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Chapter 1219 Collecting Snow Stone Fragments

In the message list, the friend request information from [July Liuhuo] made Zhang Yi slightly shocked.

Subsequently, the other party's application was approved.

The other party did not have any cover.

In Zhang Yi's friend interface, you can clearly see this information that [Julyue Liuhuo is not hidden, or is deliberately displayed, which can effectively prove his strength——

Lv175 Seventh Turn Hell Mage: July Fire (Dragon Slayer)!

His ID is in red flashing font.

And the title of [Dragon Slayer] at the back is also golden.

Red title!

Golden god-level title!

Hidden job!

This July is on fire, it can be said to be hard-edged!

On the other hand, Zhang Yi is relatively low-key.

The display settings are: lv181 seventh-turn Beastmaster.

And hides all the special effects on titles, titles and the like.

In other people's friends list, his ID is white: lv181 Rank 7 Beastmaster · Yinuo Qingcheng.

It's not that it was deliberately aimed at the fire in July, but Zhang Yi has always been this kind of setting!

After a while, with a "ding dong" sound, Qiyue Liuhuo sent a message.

The content is only three words: "Beastmaster??"

The three understated words, plus two question marks, are full of disdain and ridicule.

Don't wait for Zhang Yi to reply.

Qiyue Liuhuo sent another message: "Are you sure it was you who killed the two four-star ghost kings when the ghost clan invaded before?"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yi replied.

Qiyue Liuhuo responded: "It's nothing, I just think that it is a miracle that a beastmaster with the lowest attribute growth in the entire profession can survive until now."

After a pause, Qiyue Liuhuo then said to Zhang Yi: "Give you a day, if I don't see you, I will destroy your dragon clan!"

Zhang Yi clenched his fists involuntarily: "You dare to move and try."

"I'll be waiting for you in Liuguang City, remember, you only have one day!"

As soon as Zhang Yi read the news, Liuhuo in July deleted Zhang Yi as a friend!

Before that, Zhang Yi also thought that this July was hot, and there was not much hostility, and Zhang Yi did not have much disgust towards him.

But after this conversation just now, the current Zhang Yi has involuntarily developed a killing intent towards Qiyue Liuhuo!

If he really dared to move the dragon clan, Zhang Yi would definitely let him, the star country titled God of War in the previous life [Purgatory King, disappear into the world of apocalypse!

What Zhang Yi is thinking now is to complete the current task as soon as possible, then rescue the minibus and go back to Liuguang City!

With a trace of anxiety, Zhang Yi gradually fell asleep...

When I woke up, it was already the next morning.

When Zhang Yi got up, all around the camp, the players of the resurrected family were almost awake, and everyone was eating dry food.

So, Zhang Yi also ate some of the dry food he had brought from the city before.

Afterwards, together with Xing Tian, ​​Yi Ye Guzhou and the others, they led an army of 300,000 players of the Resurrected into the Volcanic Islands!

Through the survey, we learned that there are 25 volcanoes in the Volcano Islands, except for the one that was broken by Zhang Yi and the others last night!

So Zhang Yi ordered:

Every 12,000 people is a group, and exactly 300,000 people can be divided into 25 groups, and each group marches into a volcano!

In addition, Zhang Yi also stated the tasks of each group.

That is to wait for the volcano to erupt once, and after it stops, everyone directly enters the volcano, and gradually activates the statue of the flame bat by hunting the flame bat inside.

Finally, kill the Firebat Commander and collect the Snow Stone Fragments!

After the order is given, each unit begins to operate!

A group of 10,000 people spread out in the volcanic archipelago, each locking on a volcano.

Follow Zhang Yi's instructions.

While waiting for the volcano to erupt, they teamed up to hunt down the fire bats that came out of the volcano.

These flame bats must be removed, otherwise it will affect players entering the volcano.

After obtaining the flame enhancement, the flame bat greatly increases the fire-based injury-free, and greatly reduces the control time.

In addition, the level is as high as level 185. For these resurrected players with an average level of just level 170, the challenge is really huge!

In particular, various fire skills cannot be used.

The warrior's [fire blessing skill] is an important source of their damage.

Including the mage's fireball technique, the archer's fire arrow and so on.

Directly reduce the combat effectiveness of the entire team by one-third!

As players around the major volcanoes fight with the flame bats.

in the sound of fierce fighting.

In all directions, white light continues!

A large number of players were killed by fire bats!

After all, these flame bats have high attacks and can easily deal hundreds of millions of skill damage to ordinary players.

It is not at all that these players, who generally only have five or six billion blood, can resist.

As for the resurrected family, their biggest advantage is the large number of people!

Because every volcanic eruption, at most two or three hundred flame bats will appear.

More than 10,000 people deal with two or three hundred flame bats. On average, every 50 people kills one bat and still can't kill it?

Therefore, casualties

It was horrific.

With the concerted efforts of a group of resurrected players.

Those flame bats were also beheaded!

At the same time as the flame bat was resolved, the volcano also stopped erupting and entered the next round of eruption.

Take this opportunity.

Players climbed to the top of the volcano in all directions.

Looking at it from a distance, it is densely packed, like a large group of ants crawling towards the ant nest.

After they reached the crater position, they jumped straight down!

The first to jump were the knights.

Some female players were afraid to jump, so they went down last. In this way, the humanoid protective pads piled up below can also protect them.

With a large number of players entering the volcano.

Without further ado, they faced the flame bats in the volcano with a savage beating!

In the volcano, ordinary bats that have not received flame enhancement are relatively much easier to deal with.

Since they have no fire damage reduction, warrior players can turn on fire blessings.

Masters and archers can also use fireball, fire arrows and other explosive output skills unscrupulously!

Although the flame bats in the volcano are easy to deal with, the difficulty lies in the large number of them! But unlike the outside just now, there are only two or three hundred bats.

By killing these common flame bats, gradually activate the stone statue of the flame bat leader.

Last night, even Zhang Yi and Xing Tian took two hours to successfully refresh the flame bat commander.

Zhang Yi's speed at killing monsters, I'm afraid that one person can be worth a group of 10,000 people!

It is conceivable that the speed of the resurrection player activating the flame bat commander must be slower.

An hour passed quickly.

The first batch of 10,000 players who entered the volcano received systematic reminders in the process of hunting the flame bats, telling them to evacuate the volcano within one minute, and the volcano would erupt one minute later.

However, within a minute, tens of thousands of players passed through the only one entrance and exit, and it was impossible for them all to come out!

A minute later, except for the six or seven thousand people who rushed out desperately.

Then remove the casualties during the hour.

The remaining four or five thousand players who had not had time to withdraw from the volcano were instantly engulfed by the flames erupting from the bottom of the volcano!

next moment.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Thousands of white lights in the volcano formed a huge white beam of light, rising into the sky...

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