The power of the 45-star emperor suit is already very powerful.

After the strengthening of the super god appraiser, after reaching 48 stars, it is even stronger and terrifying!

In particular, Zhang Yi himself can get the bonus of the super artifact costume [Shadow Cloak: All the equipment worn on him will get a 2 star upgrade!

This makes: the emperor suit on Zhang Yi is upgraded to a full set of 50 stars!

Level 180 50-star emperor suit (beastmaster suit), suit effect: monster damage +240%!

The shape of the suit can be freely chosen among three colors: gold, red and black.

Zhang Yi chose black.

Because the previous slayer suit was black, it seems that Zhang Yi, who changed to the emperor's suit, was no different from before.

In this way, there is no need to worry that the undercover dragon of the dragon family will have any doubts through the equipment on Zhang Yi's body.

The appearance does not seem to have changed.

Zhang Yi's inner attributes have undergone earth-shaking changes!

[Yinuo Allure (Level 185 7-turn Beastmaster):

Race: Human

Number of resurrections: 10

Talent: God-level strengthening (God-level talent)

Intelligence: 150,000 (Growth 210 stars)

Endurance: 9w (grow 170 stars)

Agility: 11w (grow 165 stars)

Stamina: 10w (grow 160 stars)

Magic attack power: 7800w

Physical Defense: 2800w

Magic Defense: 2450w

Health: 3 billion

Energy value: 4500w

Experience Points: 45 billion/500 billion

Money: 89 million gold

Description: The No. 1 powerhouse of the human race who has won Liuguang City...

In addition to Zhang Yi himself, the improvement of the Warcraft group is also great.

[Soul Harvester (God-level Ghost Warcraft): Attack power 5500w, defense power 2000w, HP 2.4 billion.

[Dragon Blood Knight (Legendary/Dragon Bloodline): Attack Power 3000w, Defense Power 3500w, HP 5.5 billion.

[Undead Crossbowman (Legendary): Attack power 4400w, defense power 1700w, HP 2 billion.

Don't say that Zhang Yi is now winning the Liuguang City.

Just grab one of the three little ones, and it's the ceiling of Liuguang City!

And Zhang Yi's Beastmaster suit also brought them a 240% damage bonus.

In addition, they also have a set blessing effect.

48 Star Assassin Set: +30% Crit Chance, 50% Crit Damage, 50% Movement Speed, 100% Attack Speed.

48 star knight set: +100% healing effect, +100% maximum health.

48 star archer set: +200% attack speed, +50% damage.

The Emperor City was originally excavated to deal with Heaven.

These sets of emperor suits are unexpected gains.

After solving the equipment issue, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou went to the hotel to rest for more than an hour.

Then at eight o'clock in the morning, as usual, I went to the field with the dragon people to do tasks and level up.

Halfway this time.

The immortality of the dragon clan began to be suspicious: "Why has it been so long since there was no movement in the Tiange?"

"What do you mean by no movement!" The scavenger said: "Several bosses, you don't know how far our local war has developed!"

"We dragons and their Tiange have some small-scale collisions every day, okay! They don't know how many of us have been killed these days!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi asked, "Are there no permanent casualties?"

"That's not true." The scavenger said: "Now who has few chances to revive, dare to go out? The brothers who were killed by Tiange have all been resurrected. It is nothing more than a loss of experience."

"But this breath, we can't swallow it!"

Long Xingtian said: "If you bump into each other every day, it's better to make an appointment. Let's fight them in an upright battle! The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit!"

Zhang Yi waved his hand: "It will take a while to develop, and we will talk about it when you reach level 175."

in speech.

King of Glory seemed to have suddenly discovered the new continent, looked at Zhang Yi, and said, "Brother Cheng, you need to change your equipment!"

Zhang Yi frowned slightly: "No."

King Glory pondered: "No, I always feel that your outfit seems to be different from before!"

Zhang Yi said angrily: "I work with you every day to live and breathe, how can I have the time to change equipment?"

"Well, that was my mistake..."

Just when Zhang Yi and King Glory were discussing this topic.

Behind Zhang Yi, a pair of eyes swept across Zhang Yi in the Dragon Clan core group...

So, I spent another happy and fulfilling day with the Dragon Clan!

At six o'clock in the evening, the dragon army returned to the city to rest.

Work at sunrise, rest at sunset.

This is also the daily state of countless other family players.

After returning to the city, the people of the Dragon Clan dispersed.

Eat to eat, shop to shop, sleep to sleep.

Zhang Yi went to the hotel with Han Yarou to rest after dinner as usual.

They slept until half past eleven, and the two got up skillfully.

At this time, Zhang Yi suddenly said to Han Yarou, "It is very dangerous to conquer the Imperial City tonight, Xiaoya, don't go."

Han Yarou said firmly, "I want to go with you!"

He couldn't beat Han Yarou, so Zhang Yi could only take her with him.

Before twelve o'clock, we arrived at lv190 Goblin Jungle.

At this time, there was a fire in July, Weiyang in August, and the Four Heavenly Kings were already in the woods.

The two sides meet.

Zhang Yi took a look at Qiyue Liuhuo and their outfits, and found that apart from Qiyue Liuhuo, the Four Heavenly Kings and August Weiyang were still their previous equipment, and they did not replace the emperor's suits.

Yes, the Emperor suit is a level 180 equipment.

In addition to July Liuhuo, which was just level 180, he changed to a 45-star Mage Emperor suit.

And the four heavenly kings are still only level 177, and have not reached the equipment level.

Therefore, Zhang Yi focused on the Four Heavenly Kings and said, "The terracotta warriors in the Imperial City are not easy to deal with, but we don't need to entangle them too much. Our task is to find the terracotta amulet."

"Where exactly is the soldier talisman?" August Weiyang looked at Zhang Yi and asked.

"I don't know either." Zhang Yi said, "Look for it."

Tianqi was a little bit unbelievable: "Aren't you the designer of Tianqi? Didn't you design this plot? You don't know the position of the weapon that you designed yourself?"

"I forgot."

Zhang Yi's understated answer left people speechless.

Soon, with the arrival of twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

The woodland in front of Zhang Yi and the others began to shake violently.

Sand fell.

After a while, a magnificent and huge imperial city slowly rose from the ground and appeared in front of them!

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