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Chapter 1238 Kill the emperor scorpion and explode the mission scroll!

Lv190 Emperor Cave.

The core hundred of the dragon clan split into more than 20 teams and entered the dark cave.

Around, there was a sound like iron pincers pinching.

In the wild area of ​​level 190, the dragons are immortal and they dare not be careless.

After a while, in front of the line of sight, a very large black scorpion appeared!

This is the overlord of the Emperor Cave: Level 190 Emperor Scorpion!

The god-level exploration technique shows the data of the emperor scorpion: 60 million attack power, 25 million defense, 10 billion blood!

For ordinary players around level 170, the data of this emperor scorpion is comparable to a lord monster!

At this time, Zhang Yi had already taken out the Scepter of Bathing Fire.

Lock on the emperor scorpion and attack!

Fireball, Freeze, Aurora.

Combined with Slaughter Dragon Soul to break armor and Fire Dragon Soul to increase damage.


Transformed into three fire dragons and charged towards the emperor scorpion!

The next moment, it exploded three super high damages on the top of the emperor scorpion's head——

-2.92 billion!

-2.43 billion!

-2.51 billion!

In front of the 90% armor-piercing/penetrating effect of the master-level slaughtering dragon soul, even this 190-level emperor scorpion is like streaking!

With Zhang Yi's three skills, he instantly destroyed more than three-quarters of the Emperor Scorpion's HP!

The emperor scorpion rushed towards Zhang Yi immediately!

It's just that there is no chance of getting close.

Zhang Yi changed his hand and made a note [The end of the world-annihilation decision, another 2.5 billion damage, directly killed the emperor scorpion!

At the same time, because of killing the target, the [Destruction Skills will be refreshed immediately!

World Destroyer and Killer Suit Skill Killing belong to the same nature. They both refresh the skill CD directly after killing the target.

After killing the emperor scorpion, Zhang Yi got 40 million experience and 20 dragon soul points.

For Zhang Yi, who needs 400 billion experience points to reach level 182, the contribution of this emperor scorpion only increased Zhang Yi's experience bar by 1/10,000!

On the field, before the others started, they saw Zhang Yi kill an emperor scorpion in seconds.

Zhang Yi noticed that there was nothing next to the corpse of the scorpion that was just killed except for some gold coins.

The explosion rate of that quest scroll doesn't seem to be high.

Next, the dragons were immortal and they also began to lock the scorpions in the cave, and fought in groups of threes and fives!

It's just that the level of this emperor scorpion is too high!

Level 190 monsters, where are they, only level 170 players can move.

All damage is greatly reduced.

Even if the dragon clan does not destroy them, it can only cause 40 to 50 million damage to the emperor scorpion!

The damage to the rest has been compressed to ten or twenty million!

If it goes on like this, the efficiency is too low.

In order to ensure that the task scrolls are cleared as soon as possible, Zhang Yi thought of a way.

By consuming dragon soul points, Zhang Yi summoned three lord dragons.

Then ordered the three lord dragons to fly towards the cave in three different directions.

The people of the Dragon Clan didn't know what Zhang Yi wanted to do, but only heard the sound of dragons coming from all directions.

After a while, the three giant dragons flew back from the three different directions.

And behind every giant dragon, there are a large number of emperor scorpions!

da da da da...

Countless emperor scorpions surrounded from all around!

Then, Zhang Yi summoned Babu, the Dragon Emperor of Bathing Fire, and Babu released the high-level Dragon Flame of Bathing Fire to attract all the hatred of those emperor scorpions and gather them all together!

The 30 million defense power that the minibus has, although it can't resist the attacks of these emperor scorpions.

Those scorpions can easily cause 60 to 70 million damage to the minibus.

But as a 181-level fifth-order minibus signed by the Dragon Emperor, the blood volume is as high as 286 billion!

It is completely a blood cow!

He stood still, and those emperor scorpions couldn't move him!

The blood strip on the top of the head is almost motionless.

at the same time.

Zhang Yi quickly cast spells here.

Fire is burning!

Undead Storm!

The streamer is gone!

Snow and ice!

Four large-scale group skills go down.

Under the strengthening of the fire-bathing dragon soul, it transformed into countless fire dragons, constantly impacting the emperor scorpions around the minibus!

A large piece of damage of more than ten or two billions madly swept the emperor scorpions.

In a moment, all the emperor scorpions were beaten with only 1 blood left!

Obviously, it's because Zhang Yi has turned on the blood lock protection mode!

Just when the people around were puzzled by this.

I only heard Zhang Yi shouting: "Kill the monsters until the quest scroll is revealed!"

The next moment, the dragons were immortal and they all picked up the guys and rushed towards the emperor scorpions with only 1 point of blood left.

At this time, even a rookie with bare hands could kill the Emperor Scorpion with one punch.

Around the minibus, there are 60 or 70 emperors.

The king scorpion was quickly killed by the dragon clan!

Due to the chaos of the battle, there were more than 5 people in the team, and everyone on the field did not get 1 point of combat experience.

But at this time, two players exploded a red magic scroll by killing the emperor scorpion!

That is the quest scroll exclusive to the Emperor's Cave map!

As long as players use the scrolls, they can get a welfare quest with triple rewards!

And Zhang Yi's plan is to directly sacrifice the monster killing experience. In this way, let everyone get the quest scroll first!

Because in front of this triple reward quest scroll, the experience gain of level 190 monsters is not worth mentioning at all!

And if they are allowed to brush by themselves, with their strength, it is estimated that one scroll can only be generated by brushing one day.

Zhang Yi used super high damage to help them hit the Emperor Scorpion to 1 HP, and then they took the final blow and exploded the quest scroll.

Perfect match!

So, after eliminating this group of emperor scorpions.

Wait for a wave of skill CDs.

Zhang Yi followed suit.

Through the lord dragon to attract a lot of hatred of the emperor scorpion, and then use a few group skills to smash them, and then hand it over to the dragon people to kill.

And those who have already obtained the quest scrolls will withdraw from the battle voluntarily.

Because according to the setting of the emperor cave map: each player can only explode one quest scroll here!

I have to say that Zhang Yi's efficiency in killing monsters is almost as good as a team of others!

Under such efficient cleaning.

After one morning, Zhang Yi and the hundred players at the core of the Dragon Clan each got a quest scroll!

It is definitely impractical to bring everyone in the dragon clan to the quest scroll.

Zhang Yi can only start with these relatively core people and improve their strength.

Until noon, when the task scroll collection task has been completed.

Zhang Yi came to the outside of the Emperor's Cave and looked at the peaceful surroundings, feeling a little disappointed.

The person he expected didn't come.

August Weiyang sent a message to Qiyue Liuhuo impatiently: "Brother Qiyue, why haven't you come yet? Yinuo Qingcheng and they are all about to leave!"

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