10 million.

And Xingtian, who has a 90% injury-free effect, only suffered two or three million injuries!

At this time, One Leaf Lonely Boat realized:

In addition to the extraordinary strength of this demon warrior and alien knight.

Behind them, there is a super strong person who is assisting them!

A lonely boat looked around.

I saw that in the darkness ahead, a human race beastmaster in a red robe walked out slowly.

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