"This operation is cancelled."

Qiyue Liuhuo's reply only made August Weiyang feel unbelievable: "Why? Why give up such a good opportunity?"

Without answering the question of August Weiyang, Qiyue Liuhuo just asked: "Is there anything strange about Yinuo Qingcheng? Has your identity been exposed, and you still don't know it at all?"


August Weiyang looked around vigilantly, and saw that the people of the dragon tribe were all loot in Dali and recovered. After no one paid attention to himself, he sent a message to Qiyue Liuhuo:

"I have changed my ID, and no one from their Dragon Clan has ever seen me before. I said that I came to Liuguang City because of the escape. For this reason, they can't doubt it!"

See August Weiyang's reply.

On the other end of the dialog, Qiyueliuhuo also began to wonder: "If that's the case, why did this mysterious man tell him: Yinuo Qingcheng set a trap and waited for him to fall into the trap?"

At this time, August Weiyang continued to say to Qiyue Liuhuo: "By the way, brother Qiyue, the strength of this Yinuo Qingcheng is indeed extraordinary! He can lose a third of his head in 5 seconds. The 40-star mutant boss of blood."

"And level 190 monsters are all 50 or 60 monsters in a wave, and the highest non-crit damage can reach 3 billion! Dragons hide professional dragon soul masters, full-level dragon blood, fifth-order dragon emperor mounts, and can also summon Three giant dragons, three demon beasts, one god-level and two legendary-level!"

The July Liuhuo on the other end was shocked when he saw the news!

Dragon Hidden Occupation!

Full-level dragon bloodline!

Fifth-order dragon emperor mount!

There are also god-level monsters!

This strength is simply terrifying!

August Weiyang continued: "But if it's Brother Qiyue, Yinuo Qingcheng is definitely not your opponent!"

It has to be said that August Weiyang's reconnaissance ability is still very strong.

She never forgot what she came to the Dragon Clan for.

In just one morning, she found out almost all the details of Zhang Yi!

At this time, Qiyue Liuhuo hurriedly said to August Weiyang: "It's too dangerous to stay with such a person. If you let him know your true identity one day, you will be finished."

"Come back quickly and quit the Dragon Clan."

"It's okay, Brother July!"

August Weiyang said indifferently: "Have you forgotten? When I used to perform mercenary missions, when I encountered some difficult enemies, I was the first to go undercover and inquire about the enemy's situation. Which time did I fail? My disguise , who can see through?"

"Don't worry, I'll hide myself so that they won't find out!"

August Weiyang inadvertently glanced at Zhang Yi at the entrance of the emperor's cave.

Then he said to Qiyue Liuhuo: "What's more, Yinuo Qingcheng has a good character and treats his subordinates very well. He also personally brought his subordinates to brush pictures. My situation is very safe."

Qiyue Liuhuo can only respond like this: "Okay, then you pay attention to safety, if the situation is not right, withdraw immediately!"

"I know, Brother Qiyue!" August Weiyang replied: "If there is any movement between Yinuo Qingcheng and the Dragon Clan, I will notify you immediately!"

Ending the dialogue, August Weiyang immediately closed the dialogue.

Then he came to Zhang Yi's side pretending to be nothing.

Facing Zhang Yi, tilting his head, he smiled and said, "Captain, thank you for taking me to kill monsters!"

Zhang Yi glanced at August Weiyang: "You're welcome."

August Weiyang seemed to deliberately put Han Yarou on the side and said to Zhang Yi: "And captain, you are so strong, and you are so handsome! Treat your subordinates well, and a person as good as you is really eye-catching. It must be rare in the entire Apocalypse World!"

"If only I could get to know you earlier, maybe I could catch up with your girlfriend and catch up to you!" August Weiyang glanced at Han Yarou intentionally again, grinning, pretending to be joking.

Never thought that these words did not make Han Yarou jealous.

Instead, Han Yarou aptly took Zhang Yi's arm and said with a smile, "Of course, my boyfriend is going to be the number one powerhouse in the star country!"

Zhang Yi glanced at Han Yarou and said, "It's not the number one in Xingguo, but the number one in Apocalypse."

As he said that, Zhang Yi touched Han Yarou's head again, with a doting expression on his face: "Also, shouldn't it be time to change the title of boyfriend?"

On the side, Xiao Qiang and Feng Huang Shao followed suit: "Oh, it's time to call my husband!"

"Come, learn to read it with me: Husband!"

Around, several sister players of the Dragon Clan couldn't help shivering.

They whispered: "When men get angry, it feels like there is nothing to do with women!"

Han Yarou was really blushing, her forehead was against Zhang Yi's shoulder, and she whispered, "Husband..."

This scene made August Weiyang mad.

If it was placed in the former mercenary world, she would have directly attacked Han Yarou!

There's no reason, it's just that she's upset!

However, on the surface of August Weiyang, she did not express her inner anger.

She could only pretend not to care: "Wow, Captain, you have such a good relationship with your girlfriend, it's enviable!"

Zhang Yi smiled.

Look into the distance again.

Failing to wait for Qiyue Liuhuo, he could only say to the dragon people behind him: "Everyone got the task scroll, take it.

Come down and act freely, the task of the scroll opening must be completed! "

So, everyone left the cave of the emperor.

After evacuating the Emperor's Cave, everyone else was busy carrying out the quest opened by the quest scroll.

After all, this is the quest scroll that their captain spent all morning to help them type out.

They can't take this seriously!

And Han Yarou went back to the city for dinner with Zhang Yi.

In Liuguang City, restaurant.

There was no interruption from other people, only Zhang Yi and Han Yarou were eating together quietly.

Rare time for the two of them to be alone.

Zhang Yi suddenly said: "Xiaoya, you shouldn't be angry just now, right?"

Han Yarou hesitated: "If you didn't tell me that in advance, I'd probably be a little sad..."

"But I'll just remember what you said! I also know that many times it's for the sake of the overall situation, so no matter what others say, I won't care!"

Zhang Yi touched Han Yarou's head and said with a smile, "As long as you believe me."

The two continued to eat.

at this time.

A familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

Zhang Yi looked up and found that it was August Weiyang!


August Weiyang looked at Zhang Yi and Han Yarou, and said a little embarrassedly: "Can I have a meal with you? When I fled to Liuguang City, I ran out of money and almost ran out of money to eat. …”

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