The sudden appearance of Weiyang in August made Zhang Yi and Han Yarou a little surprised.

But when I learned that she had no money to eat.

Zhang Yi generously pointed to the seat opposite and said to August Weiyang: "No problem, sit down and have a meal together, I invite you."

"Thank you, Captain!" August Weiyang showed a delighted smile, and then sat down opposite the two of them!

Zhang Yi called the NPC waiter and ordered a lunch for August Weiyang.

August Weiyang really liked to be hungry for a long time, and devoured it.

But even this way of eating is not ugly. On the contrary, in the eyes of other casual players who are also eating in the restaurant, they look very cute!

Many male players around looked sideways at August Weiyang.

"Is that a mixed-race girl? She looks so pretty!"

"Yeah, this beauty, this identity, absolutely! If only I had a girlfriend like this!"

"Don't even look at who is sitting across from them! Yinuo Qingcheng, we are the No. 1 god on the Heavenly Ranking in Liuguang City!"

"I heard that when Yinuo Qingcheng came back to Liuguang City yesterday, he brought two top-quality twin girls from the Demon Race, and his own wife, Qinguo Qingcheng, was also waiting for him here in Liuguang City, and now he has found another top-quality girl. Mixed-race girl!"

"Good guy, as long as you are strong in this world, you can really do whatever you want! So many top girls are automatically posted!"

"What are you going to eat? If you don't eat it, I'm going out to level up! I'm going to become stronger!"


Of course, in fact, August Weiyang is not really poor enough to have no money to eat.

She just deliberately took this as an opportunity to approach Zhang Yi on purpose.

Because she needs to keep an eye on Zhang Yi's movements, even if it's time to eat, she can't miss it!

Just at this moment, with a "ding dong" sound, Zhang Yi received a private message from a scavenger!

When Zhang Yi took the core group of the dragon clan to visit the cave of the emperor, he also gave the scavengers a task.

That is to let him investigate the three teams of Tiange.

Because Zhang Yi's plan to deal with Tiange is to start with these three teams!

The scavengers should have found some clues.

Zhang Yi opened the message interface.

[Scavenger: "Captain, it's cleared up!"

"Team 2, 3, and 4 are all 200,000 people, and all of them are locals from Liuguang City. They were forced to join Tiange by force!"

"However, these three teams are responsible for leading the team, and they are the backbone of their Tiange, including the deputy team, the elite of the team, and these people with positions are senior players from their alien race!"

"The military spirit of these three divisions is relatively lax, because they didn't want to play for Tiange at all at first, and they were all forced to join Tiange. If these leaders can be dealt with, it should be easy to bring down an entire division! "

Looking at the information, Zhang Yi asked, "Then have you checked, have they done anything recently?"

The scavenger immediately replied: "Tonight, the second team of Tiange will go to brush a hidden map. The backbone of the second team should be there, and there are only people from the second team. I have figured out the location of the hidden map, and I will send it to you later. You, the time is probably around eight or nine in the evening."

The information from the scavengers made Zhang Yi a little excited!

It is indeed a PHS who knows astronomy and geography, and knows everything!

The detective ability of the scavenger is truly incredible!

So, Zhang Yi replied to the scavenger: "Okay, you can continue to stare at their second team first, and tell me immediately if there is any action."


Just closed the dialog.

On the opposite side, August Weiyang deliberately pretended to be curious and asked, "Captain, are we going to do something next?"

Zhang Yi asked August Weiyang: "Why do you think so?"

August Weiyang was stunned for a moment, and said, "Didn't I see you posted a battle letter against Tiange on the top post in Liuguang City? I thought, we should take action against Tiange in the near future!"

"Well." Zhang Yi said: "Don't worry, we will retreat as our advance. When Tiange plans to attack us, we will counterattack."


August Weiyang nodded thoughtfully, and then went on to ask: "The captain, what are we going to do this afternoon?"

"Finish the scroll mission." Zhang Yi looked at Han Yarou: "Let's go together."

Han Yarou said novelly: "But, didn't you say before that the quests opened by this quest scroll are set according to the opener? Your level is so high, our quests are definitely different, how can we do quests together? ?"

Zhang Yidao: "The tasks determined by the system are only limited to when individuals use the task scroll."

"If it is used in a team state, it will appear as a team shared task, which is determined by the level of the captain."

"Is that so!" Han Yarou said happily, "Then we can do the task together!"

Zhang Yi smiled: "Yes."

At this time, August Weiyang said: "Captain! Then...then can I do the quest with you? I also want to do more advanced quests, so that the quest rewards will be higher!"

Without waiting for Zhang Yi to speak, August Weiyang continued: "It's still... or forget it... I still won't disturb the two of you..."


Zhang Yi suddenly said: "You and

Let's form a team together, after all, you are also a member of the dragon family. "

"Really?" August Weiyang was very happy: "Thank you, Captain!"

So, after lunch, Zhang Yi, Han Yarou, and August Weiyang were together.

By the way, I called sisters Lin Ruo and Lin Xi.

The five people are ready to form a team and go on a mission.

After all, Sister Lin Ruo came to Liuguang City with Zhang Yi. They were unfamiliar here, and Zhang Yi promised Huang Wuji that he would protect the sisters.

So I still have an obligation to take the two of them to leveling together.

After creating the team, pull the four girls into the team.

Zhang Yi, who was the team leader, immediately took out the quest scroll from the cave of the emperor in the morning from his bag, crushed it and used it.

"Ding~ According to your level (level 181), the system has assigned you a task [Mist Killer (difficulty factor 270w), please complete the task within the specified time, and you will get triple the task reward!"

Zhang Yi casually opened the task list.

[Mist Killer (Normal Quest):

Difficulty factor: 270w

Description: When the fog came, the people in the village were all slaughtered, and no one knew what kind of deadly crisis existed in the fog!

Players are asked to go to the foggy village according to the task guide and kill the fog killer in the foggy village.

Mission Progress: 0/800 (Mist Killer).

Time remaining on the mission: 23 hours.

Remarks: This quest is obtained through the Emperor quest scroll, and the reward obtained after completion will be tripled...

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