Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1220 The boss of the Volcanic Islands is about to be refreshed!

This is a problem that Zhang Yi ignored.

That is: the volcano's exit will only open one minute before each eruption.

Although the exit is large enough, it is impossible to accommodate tens of thousands of players within a minute!

At this moment, Zhang Yi, who was killing flame bats in another volcano, received the battle situation from outside.

Immediately, he ordered Yi Ye Guzhou: "Let 50% of all people in the volcano use the scrolls to return to the city directly!"

"But in this way, we will reduce our combat power by half! It will take a day for them to return to the city and come here!" Yi Ye Lone Boat replied.

Zhang Yi said: "For safety's sake, this is the only way to do it."

"Otherwise, once all the volcanoes erupt, the casualty rate of the entire team will directly reach 50%!"

Before other volcanoes erupt.

Yi Ye Guzhou listened to Zhang Yi's advice and hurriedly went to the channel of the Resurrection 1 team and ordered according to Zhang Yi's instructions: "Brothers, hurry up and leave the volcano before the volcano erupts, half of the people go back to the city directly, women first!"

One command.

The number of people inside the major volcanoes plummeted.

However, it is finally safe!

The rest of the people have been able to evacuate the volcano within a minute when the exit is opened!

So, the next battle is straightforward.

That is, after each eruption, players enter the volcano.

They leave the volcano for a period of time until the next eruption of the volcano is about to occur.

so repeatedly.

Under the repeated cleaning of 25 teams, wave after wave.

At night, the major volcanoes one after another finally refreshed the flame bat commander!

Fortunately, the level of this flame bat leader is only a lord monster, not yet at the BOSS level.

The resurrected players can handle it.

in one of the volcanoes.

With the cooperation of Zhang Yi and Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen, they killed a flame bat commander again.

From the body of the flame bat leader, a piece of snow stone was collected.

At this time, a message came from Yi Ye Guzhou: "Senior, we have collected 21 snow stone fragments here!"

Zhang Yi opened his backpack, looked at the 5 fragments in his hand and the bag, and murmured, "26 volcanoes, 26 fragments, all of them have been collected."

Hearing this, Yiqi Juechen couldn't help but feel relieved: "Have you finally won the first snow stone?"

So, several people followed the exit that was opened in advance after killing the flame bat leader and left the volcano.

Outside the volcano, they meet with a lonely boat.

Yi Ye Guzhou handed over the 21 snow stone fragments that he and his teammates had collected.

Zhang Yi took the fragments and was grateful.

He said to the resurrected player behind Yi Ye Guzhou: "Everyone has worked hard, thank you!"

This time, thanks to the help of the resurrected people.

Otherwise, for Zhang Yi personally, this is simply an impossible challenge!

And this time, the loss of their resurrected family is not small.

At first 300,000 people, and then halfway back to the city.

150,000 people fought in the volcano for a day, and now there are only 70,000 or 80,000 people left!

After all, they have crossed 15 levels and are brushing high-level monsters at level 185!

Such casualties are considered small!

In the face of Zhang Yi's gratitude, all the players of the resurrection said in unison:

"Nuo God is welcome, if it weren't for Nuo God, our purgatory city would have been destroyed in the battle of ghost clan invasion!"

Zhang Yi smiled happily.

Then, he looked down at the gravel in his hand.

All I can see is: 26 snow stone fragments are gathered together and quickly and automatically synthesized.

After a while, a complete circular snowball was synthesized!

This is the snow stone!

However, when Zhang Yi dragged the snow stone, he always felt that there was something missing from the snow stone!

Open the task list and see that the progress of collecting snow stones is still 0/3!

"What's the matter, is there a piece missing?"

Zhang Yi looked at the snow stone in his hand, and took a closer look at its whole body. In the end, he actually found a flaw in one place!

"One less piece!"

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

Yiye Guzhou looked at the map and pondered: "But according to the map, there are only 26 volcanoes in the Volcano Islands. Now all the volcanoes have been opened up by us, and there are 26 fragments."

"How can there be less?"

Just when everyone was puzzled.

Under his feet, the mountain suddenly shook.

Immediately after.

Zhang Yi, who was in the volcanic archipelago, suddenly all of the more than 20 volcanoes around them radiated red light!

This is the sign of the volcano before it erupts!

But before each volcano erupted staggered because they stored energy at different times.

This is the first time I have seen such a scene where all the volcanoes are about to erupt at the same time.

Seeing this, Yi Ye Guzhou, who could feel that something was wrong, hurriedly ordered: "The whole army is on alert!"

Immediately, the 80,000 players of the resurrection picked up the guys and entered the posture of fighting at any time.

next moment.

Boom boom boom!

In all directions, twenty-six volcanoes erupted at the same time!

Countless flames soared into the sky.

The entire volcanic archipelago fell into a burst of heat.

Immediately afterwards, countless flame bats flew out from the various volcanoes against the blazing fire!

They seem to be summoned in some way.

This time, there were many more flame bats coming out of each volcano than before.

Moreover, no matter how far away they are from Zhang Yi.

Those flame bats all flew towards Zhang Yi and the others here!

Tens of thousands of flame bats came from all directions, overwhelming the sky!

This scene shocked the 80,000 resurrected players at the foot of a volcano.

In the crowd, a mage player looked at the red bat colony in the air and said dumbfounded: "Assi... This time it's over!"

And Zhang Yi has a vague feeling: "It should be the map BOSS that is about to be refreshed!"

Taking Zhang Yi's words, Xing Tian said, "Maybe the last piece of snow stone is on this boss!"

Zhang Yi's eyes were blazing: "Destroy these flame bats first!"

With that said, Zhang Yi immediately consumed 150 dragon soul points and immediately summoned three level 181 lord dragons.

Ride one of them yourself.

Xingtian and Soul Reaper each ride one head.

Zhang Yi also put 100 layers of guardian dragon souls on himself and the Soul Reaper.

As for Xingtian, he already has a body of steel that is 90% free from injury, so he doesn't need to guard the dragon soul.

And the rest of the people on the land, also because they really can't take care of it.

There are so many of them, Zhang Yi can't give them a guardian dragon soul one by one.


The three dragon knights soared into the sky, leaping towards the bat group!

on land.

One Leaf Lone Boat and One Horse Juechen lead 80,000 resurrected players, ready to fight!

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